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Druid, the Protector of Nature

Druids are members of a secretive brotherhood of individuals who have studied the magical forces of the earth.

Druids have the ability to cast divine spells focusing on animals, healing, fire, lightning, the wind and the earth. They have more offensive power than clerics, who concentrate on healing.

They adventure to gain knowledge and power. Sometimes, they are assigned a mission by higher-ranking druids. A lower-ranking druid can also seek help from his superiors.

Some druids devote their life to the protection of a remote wilderness area, their sanctuary. The Shamans of primitive societies are often Druids or Clerics.

Hit Dice, Proficiencies, Alignment

D8 Hit Die. Light and medium armour proficiency, light shield proficiency. Starts with simple-weapons proficiency plus light swords proficiency. The alignment must be true neutral, neutral good, neutral evil, lawful neutral or chaotic neutral.

Special Abilities

Natural Armour: Druids gain a natural armour enhancement bonus at levels 4, 9, 14 and 19.

Elemental Sphere: At level 1, Druids may choose to be attuned to an elemental sphere if they wish. Each sphere provides several spellcasting bonuses. Not having any attunement also provides benefits. When a Druid selects an elemental sphere, a prefix is added to his class name. For example, a Druid attuned to Fire is called a Fire Druid.

Fire: Your spells Produce Flame and Flaming Sphere are Empowered for free. The range of your Produce Flame spell is increased from Medium to Long. The radius of your Flaming Sphere spells is increased from 10 feet to 15 feet. The radius of your Flame Strike spells is increased from 10 feet to 15 feet. You cast the spell Fire Storm as a level-6 spell. The damage of your spells Flame Strike, Fire Storm, Sunbeam and Sunburst is increased by one point per level. Your summoned fire elementals gain a +2 bonus to Strength. You gain access to the level-6 spell Summon Efreeti (CR 8). Fire Druids are also called Pyromancers.

Earth: Your spell Magic Stone is Empowered for free and the range is increased from Medium to Long. The radius of your Entangle and Spike Growth spells is increased from 15 feet to 20 feet. You cast the spell Barkskin and Mass Barkskin as a move-action spell. The radius of your Quicksand spells is increased from 10 feet to 15 feet. Your spells Turn Pebble to Boulder and Earthquake are Empowered for free. The range of your Boulder Strike spells is increased from 40 feet to 50 feet. You cast the spell Earthquake as a level-7 spell. Your Wall of Stone spells last 3d6 rounds instead of 2d6 rounds and the maximum length increases from 25 to 35 feet. You cast the spell Stoneskin, Personal as a level-4 spell. Your summoned earth elementals gain a +2 bonus to Strength. You gain access to the level-6 spell Summon Crystal Golem (CR 8). Earth Druids are also called Geomancers.

Air: The radius of your spells Call Lightning and Call Lightning Storm is increased from 10 feet to 15 feet. The radius of your Fog Cloud spells is increased from 20 feet to 30 feet and the range is increased from Medium to Long. Your Gust of Wind and Greater Gust of Wind spells are more powerful. The damage dealt increases by 1d6 and you can affect creatures of one size category higher. You cast the spell Wind Wall as a move-action spell. You cast the spell Insect Plague as a level-4 spell. Your spells Sirocco and Whirlwind are Empowered for free, and Whirlwind may stun gargantuan creatures. Your summoned air elementals gain a +2 bonus to Strength. You gain access to the level-6 spell Summon Invisible Stalker (CR 8). Air Druids are also called Aeromancers.

Water: All of your Cure and Mass Cure spells are Empowered for free. The radius of your Mass Cure spells is increased from 10 feet to 15 feet. The range of your Mass Cure spells is increased from Close to Medium. Your spells Ice Lance, Ice Storm and Greater Ice Storm are Empowered for free. You cast the spell Ice Lance as a level-3 spell. You cast the spell Heal as a level-6 spell. You cast Regeneration and Mass Regeneration with a move action, rather than a standard action. Your summoned water elementals gain a +2 bonus to Strength. You gain access to the level-6 spell Summon Giant Crab (CR 8). Water Druids are also called Aquamancers.

Cosmos: This is the default sphere for all non-attuned Druids. You gain one extra spell slot of spell level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Spells: The leading ability for Druid spells is Wisdom. A Druid can activate Divine Spell Scrolls of any spell in the lists of the Paladin, Ranger, Druid and Cleric. Druids cannot cast spells while wearing metal armour. They can wear Leather Armour or Hide Armour. Spell picks at level 1: 3 + Wisdom modifier. Spell picks at all other levels: 2. A Druid can cast somatic spells while holding a light shield, but not a heavy shield or tower shield. Druids can also cast somatic spells while wielding a two-handed weapon or several weapons at the same time, because switching a weapon from one hand to the other is a free action. A character cannot have more than one summoned creature at a time.


