Saving + reloading gets often gets rid of items like +5 cloaks etc. Should it really do this?
Stealing the underground lizardman community's goods? Is this a knightly thing to do? :S
There's rarely any low leve cleric scrolls dropped? Infact no one ever seems to drop scrolls, they're always part of dungeon loot.
How do you figure out a unit's "hit dice"?
I remember battling one white dragon somewhere that got a +saving throw of 30:
D20 roll 11
fortitude bonus + 13
co mod + 6
Where did this fort bonus come form? I couldn't see any feats or items he had that would do this?
Ever since you changed the end-of-turn code the cleave is a bit messed up. eg I attack a skel, he dies. I cleave the next guy automagically. Previously it would stop here, and I could 5ft move and resume attacking. However now my knight now uses his remaining 7 attacks on or whatever on the cleave guy. If he then dies, he'll choose a new target, etc. Not this doesn't happen on my cleric without cleave - he correctly awaits me to tell him who the new target is.
Can't cast discharge on iron golem because it's immune to stun. I don't really care about the stun effect when casting on an iron golem, I just want the electric.
[BlueSalamander: Edited the title as none of these are bugs]