Found another tiny bug

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Found another tiny bug

Postby Marinx » Sat Jan 15, 2011 11:20 pm

Because my hard drive fell into depression and shortly after decided not to live anymore, I had to start KotC from beginning. :(
And then I noticed that one of my knights starting scale mail said AC bonus 1 !? Also game calculates total AC with that 1. See it in attached pictures. DEX of this knight is 16.
And scale mail of my another knight is ok. Bonus is 4 like it should be.
chain shirt equiped.JPG
chain shirt equiped.JPG (73.61 KiB) Viewed 19157 times
scale mail equiped.JPG
scale mail equiped.JPG (73.52 KiB) Viewed 19155 times
Scale mail.JPG
Scale mail.JPG (65.79 KiB) Viewed 19154 times
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Kolyarut (CR 12)
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Found another tiny bug


Re: Found another tiny bug

Postby Marinx » Sun Jan 16, 2011 12:33 am

Found another bug.
While I was in southwest cave, giant spider cast a web and my cleric wasn't entangled right away. There was 15 feet between cleric and one of the skeletons. When cleric tried to close for melee, got stuck in the web. Then I accidentally click again on the skeleton and then cleric started some "move loop" which never ends. I can't skip turn and do anything at all. my only option was to load before battle.
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Kolyarut (CR 12)
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Re: Found another tiny bug

Postby rpgamer » Sun Jan 16, 2011 11:19 pm

I have a bug to report as well. On the ground level of the Orc stockade, you meet some mini-boss that asks you to kill Kessa (or however she's called) and he will give you treasure in exchange. Once you kill him, you get a key that opens a door nearby that leats to a room with a medusa. Well, even though I have the key, when the dialog to open the door pops out, I noticed that sometimes I couldn't open the door anymore and when I checked the inventory, the key was missing! This has happened twice to me already and there is approximately 1/8 chances for this to happen (given the number of reloads I have done).
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Re: Found another tiny bug

Postby BlueSalamander » Mon Jan 17, 2011 1:27 am

Thank you for the bug reports. I assume those are with version 1.27.
The cleric move loop is definitely a (rare) bug. The key disappearing sounds like something might be wrong in the script for that door's dialogue box.

As for the Scale Armour being AC 1, it's because your armour was corroded by a monster. (Magic armour never gets corroded)
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Re: Found another tiny bug

Postby Marinx » Mon Jan 17, 2011 1:38 pm

Thanx for reply BlueSalamander.
It's 1.27 version as you presumed.

As for the Scale Armour being AC 1, it's because your armour was corroded by a monster. (Magic armour never gets corroded)

Make sense to me. As I recall, I fought some acid spiting monster, but can't really remember what.
You could add property to armor (corroded) so that we can see when it's corroded.
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Re: Found another tiny bug

Postby rpgamer » Thu Jan 20, 2011 9:19 pm

I would like to report two more bugs:

-I am not sure the first one is really a bug, but I often have overlapping soundtracks when I get near a campfire. I keep having the battle or dungeon music while having the campfire music at the same time.

-On the map area where is situated the exit of Mountain pass and the city of Taneliz, the game often freezes when I fall upon a random battle. I don't see the battle interface and I cannot scroll the mouse on the screen. This happens 50% of the time I engaged in a random battle in that specific area (and nowhere else on the world map).
Centaur (CR 3)
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Re: Found another tiny bug

Postby BlueSalamander » Fri Jan 21, 2011 11:47 pm

Thank you rpgamer, the first item is not a bug but a feature, and the second one is a bug.
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