LEVEL 1: 12 spells

Crocodile Bite (Alteration. Personal spell. Duration Until End Of Combat. The caster transforms his or her mouth into the powerful maw of a crocodile. You gain an additional Bite natural weapon attack that deals 1d8 points of piercing damage. At level 5, the damage increases to 2d6 points. You must use the Full Attack action to benefit from this extra attack. Casting the spell on someone who is under the effect of Crocodile Bite, Greater Crocodile Bite, Scorpion Stinger or Greater Scorpion Stinger will first remove the existing effect.)

Summon Elemental (Conjuration. Select earth, fire, water or air. An elemental of that type and of caster-level Hit Dice is summoned for 4 rounds + 1 per two levels, or until dismissed. Casting time Standard action. Space 1x1 square.)

Summon Wolf (Conjuration. With this spell, you summon a Wolf (CR 1) to help in combat. Duration 4 rounds + 1 per two levels, or until dismissed. Casting time Move Action. Space 1x1 square. For every caster level beyond 1, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)

Cure Light Wounds (Conjuration. Touch spell cures 1D8 +1 per level up to 5. Hurts undead. Removes the bleeding and dying conditions.)

Entangle (Conjuration. 15' radius area. Duration 4 rounds + 1 per two levels. Long Range. Animated roots and vines appear in the area of effect. Everyone in the area of effect is entangled. Further, all creatures in the area must succeed on a reflex save or become stuck (unable to move). Breaking free is a full-round action that requires a strength check of difficulty class 15. If a creature successfully saves, it is not stuck but moves at half speed through the area. In order to avoid getting stuck, creatures must save upon the casting of this spell and once each round before the caster's turn.)

Longstrider (Alteration. Personal, Duration Until Rest, your speed increases by 10 ft.)

Enhance Weapon (Alteration. Duration Until End of Combat, Touch spell, your manufactured and natural weapons gain a +1 enhancement bonus to attack roll and damage roll.)

Magic Stone (Evocation. Throws three magical stones each dealing 1D6 points of bludgeoning damage, or 2D6 to undead. Requires ranged touch attacks. From caster level 5, the stones deal 2d6/3d6, and from caster level 9, 3d6/4d6.)

Fog Cloud (Conjuration. Medium Range. 20' radius circle, stays 4 rounds + 1 per two levels. Everyone inside the area benefits from 20% concealment against melee attacks and 50% concealment against ranged attacks. Creatures inside a fog cloud move at half speed and cannot charge. The concealment effect is not affected by the True Seeing condition.)

Produce Flame (Evocation. Personal. Casting time Free Action. Duration Until Rest. You gain the 'Produce Flame' condition which allows you to perform a ranged touch attack each round, as a standard action. The spell gives you a number of flame attacks equal to your level plus two (maximum 10). The attacks deal 1d6 fire damage + 1 point per caster level up to 5. No save.)

Shillelagh (Alteration. Duration Until Rest, you gain the 'Shillelagh' condition. If you are wielding a club or a quarterstaff, you deal damage as if the weapon was two size categories larger and the weapon is considered to have a +1 enhancement. If your weapon has a better enhancement value, the higher value is retained.)

Animal Trance (Enchantment. This spell affects creatures in 20' radius. Up to 2d6 HD + 1 HD per two levels of animals, vermin and magical beasts are fascinated if they fail on a Willpower saving throw. Duration 1d4+1 rounds.)

LEVEL 2: 10 spells

Summon Crocodile (Conjuration. With this spell, you summon a Crocodile (CR 2) to help in combat. Duration 4 rounds + 1 per two levels, or until dismissed. Casting time Move Action. Space 1x1 square. For every caster level beyond 3, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)

Barkskin (Alteration. 1 round per level, touch spell, the recipient gains a natural armour enhancement bonus of +2, or +3 at caster level 6, +4 at CL 9 and +5 at CL 12. Stacks with the natural armour bonus, but not with other natural armour enhancement bonuses.)

Enhance Ability (Alteration. For 10 rounds, the target gains a +4 enhancement bonus to either Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, Intelligence or Charisma. From CL 9, the bonus increases to +6. From CL 15, the bonus increases to +8.)

Flaming Sphere (Evocation. 10' radius burst, reflex negates. Deals 2d6 fire damage. From caster level 5, the spell deals 3d6 fire damage. From CL 7, the spell deals 4d6. From CL 9, the spell deals 5d6. Creatures who fail their save also gain the 'burning' condition for 1d2 rounds. The condition deals 1d6 points of fire damage per round. Casting spells while suffering from burns requires a concentration check of DC 17 + spell level.)

