In order to liven things up a tad around here since things have been quiet as you chug along with rounding the game out, I figured I'd throw some requests for "nifty" things out there to hopefully get added into the game.
-Ironman Mode. For the non-scum Roguelike fan out there, a hardcore mode where the death of all is the end of all unless you've resurrection magic handy would be fantastic and, perhaps, not incredibly hard to implement if it isn't already a feature?
-VIDEO REPLAY! This would be, in my opinion, an invaluable resource for the future of this game. The abiliity to "record" your adventure in the game as a full featured video replay that could load itself through the game proper would open up a tremendous world of sharing among the playerbase as an "in the system" playback style would keep filesizes low and allow for ease of sharing. This would remove any sticking issues with people having trouble recording a PC game properly to boot and would surely allow for interesting things. I would pay money for disc containing, for example, a selection of the best voted full playthroughs, challenge vids, and so on. Some freeware games and most console emulators allow for this feature and considering the speed of enemy combat decisions not being bogged down and this being a turn basesd RPG I should think it possible to "keep up" with it all versus some manic platformer or some such. If this is possible and every other thing I mention winds up not followed through on, give serious thought to and DO THIS! Imagine how many good "Let's Play" threads could manifest!
-No complicated method needed to incorporate some of the game's soundtrack into general music listening pleasures---as the trailer already alludes to some fine tunes.
-Weekly or biweekly live chats or youtube's via AIM or whatever in order to reiterate current events in the game's post gold days as the future is wrangled amid hopefully counting money as well as casual conversation and discussions on the game itself and times people have had in it thus far.
-Frequentish updates in the announcements on the mainsite, even if smaller in scope, so as to keep up lively momentum and entice newcomers to visit and interact.
I'll try and think of more and hopefully other folk can think of other "nifty" ideas as opposed to just hoping a Monk gets added in as a character class or some such down the line.