Battle mechanics like "trip", "disarm", "grapple", etc.

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Re: Battle mechanics like "trip", "disarm", "grapple", etc.

Postby Yankee » Mon Oct 26, 2020 12:22 am

What spells are Battle Cunning and Greater Battle Cunning are useful for?
It works for an attack roll, and according to D&D 3.5 rules the Ranged touch spells are also attack rolls. Such as various orbs, bolts, rays, beams, missiles.
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Re: Battle mechanics like "trip", "disarm", "grapple", etc.


Re: Battle mechanics like "trip", "disarm", "grapple", etc.

Postby BlueSalamander » Thu Nov 12, 2020 3:40 pm

It should be useful for all touch spells that deal damage dice, as then you can have critical hits. Cheers :-)
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