Lesser Restoration (Conjuration. Touch spell. Removes the fatigued and exhausted conditions. Cures all ability damage, but not ability drain or negative levels.)

Quicksand (Conjuration. 10' radius area of effect. The ground turns to mud for 4 rounds + 1 per two levels. Creatures in the area of effect become Entangled and they must succeed on a Reflex saving throw or be unable to take any action for 1d2 rounds ('quicksand' condition). Creatures must save upon the casting of this spell, once every round before the caster's turn, and once for every five foot step moved inside the area.)

Gust of Wind (Evocation. 30' Line spell. Large creatures are unaffected. Reflex negates. All creatures are knocked prone and moved back by 1d4 squares (jumping over other creatures in between if necessary, but not over walls). If the destination square is occupied, the creature is moved to any free square adjacent to the destination square. Medium creatures take 1d6 bludgeoning damage, small creatures 2d6 damage, tiny creatures 3d6 damage. Creatures balancing on Grease squares automatically fail on their Reflex saving throw and the bludgeoning damage they receive is increased by 1d6 points. The spells Gust of Wind and Greater Gust of Wind automatically disperse any magical Cloud and Fog effect they come into contact with. However, Acid Fog and Solid Fog are only dispersed by Greater Gust of Wind. Natural fogs cannot be dispersed.)

Hold Animal (Enchantment. A single animal target is paralyzed for 1 round per level, up to 10 rounds. Willpower negates. Each round the target can attempt another Will save to negate the effect, as a full-round action.)

Protection from Energy (Alteration. Touch spell. Select an energy type: fire, cold, acid, electricity or sonic. The recipient gains resistance 15 to damage of that type, up to 10 x Level absorbed points of damage. Duration Until End of Combat. When this spell is cast by a Druid, the casting time is a Move Action. Energy resistance equal to a number of points is also called Energy Damage Reduction.)

Wind Wall (Evocation. This spell affects all allies in a 20' radius circle. You gain 50% concealment versus ranged attacks. Duration 1 round per two levels. This effect is not affected by the True Seeing condition.)

LEVEL 3: 12 spells

Scorpion Stinger (Alteration. Personal spell. Duration Until End Of Combat. The caster transforms his or her tailbone into the powerful stinger of a Giant Scorpion. You gain an additional Sting natural weapon attack that deals 1d6 points of piercing damage and 1d2 points of Strength ability damage. At level 9, the damage increases to 1d8 points. You must use the Full Attack action to benefit from this extra attack. Casting the spell on someone who is under the effect of Crocodile Bite, Greater Crocodile Bite, Scorpion Stinger or Greater Scorpion Stinger will first remove the existing effect.)

Summon Scorpion (Conjuration. With this spell, you summon a Large Monstrous Scorpion (CR 3) to help in combat. Duration 4 rounds + 1 per two levels, or until dismissed. Casting time Move Action. Space 1x1 square. For every caster level beyond 5, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)

Freedom of Movement, Personal (Enchantment. Duration Until Rest. Personal. The caster is freed from the following conditions: Paralysed, Slowed, Stuck, Entangled, Quicksand. He also gains immunity to all these effects for the spell's duration. The spell does not affect the spell Grease, underwater movement, being grappled or pinned or swallowed whole. Gold cost 100.)

Call Lightning (Evocation. Personal. Casting time Free Action. Duration Until Rest. Medium Range. You gain the Call Lightning condition, which gives you the ability to call down lightning bolts every round as a standard action. You can call down lightning bolts a number of times equal to half your level. The lightning bolts deal 3d6 electricity damage plus 1 per level (up to 10) to all creatures in a 10' radius circle. Reflex half.)

Poison (Necromancy. Melee touch attack inflicts 2d10 points of constitution ability damage to the target. A special fortitude saving throw negates the effect. The difficulty class is 10 + half of caster level + Wisdom modifier.)

Cure Moderate Wounds (Conjuration. Touch spell cures 2D8 +1 per level up to 10. Hurts undead. Removes the bleeding and dying conditions.)

Dominate Animal (Enchantment. One hostile animal now fights for the caster for eight rounds.)

Greater Enhance Weapon (Alteration. Duration Until End of Combat, your manufactured or natural weapons gain a +1 enhancement bonus for every four caster levels, up to +5, to attack roll and damage roll.)

Protection from Ability Loss (Enchantment. Duration Until End of Combat. Touch spell gives immunity to ability damage and drain.)

