I'm lost and need help! *spoilers*

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I'm lost and need help! *spoilers*

Postby bakedlays » Tue Aug 11, 2009 7:29 pm

Hi, first of all I'm having a lot of fun with this game. Really reminds me of the Dark Sun games. Anyway, I'm in the underground pass in the area with the Dragon (which by the way seems like it would be an impossible fight if I didn't have spare dragon slaying arrows), and I cannot find the exit. I feel like I'm missing something obvious I read the note (I think i found it here) that says something about the exit being near a skeleton but I walk next to every skeleton and I can't find it.

Again, I really like the game a lot! In many ways I find it superior to TOEE, the encounters feel a lot more fun and varied and there seems like a lot more to explore. The item crafting and combat options are very similiar to it as well. In fact, aside from a few bugs and glitches I've run into this game has kept me busy while a bunch of Wii and DS games sit unplayed. I'm in two awesome game betas and I haven't touched them because this game is friggin HARD and addictive. Seriously though, there are several points in the game where I want to explode because of how many fights there are without a chance to rest. I'm really glad I didn't try my 2 cleric/2 wizard party.
Hobgoblin (CR 1/2)
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I'm lost and need help! *spoilers*


Re: I'm lost and need help! *spoilers*

Postby BlueSalamander » Tue Aug 11, 2009 7:39 pm

Thank you for this very supportive post!

Clue: you need to examine the walls when there is no obvious exit.

Edit- by the way if you can give more info about the glitches you encountered I may be able to fix them.
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Re: I'm lost and need help! *spoilers*

Postby bakedlays » Tue Aug 11, 2009 8:34 pm

Thanks for the quick response. Off the top of my head:

(Repeated and Verifiable) When you are looking at the character screen and you switch between characters using the buttons on the upper right hand of the screen their weapons update incorrectly, so you will see the mage apparently wielding Lifedrinker etc.

(Repeated and Verifiable) If you go to change the leader and move two party members then click OK the leader will run off the screen and you will have to reload.

(Only saw it once) I had a character who was (I think) grappling and I accidentally clicked attack on another creature a few squares away, he kept trying to walk there and I couldn't click on anything or do anything had to alt-f4.

(Possible Bug) When my mage got paralyzed apparently right at the end of a combat (can't remember what caused it) and I left battle she just sat there while the rest of the party kept moving. She had no visible effect over her head and I didn't realize she was paralyzed. I thought it was a bug and it took me a minute to figure it out. So, either she should have had a visible effect and its a bug, or I would suggest adding a visible effect outside of combat.
Hobgoblin (CR 1/2)
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Re: I'm lost and need help! *spoilers*

Postby BlueSalamander » Wed Aug 12, 2009 1:38 pm

bakedlays wrote:(Repeated and Verifiable) When you are looking at the character screen and you switch between characters using the buttons on the upper right hand of the screen their weapons update incorrectly, so you will see the mage apparently wielding Lifedrinker etc.
This was fixed in 1.04.

bakedlays wrote:(Repeated and Verifiable) If you go to change the leader and move two party members then click OK the leader will run off the screen and you will have to reload.
I will fix that in 1.05

bakedlays wrote:(Only saw it once) I had a character who was (I think) grappling and I accidentally clicked attack on another creature a few squares away, he kept trying to walk there and I couldn't click on anything or do anything had to alt-f4.
I will try to fix that in 1.05

(Possible Bug) When my mage got paralyzed apparently right at the end of a combat (can't remember what caused it) and I left battle she just sat there while the rest of the party kept moving. She had no visible effect over her head and I didn't realize she was paralyzed. I thought it was a bug and it took me a minute to figure it out. So, either she should have had a visible effect and its a bug, or I would suggest adding a visible effect outside of combat.
Will look into it, may be just a matter of removing the paralysis at the end of battle.
'Say there is a chunk of meat. Pirates will have a banquet and eat it! But heroes will share it with other people. I want all the meat!!' - Luffy in One Piece
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