Here is a chart with the main armour types. The reflex penalty applies to the reflex saving throw bonus and,
when wearing armour without the correct proficiency, to attack rolls. Somatic spells can be cast with the shield
hand if the shield is a Light Shield but not if it is a Heavy Shield or Tower Shield.
Using a Tower Shield imposes a -2 penalty on the character's attack rolls, due
to encumbrance.
Masterwork armour costs 50% more (always 300 more at the least) and reduces the reflex penalty
by one point. Weapons and armour with a magic enhancement bonus are always masterworks. Weapons and armour made
in a special material are always masterworks, too. Each armour type except Leather and Hide can exist in
Mithral, Adamantine and Eternium versions.
Mithral armour increases the Maximum Dexterity Bonus by two points. The increase in price is
5,000 for Light Armour, 10,000 for Medium Armour and 15,000 for Heavy Armour.
Adamantine armour provides damage reduction DR x / adamantine and
magic. The amount provided by each armour type is given in the chart.
The increase in price is 10,000 times the DR amount. Weapons can be made
in adamantine at an added cost of 10,000. These weapons are used to bypass damage reduction.
Eternium armour provides a +1 bonus to AC. The increase in price is 10,000
for light armour, 20,000 for medium armour and 30,000 for heavy armour. Weapons can be made
in eternium at an added cost of 7,500 for light weapons and one-handed weapons or 15,000
for two-handed weapons. Eternium weapons provide a damage bonus of +1 for light weapons
and one-handed weapons, or +2 for two-handed weapons.
Weapons can also be made in silver, cold iron or crystal. A cold iron weapon
costs 5,000 more and is used to bypass damage reduction. A silver weapon costs 1,000 more, suffers
a penalty of -1 to damage, and is used to bypass damage reduction. A crystal weapon costs 20,000 more
and offers a +1 bonus to attack rolls with that weapon. All weapons and armour made with a special
material cost more to enchant than standard items. The cost increase depends on the material.
March 2011-2021. Last Update 24 March 2021. All rights reserved.