Spike Growth (Conjuration. 15' radius circle. 1 round per two levels, rounded up. Sharply-pointed roots suddenly appear in the area. Moving through the area, but not simply standing in the area, deals 1d4 piercing damage per square. Further, upon failing a reflex save, the limping condition is acquired until the end of combat. The damage increases to 1d6 per square from Caster Level 7 and 1d8 per square from CL 9. Creatures do not need to save more than once per round.)

Babau Slime (Necromancy. 1 round per level. Touch spell. The spell causes damage to creatures attacking the recipient in melee. Any creature dealing damage to the subject in melee takes 1d8 points of acid damage plus one point per caster level up to 10.)

Turn Pebble to Boulder (Evocation. Long Range. Requires a ranged touch attack. This spell causes a hurled pebble to grow into a boulder as it flies, inflicting 5 to 20 + 1 per level points of damage if it strikes the target. In addition, the target is knocked down if it fails on a reflex saving throw.)

LEVEL 4: 14 spells

Constrictor Arms (Alteration. Personal spell. Duration 1 round per level. The caster transforms his or her arms into powerful Constrictor Snakes. You gain a +4 bonus to Grapple checks and your Grapple attacks deal 2d6 points of bludgeoning damage. At level 11, the Grapple bonus increases to +6 and the Grapple damage increases to 3d6. At level 15, the Grapple bonus increases to +8 and the Grapple damage increases to 4d6. If you have a racial Constrict ability, instead of dealing 2d6, 3d6 or 4d6 points of damage, the damage from your Constrict ability increases by one die at level 7, two dice at level 11 and three dice at level 15.)

Greater Crocodile Bite (Alteration. Move Action casting time. Personal spell. Duration Until End Of Combat. The caster transforms his or her mouth into the powerful maw of a crocodile. You gain an additional Bite natural weapon attack that deals 3d6 points of piercing damage and makes the target bleed for 1d6 rounds. At level 12, the damage increases to 4d6 points. You must use the Full Attack action to benefit from this extra attack. Casting the spell on someone who is under the effect of Crocodile Bite, Greater Crocodile Bite, Scorpion Stinger or Greater Scorpion Stinger will first remove the existing effect.)

Summon Large Elemental (Conjuration. Select earth, fire, water or air. A large elemental of that type is summoned for 4 rounds + 1 per two levels, or until dismissed. Casting time Standard action. Space 2x2 square. For every caster level beyond 7, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)

Summon Griffon (Conjuration. With this spell, you summon a Griffon (CR 4) to help in combat. Duration 4 rounds + 1 per two levels, or until dismissed. Casting time Move Action. Space 2x2 squares. For every caster level beyond 7, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)

Cure Serious Wounds (Conjuration. Touch spell cures 3D8 +1 per level up to 15. Hurts undead. Removes the bleeding and dying conditions.)

Dispel Magic (Alteration. Select Single Effect, Effects on Creature or Effects on Area:
Single Effect: Choose a single creature, then choose an ongoing magical or psionic effect on that creature. It is dispelled if you succeed on a check of 1d20 + level (up to 10) + Spell Focus bonus versus DC of 11 + level of the mage who created the effect. If the effect is 'summoned', the creature is unsummoned.
Effects on Creature: Choose a single creature. You make a check for each ongoing effect on the creature (but not effects from items). A successful check dispels that effect.
Dispel Area: Select a 20' circle area. For each area effect in the circle, you make a dispel check and for each creature in the circle, you make a dispel check against the ongoing effect of highest caster level. A successful check dispels that effect.)

Flame Strike (Evocation. 10' radius circle, everyone in the area of effect takes 1d6 points of fire damage per level, up to 15d6. Reflex half.)

Freedom of Movement, Touch (Enchantment. 1 round per level. Touch spell. The recipient is freed from the following conditions: Paralysed, Slowed, Stuck, Entangled, Quicksand. The subject also gains immunity to all these effects for the spell's duration. The spell does not affect the spell Grease, underwater movement, being grappled or pinned or swallowed whole.)

Ice Storm (Evocation. 25' radius circle, No save. Long Range. Magical hailstones rain down, dealing 3d6 points of cold damage and 3d6 points of bludgeoning damage to every creature in the area. From caster level 9, the damage increases to 4d6 cold + 4d6 bludgeoning and the radius increases to 30'. From CL 11, the damage increases to 5d6 cold + 5d6 bludgeoning and the radius increases to 35'.)

Disruption (Necromancy. With a melee touch attack, you soften the defences of a monster. The target loses two points of armour class until the end of the fight. The effect accumulates if cast repeatedly.)

Water Breathing (Alteration. Duration Until Rest, 10' circle spell, the targets gain the ability to breathe water. Without this spell, the player characters take 1d4 points of damage per round when fighting underwater, or when moving outside combat, every 20'.)

