ADOM: Resurrection IndieGoGo campaign

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Re: ADOM: Resurrection IndieGoGo campaign

Postby BlueSalamander » Thu Aug 23, 2012 11:13 am

Impressive! good luck to the team!
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Re: ADOM: Resurrection IndieGoGo campaign


Re: ADOM: Resurrection IndieGoGo campaign

Postby getter77 » Thu Aug 23, 2012 1:08 pm

Indeed, with perhaps an amusing footnote being that this, of all things, is I believe the current record holder with highest amount raised for any game projects through IndieGoGo----just goes to show that "serious rpgs" are indeed a potent player.
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Re: ADOM: Resurrection IndieGoGo campaign

Postby getter77 » Tue Aug 28, 2012 1:04 pm

60k threshold crossed---getting Mist Elves, Ratlings, and Duelists into the game proper. More interesting in implications though, is the other new class this will add in the form of Chaos Knights---which should make for a significantly different experience especially considering all the fixes, changes, etc coming to the Corruption mechanic and all else.

65k goal seems like the last possible one outside of a mad rush this last day or so left, this one would make for an ADOM Deluxe comparable to the upcoming ADOM II Deluxe---aim of the former being in large part to get the greatly improved eventual version from this funding campaign onto Steam, Gamersgate, Desura, etc with the additional sorts of features and whatnot to be applicable to them.
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Re: ADOM: Resurrection IndieGoGo campaign

Postby deathknight1728 » Wed Aug 29, 2012 5:02 pm

I have a question about this resurrection. Will the people that are remaking it going to give the game animation and actually somewhat decent graphics. I remember playing one time as a letter and it was really boring. I can understand if someone has sprites with animations like avernum or kotc, but no animations and at least somewhat decent graphics at all means no roleplaying.

They have a good game concept as single player rpgs are a lot of fun, but lets be realistic, you need some action and or movement shown to actually experience the game.
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Re: ADOM: Resurrection IndieGoGo campaign

Postby BlueSalamander » Wed Aug 29, 2012 7:21 pm

lets be realistic, you need some action and or movement shown to actually experience the game.

64,000 dollars disagree with you! :D
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Re: ADOM: Resurrection IndieGoGo campaign

Postby getter77 » Wed Aug 29, 2012 8:27 pm

Animations I'm doubting as that introduces Enormous issues with a game with far more characters and things to reckon than any of the Avernum games---but what is a guarantee now is a nice graphical tileset at a 64x64 dimension per thing in question---It'll look pretty nice from all early indications and the people who like playing as letters will still have that option. In terms of "experience", I'd also say the upcoming original musical score being composed for the game will go much further than any animation would.

Also: Perhaps one final curious situation has now come about as they burn these last few hours....

Hi everyone!

So the final hours finally have begun and its less than 37 hours till the end of the ADOM crowd funding campaign (37 - my magic number :-) ). Currently $1,078 are missing to get us trying to have ADOM Deluxe on Steam, Gamersgate and Desura (and maybe others), the pace again has trickled down quite a bit but I'm more than happy as we achieved so much more than I ever expected - so this will be a glorious end in any case.

Two exciting things have happened:

One of the legend level donors - Andriy - just promised that he will donate $2,500 if the pledge level reaches $67,500 (see the image below with my marker). Now I wouldn't ever hold Andriy responsible for that promise but seeing that he is a legend level donor he surely is someone to be taken very seriously. Which raises the interesting question: Do we manage the $67,500? Because then we might have a pretty serious chance of getting to $70,000 - stretch goal #5 - which means an achievement system and global highscores :-) Exciting times. And try to see it like this: We'd need less than $97 per remaining hour to get there. Truly exciting times :-)

'm still betting on making stretch goal #4 and then the work will start... this probably is one of my last posts here before the end of the campaign... as I'm watching exhausted and elated.

BTW, as the mini quest quest is running I'm happy to state that we actually scored one new mini quest. I'm not sure why I reported something different earlier but the latest fund balance from Indiegogo indicates that we scored $1,455 (easily surpassing the required $1,000 on August, 26th), $1,890 (sadly failing the required $2,000 on August 27th by a slight margin) and $3,269 (again failing the required $4,000 on August, 28th by a little more).

So here's the deal I offer as the hopefully second exciting thing to happen:

If we make the $67,500 and if Andriy really meant his promise seriously I'll add the two missed mini quests for free as we both times had amazing pledge levels and missed by only a little bit - and I will add a third one just for the sake of it!
So that's the final and ultimate chance to procure more free content from the campaign. Wanna try your luck or get others to pledge? And you probably need to act fast as Andriy might need time to act, too :-)


P.S.: Sorry, Andriy, but that was just to tempting not to mention ;-) And if you don't do it I won't hold it against you - you already have pledged so much as a legend (and beyond) that I'm close to being totally ashamed :-)
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Re: ADOM: Resurrection IndieGoGo campaign

Postby getter77 » Fri Aug 31, 2012 3:23 am

Final drive where crazy things have happened, like the fact there are 5 hours left as of this post and it has just squeaked on past $85,000. A slew of $2.5K donors will do that, so all the major quest events like the Volcano, Ultra Nihilist ending, Rolf Quest, and now a pack of community quests based on what areas need more attention.

Dream goals also announced, but even crazier things would have to happen come late tonight. No telling what I'll be waking up to for the fate of this thing, Biskup is asleep right now with an alarm set to go off within the last hour or 2 of the campaign as he's been doing without for I think the past couple.

Just in case... yet another wonder happens and someone picks up the Demigod pledge level, here's the next stretch goal list (we have no graphics for that and I don't think it's realistic - but I wanted to mention them just in case):

-$110,000 will be the iPad version and five new mini quests,
-$120,000 will be the Android version and three more mega quests,
-$130,000 will see the ADOM Lite RPG converted into the true ADOM RPG and expanded to 128 pages full-color hardcover splendor - at no additional cost for all the folks who decided to pledge for the RPG! (at this level I probably would consider selling it later - but I'd add some special limited thing for all donors to make your version different from the one available later... something like 16 pages of unique art).

Ok, just to have it mentioned in case you manage to surprise me beyond my wildest dreams ;-)


Limited or after the fact, I bet that book at the end would be pretty spiffy based on the samples from his early WIP he posted on the official site some days back from many years ago when he first got the idea.

Well folks, that's a wrap at $90,169----quite an accomplishment and a heap of gameplay and polishing wrangled thusly.
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