Bought this game yesterday and have a few questions and comments.
1. Is there a way to resurrect a dead cleric? (only cleric in group) edit: Ok, found a thread about it. There are cleric npcs later in the game.
2. If not, is there at least more XP gain for the remaining party?
3. The first thing i would change is the inability to pass through allied space in combat. It makes no sense, it's against pnp and it leads to annoying situations where in a one-tile corridor suddenly your mage is in the front.
4. Arcane summons would be great
I like the game btw. AI is nice and combat is fun. Graphics are bad though and the roleplay part is pretty light. But nonetheless cool game. If this is really a more or less one man effort, amazing work! The descriptions of rooms etc feel like i play with a DM. I appreciate that.