Mass Protection from Energy (Alteration. 10' radius circle. Select an energy type: fire, cold, acid, electricity or sonic. All allies in the area gain resistance 15 to damage of that type, up to 1 round per level and up to 10 x Level absorbed points of damage. When this spell is cast by a Druid, the casting time is a Move Action.)

Ice Lance (Conjuration. Medium Range. Ranged touch with a +4 bonus on the attack roll. The target takes 3d6 points of piercing damage and 3d6 points of cold damage. No save. The target is also stunned for 1d4 rounds if it fails on a Fortitude saving throw. From caster level 9, the damage increases to 4d6 cold + 4d6 piercing. From CL 11, the damage increases to 5d6 cold + 5d6 piercing.)

Greater Gust of Wind (Evocation. 60' Line spell. Huge creatures are unaffected. Reflex negates. All creatures are knocked prone and moved back by 1d6 squares (jumping over other creatures in between if necessary, but not over walls). If the destination square is occupied, the creature is moved to any free square adjacent to the destination square. Large creatures take 1d6 bludgeoning damage, medium creatures 2d6 damage, small creatures 3d6 damage, tiny creatures 4d6 damage. Creatures balancing on Grease squares automatically fail on their Reflex saving throw and the bludgeoning damage they receive is increased by 1d6 points. The spells Gust of Wind and Greater Gust of Wind automatically disperse any magical Cloud and Fog effect they come into contact with. However, Acid Fog and Solid Fog are only dispersed by Greater Gust of Wind. Natural fogs cannot be dispersed.)

LEVEL 5: 10 spells

Summon Snake (Conjuration. With this spell, you summon a Giant Constrictor Snake (CR 5) to help in combat. Duration 4 rounds + 1 per two levels, or until dismissed. Casting time Move Action. Space 2x2 squares. For every caster level beyond 9, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)

Insect Plague (Conjuration. Long Range. 50' radius, no save, everyone gains the plagued condition, giving -4 penalty to ranged attack rolls, each round 1d6 damage, and the casting or use of power requires a concentration check of DC 16 + plague damage dealt on this round + spell level. Moving through is at half speed. The damage is inflicted upon casting and then every round right before the caster's turn. Entering the area also deals damage.)

Baleful Polymorph (Alteration. Medium range. Fortitude negates. For 1d6+1 rounds, you turn a living creature into a toad. While polymorphed, access to the inventory is lost. You cannot use manufactured weapons. Verbal spells cannot be cast without the Silent Spell metamagic. You gain a single bite attack (1d4 damage) which replaces all your normal attacks. Your speed drops to 10. You gain the following ability scores: Strength 4, Dexterity 14, Constitution 10, Intelligence 6, Wisdom 14, Charisma 4. You retain your class, level, hit points, size category, space, alignment, base attack bonus, saving throw bonuses, feats, immunities, spell-like abilities, extraordinary abilities and supernatural abilities.)

Call Lightning Storm (Evocation. Personal. Casting time Free Action. Duration Until Rest. Long Range. You gain the Call Lightning Storm condition, which gives you the ability to call down lightning bolts every round as a standard action. You can call down lightning bolts a number of times equal to half your level. The lightning bolts deal 5d6 electricity damage plus 1 per level (up to 15) to all creatures in a 10' radius circle. Reflex half.)

Cure Critical Wounds (Conjuration. Touch spell cures 4D8 +1 per level. Hurts undead. Removes the bleeding and dying conditions.)

Death Ward (Necromancy. Duration Until End of Combat. Touch spell gives immunity to death effects, negative levels and negative energy.)

Stoneskin, Personal (Conjuration. Personal. Duration Until Rest. This spell creates a thin protective layer around your skin. You gain Damage Reduction 10 / adamantine and magic. Each point of enhancement of a weapon bypasses four points of DR / magic. For example, a +2 adamantine weapon would bypass eight points out of DR 10 / adamantine and magic. The spell cannot stop more than 10 points of damage per caster level. Cost 250 gold.)

Energy Wall (Conjuration. 1 round per level, 10'x25' rectangle effect. Select fire, cold, acid or electricity. Creatures inside the wall take 2d6 + 1 per level points of damage of the appropriate type. No save. The dice damage increases to 3d6 at Caster Level 11, 4d6 at CL 15 and 5d6 at CL 19. The damage is applied upon the casting of this spell and every round just before the caster acts. Creatures also take damage when entering a Wall (if several energy squares are crossed, only the first one triggers the damage). Casting a spell or activating a power while standing in the wall requires a concentration check of DC 14 + half of the damage last dealt by the wall + spell level. Undead creatures take an additional 2d6 points of damage. Widening a wall doubles the length but not the width.)

