Yes, no serious stuff … just something I would like to see. Something, that could increase the comfort-level of the players – probably.
1. A dedicated Shop-Interface.
I admit, that the current solution does its job – in an improvising way.
However a real shop-interface would allow a much greater assortment, an easier upgrade of the goods, it would allow even re-buying stuff sold previously, a more satisfying shopping experience in general - and it would make the game look more professional.
2. Options to increase the size of the mini-map.
In Finchbury I found myself trying to pop up the mini-map several times, because I just couldn’t recognise the smaller details on it.
3. Recurring grinding places
Now, that is not something I wish to to see!
But I would accept it, if it would be in a (very) limited way. In KotC1 it was to much – way too much!