Development Update

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Re: Development Update

Postby BlueSalamander » Sun Dec 21, 2008 3:22 pm

Here's a small update. The new artist has completed the creature portraits and all the dialogues have been updated to include them. Currently we're working on the world map graphic, interface graphics, the spell icons, playtesting and encounter improvements. Apart from Knights of the Chalice, I'm also planning to post something about the Circle of Eight mods of Temple of Elemental Evil and something about Icewind Dale 2.

Have a nice Christmas holiday!

PS- that's a cool article on, cheers!
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Re: Development Update


Re: Development Update

Postby getter77 » Wed Dec 24, 2008 2:30 am

Hopefully the author of said article will start posting around here eventually to chip in his notions and all.

My congrats to the art team and the team proper on getting these next bits knocked out and locked into place. I look forward to the updates to the RPG Shrine as well...were you aware of that insane Dark Sun project that they've got going on overe there---talk about ambitious if they can pull it all together!
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Re: Development Update

Postby BlueSalamander » Wed Dec 24, 2008 2:56 pm

You mean the Age of Heroes, the online multiplayer project at Yes I've been following that, but I would be much more interested in a Dark Sun 3 single-player project - apparently they have the rights to the graphics of the DS 1 and DS 2 games. A single-player RPG being very hard to do I can only expect a MMORPG to be 10 times harder... What's your favourite single-player RPG by the way?

I'll post the world map and some new screenshots with portraits in coming days. As a tiny update, I've just added the option to delete saved games (that code will be necessary for Ironman anyway) and I've changed some doors into double-doors to make more space for battles occuring on a doorstep.
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Re: Development Update

Postby Over » Wed Dec 24, 2008 3:48 pm

Glad to hear another update. Looking forward for that world map and new screenshots ;)

Have a nice christmas!
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Re: Development Update

Postby getter77 » Thu Dec 25, 2008 12:37 am

BlueSalamander wrote:You mean the Age of Heroes, the online multiplayer project at Yes I've been following that, but I would be much more interested in a Dark Sun 3 single-player project - apparently they have the rights to the graphics of the DS 1 and DS 2 games. A single-player RPG being very hard to do I can only expect a MMORPG to be 10 times harder... What's your favourite single-player RPG by the way?

I'll post the world map and some new screenshots with portraits in coming days. As a tiny update, I've just added the option to delete saved games (that code will be necessary for Ironman anyway) and I've changed some doors into double-doors to make more space for battles occuring on a doorstep.

Huzzah for more progress!

As to my own single player favorite RPG, not counting Roguelikes, hmm...tis a hard question. I'm one of those exceptionally strange people that are well at hand to go into RPG complexities, kick ideas around, have game aspirations of my own, and so on...yet...I kind of "missed" all the seminal RPG's that are where most folk otherwise got these wellsprings of ideas and foundations for their understandings---not played the Fallouts, Gold Boxes, Ultimas, Beholders, Might and Magics, only played some of Wizardry 8, nor Icewind dales, NWNs, Baldur's Gate series, KOTOR' just goes on like this! As such, I'm immune to the criticism lambasted at most indie RPG's as being merely remakes and amalgamations of professional games from years on back---as I see nothing but good things from continuing to refine notions put into place with much hard work many years ago and mucking about with it a bit since clearly there were limitations in those days in terms of technology, time, and budget which almost certainly curbed many a grand vision of design documents and there on. I've yet to been able to figure out dosbox either so this will likely continue for awhile outside I suppose's efforts.

Odd as this will sound, probably I'd say the one that jumped out to me the most was Chronicles of the Radia War for the NES. The game was only released in Japan but luckily it was fantranslated into English some years back. It had to be one of the more technically ambitious NES games, had good music, and was somehow just very satisfying to me. Had it been brought over to the states proper back in the day, I can't help but think it might've garnered enough acclaim to shift some RPG's into existence that do not exist today. If you've not looked much into the realm of Japan only releases I suspect it to be worthwhile as they came up with many a innovative notion back in the day that far outstripped the machines they wound up on---which makes it all the more ridiculous in general that PC gaming and devleopment never found a foothold considering that recurring problem.
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Re: Development Update

Postby BlueSalamander » Fri Dec 26, 2008 12:26 pm

You couldn't get Dosbox to run, are you interested in some tips to get it working?
Chronicles of the Radia War looks a bit like Legend of Zelda with more text.

Another small update:
- reworked the graphic of some grass tiles and added smaller torch lights
- added new artist's name to credits screen
- added an orc wizard to a key encounter
- added new dialogues (mostly enemy taunts just before a battle)
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Re: Development Update

Postby getter77 » Fri Dec 26, 2008 12:38 pm

Yay for more progress.

On DOSBOX, it is now in the realm of "probably, but much later when I actually have some time on my hand to mess around with it and actually attempt some gaming on it". The current 55+ hour weeks kinda gum up the works...
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Re: Development Update

Postby BlueSalamander » Fri Jan 09, 2009 6:24 pm

Here's another small update - I couldn't work much on the game the last few days as I was unwell. There are also some new screenshots on the website.

- fixed a problem with quick load/quick save
- fixed a problem with incorrect dialogue icons appearing during random encounters
- added the new world map
- added code so that when browsing a merchant's magic scrolls, spells that your character already knows are marked with a blue rectangle (so you don't need to buy them again).
- reworked some dialogues.
- reworked some magic spell sounds and ajusted the volume of all magic spell sounds.
- fixed a bug where if you were casting a spell from a wand or scroll and ready versus spell was triggered, you lost the spell even if casting was not actually disrupted.
'Say there is a chunk of meat. Pirates will have a banquet and eat it! But heroes will share it with other people. I want all the meat!!' - Luffy in One Piece
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Re: Development Update

Postby getter77 » Sat Jan 10, 2009 1:00 pm

Sounds like a useful update! Thanks for keeping us in the loop and be sure to stay well! 8-)
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Re: Development Update

Postby Over » Sat Jan 10, 2009 2:12 pm

You're making it harder and harder to wait for the game ;)

Happy New Year :)
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