Wall of Stone (Conjuration. 2d6 rounds. 5'x25' rectangle. The spell creates a magical wall at the location you specify. A magical wall of stone can be removed by a Dispel or Greater Dispel spell.)

Boulder Strike (Evocation. 40' line spell. You hurl boulders in the specified direction. Targets in the area of effect take 4d6 + 1 per level points of bludgeoning damage if they fail on a Reflex Saving Throw. Any targets standing on a lower altitude than that of the caster take an extra 1d6 points of damage for every five feet of elevation below that of the caster. Targets that received damage are knocked prone if they fail on a second Reflex Saving Throw of Difficulty Class equal to the damage taken.)

Confusion (Enchantment. 15' radius circle. All creatures in the area of effect are confused for 2d6 rounds if they fail on a Willpower save. Each round, a confused subject rolls a D100 to determine what it will do: Attack an enemy creature (01-10), Act normally (11-20), Do nothing (21-50), Run away (51-70), Attack the nearest creature (71-100). Medium Range.)

LEVEL 6: 11 spells

Greater Scorpion Stinger (Alteration. Move Action casting time. Personal spell. Duration Until End Of Combat. The caster transforms his or her tailbone into the powerful stinger of a Giant Scorpion. You gain an additional Sting natural weapon attack that deals 2d6 points of piercing damage and 2d2 points of Strength ability damage. In addition, creatures that fail on a Fortitude saving throw are Slowed for one round. At level 15, the damage increases to 3d6 points. You must use the Full Attack action to benefit from this extra attack. Casting the spell on someone who is under the effect of Crocodile Bite, Greater Crocodile Bite, Scorpion Stinger or Greater Scorpion Stinger will first remove the existing effect.)

Summon Girallon (Conjuration. With this spell, you summon a Girallon (CR 6) to help in combat. Duration 4 rounds + 1 per level, or until dismissed. Casting time Move Action. Space 2x2 squares. For every caster level beyond 11, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)

Sirocco (Evocation. 40' circle spell, dust storm deals 1d4 per caster level points of bludgeoning damage to all enemies in the area, up to 15d4. Reflex half. Creatures who failed their save become prone. The spell automatically disperses any magical Cloud and Fog effect it comes into contact with, including Acid Fog and Solid Fog. Natural fogs cannot be dispersed. Creatures balancing on Grease squares automatically fail on their Reflex saving throw and the bludgeoning damage they receive is increased by 1d4 points.)

Greater Protection from Energy (Alteration. Touch spell. Select an energy type: fire, cold, acid, electricity or sonic. The recipient gains resistance 30 to damage of that type, up to 20 x Level absorbed points of damage. Duration Until End of Combat. When this spell is cast by a Druid, the casting time is a Move Action.)

Raise Dead (Conjuration. A dead player character is brought back to life. He loses all XP beyond the minimum required for his current level. Costs 5,000 gold.)

Slay Living (Necromancy. Melee touch attack kills a living creature. Fortitude saving throw negates. If the saving throw is successful, the target receives 3d6 + 1 per caster level points of damage.)

Mass Enhance Ability (Alteration. For 10 rounds, all allies in a 10' circle gain a +6 enhancement bonus to either Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, Intelligence or Charisma. From CL 15, the bonus increases to +8.)

Mass Cure Light Wounds (Conjuration. 10' circle spell, living allies are cured for 1D8 + 1 per level, while undead enemies take an equal amount of damage. Removes the bleeding and dying conditions.)

Greater Dispel Magic Same as Dispel Magic, but your dispel checks are equal to 1d20 + level + Spell Focus bonus.

Regeneration (Enchantment. Touch spell. 1 round per level. The recipient gains fast healing. Each round, he regains a number of Hit Points equal to half the caster level. Characters with fast healing recover all their HP at the end of the fight.)

Mass Hold Animal (Enchantment. 10' radius circle. All animals in the area of effect are paralyzed for 10 rounds, Willpower negates. Each round the targets can attempt another Will save to negate the effect, as a full-round action.)

LEVEL 7: 11 spells

Summon Huge Elemental (Conjuration. Select earth, fire, water or air. A huge elemental of that type is summoned for 4 rounds + 1 per two levels, or until dismissed. Casting time Standard action. Space 3x3 square. For every caster level beyond 13, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)

Summon Treant (Conjuration. With this spell, you summon a Treant (CR 8) to help in combat. Duration 4 rounds + 1 per two levels, or until dismissed. Casting time Move Action. Space 3x3 squares. For every caster level beyond 13, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)

True Seeing (Alteration. Touch spell, Duration Until End of Combat, the recipient gains the true seeing ability.)

Chain Lightning (Evocation. Long Range. This spell affects a number of targets equal to one per two levels. It is possible to target fewer creatures. The same target cannot be selected two times. The first target takes 1d6+1 per level points of electricity damage. All other targets take 50% of the damage. All creatures get a Reflex save for half damage.)

Mass Cure Moderate Wounds (Conjuration. 10' circle spell, living allies are cured for 2D8 + 1 per level, while undead enemies take an equal amount of damage. Removes the bleeding and dying conditions.)

Fire Storm (Evocation. 15'x40' rectangle spell deals 1D6 fire damage per caster level to all in the area of effect.)

Greater Ice Storm (Evocation. 40' radius circle, No save. Long Range. Magical hailstones rain down, dealing 6d6 points of cold damage and 6d6 points of bludgeoning damage to every creature in the area. From caster level 15, the damage increases to 7d6 cold + 7d6 bludgeoning and the radius increases to 45'. From CL 17, the damage increases to 8d6 cold + 8d6 bludgeoning and the radius increases to 50'.)

Heal (Conjuration. Touch spell heals 10 Hit Points per caster level up to 150. It also removes all ability damage (but not ability drain) and many conditions, including Blinded, Confused, Nauseated, Stunned. Undead creatures are damaged by the spell, instead.)

Sunbeam (Enchantment. Personal. Casting Time Free Action. Duration Until Rest or until the spell expires. You gain the Sunbeam condition, which gives you the ability to create a beam of intense light, as a standard action. You can create one beam for every three caster levels. Activating the spell deals damage to all creatures in a 60' line. The damage is 4d6 (Reflex half) or 1d6 per caster level if the target's type is undead or ooze. Further, upon failing the reflex save, the target is blinded permanently.)

Mass Disruption (Necromancy. 10' radius circle spell. A blob of disruptive goo explodes in the area of effect. The AC of all creatures in the area of effect is reduced by two points until the end of the fight. Reflex negates. The effect accumulates if cast repeatedly.)

Mass Barkskin (Alteration. 1 round per level, all allies in a 10' circle gain a natural armour enhancement bonus of +5. Stacks with the natural armour bonus, but not with other natural armour enhancement bonuses.)

LEVEL 8: 11 spells

Fungal Parasite (Conjuration. 40' cone effect. Duration 4 rounds + 1 per two levels. The caster launches a mass of parasitical fungal strands from his or her mouth. It envelops the targets and drains their blood, transferring it to the caster. The spell works like the Wizard spell Resilient Web. In addition to the terrain effect, targets in the area of effect immediately take 3d6 points of damage, unless they're immune to Disease. A Fortitude saving throw negates the damage. The caster gains temporary Hit Points equal to the damage dealt. From each target, you may not gain more than the target's current Hit Points. No Spell Resistance. The damage increases to 4d6 at level 17 and 5d6 at level 19.)

Summon Roc (Conjuration. With this spell, you summon a Roc (CR 9) to help in combat. Duration 4 rounds + 1 per two levels, or until dismissed. Casting time Move Action. Space 3x3 squares. For every caster level beyond 15, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)

Mass Cure Serious Wounds (Conjuration. 10' circle spell, living allies are cured for 3D8 + 1 per level, while undead enemies take an equal amount of damage. Removes the bleeding and dying conditions.)

Mass Death Ward (Necromancy. Duration Until End of Combat. 10' radius circle, all allies in the area of effect gain immunity to death effects, negative levels and negative energy.)

Mass Greater Protection from Energy (Alteration. 10' radius circle. Select an energy type: fire, cold, acid, electricity or sonic. All allies in the area gain resistance 30 to damage of that type, up to 1 round per level and up to 20 x Level absorbed points of damage. When this spell is cast by a Druid, the casting time is a Move Action.)

Lower Spell and Power Resistance (Necromancy. Duration 10 rounds. Select a creature in close range. There is no saving throw but SR applies, with the spell penetration roll receiving a +6 bonus. The target's SR drops by half the caster level. Not cumulative.)

Earthquake (Evocation. 50' radius circle, Long Range, everyone in the area of effect takes 8d8 points of bludgeoning damage, Reflex half. Creatures who failed their save are knocked prone.)

Blindsight (Alteration. Personal, Duration Until Rest, you gain the Blindsight ability, which means you gain the same benefits as with True Seeing, plus the ability to ignore all forms of blindness. A creature with blindsight can locate other creatures using their hearing, smell sense and sensitivity to vibrations.)

Mass Regeneration (Enchantment. 10' radius circle. 1 round per level. All recipients gain fast healing. Each round, they regain a number of Hit Points equal to half the caster level. Characters with fast healing recover all their HP at the end of the fight.)

Mass Poison (Necromancy. Medium range, 10' radius circle. This spell inflicts 2d10 points of constitution ability damage to all enemies within the area of effect. A special fortitude saving throw negates the effect. The difficulty class is 10 + half of caster level + Wisdom modifier.)

Oak Body (For 1 round per two levels, you gain immunity to stunning, ability damage and drain, a +4 circumstance bonus to strength and a +4 natural armour enhancement bonus.)

LEVEL 9: 10 spells

Nymph Beauty (Enchantment. 15' radius circle centred on the caster. The caster turns into a lovely Nymph and radiates unearthly beauty so aching that it strikes mortal creatures dead. Living enemies within the area of effect must succeed on a Willpower saving throw or die. Sightless creatures, such as oozes, and blinded targets are not affected. Creatures with the lowest Hit Dice are affected first. The spell automatically ends after slaying three creatures. For every two caster levels after level 17, the spell may kill one more creature. Gold cost 500.)

Creeping Doom (Conjuration. Long Range. 1 round per two levels. 50' radius. No Saving Throw. Using this spell, you summon thousands of insects that readily devour the flesh of those unlucky enough to stay in their path. All creatures in the area of effect receive the Creeping Doom condition, giving a -4 penalty to ranged attack rolls, -2 penalty to Armour Class, -2 penalty to Reflex saving throws, each round 6d6 + 1 per level points of piercing damage (subject to Damage Reduction, a Reflex saving throw reduces this damage by 50%), and spell casting or power manifesting requires a concentration check of difficulty class 10 + half of the creeping doom damage dealt on this round + spell level. Moving through is at half speed. The damage is inflicted upon casting and then every round right before the caster's turn. Entering the area also deals damage.)

Summon Gargantuan Elemental (Conjuration. Select earth, fire, water or air. A huge elemental of that type is summoned for 4 rounds + 1 per two levels, or until dismissed. Casting time Standard action. Space 4x4 square. For every caster level beyond 17, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)

Summon Spider (Conjuration. With this spell, you summon a Gargantuan Spider (CR 11) to help in combat. Duration 4 rounds + 1 per two levels. Casting time Move Action. Space 4x4 squares. For every caster level beyond 17, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)

Finger of Death (Necromancy. Slays a living creature in close range. Fortitude negates. A creature who successfully saves is dealt 3d6 + 1 per level points of damage.)

Whirlwind (Evocation. 15' radius circle. Long Range. A swirling tornado appears and deals 1d4 per caster level points of bludgeoning damage to everyone in the area, up to 20d4. Reflex Half. Creatures of size Huge or smaller who failed their save become stunned. The stun duration is one round for large and huge creatures and two rounds for all smaller creatures. The spell automatically disperses any magical Cloud and Fog effect it comes into contact with, including Acid Fog and Solid Fog. Natural fogs cannot be dispersed. Creatures balancing on Grease squares automatically fail on their Reflex saving throw and the bludgeoning damage they receive is increased by 1d4 points.)

Mass Cure Critical Wounds (Conjuration. 10' circle spell, living allies are cured for 4D8 + 1 per level, while undead enemies take an equal amount of damage. Removes the bleeding and dying conditions.)

Foresight (Alteration. Personal. Duration Until Rest. Using this spell, you get warnings of impending danger. You receive a +4 insight bonus to AC and Reflex saving throws. These bonuses are lost in situations where you would lose your Dexterity bonus to AC. For the duration of the spell, you become immune to critical hits and you cannot be flat footed, but you can still be surprised. You gain a bonus of +4 on your initiative rolls. Gold Cost 250.)

Mass Freedom of Movement (Enchantment. 1 round per level. All allies in the area of effect are freed from the following conditions: Paralyzed, Slowed, Stuck, Entangled, Quicksand. Subjects also gain immunity to all these effects for the spell's duration. The spell does not affect the spell Grease, underwater movement, being grappled or pinned or swallowed whole.)

Sunburst (Evocation. 35' radius, Long Range, all creatures are blinded permanently and take 6d6 damage, unless they succeed on a reflex save, then they take half damage and are not blinded. Undead creatures and oozes take 1d6 per level points of damage instead, reflex half.)

Druid Feats

Wild Shape Mastery: Your spells Crocodile Bite, Scorpion Stinger and Constrictor Arms are improved from Standard Action Casting Time to Move Action Casting Time. Your spells Greater Crocodile Bite and Greater Scorpion Stinger are improved from Move Action Casting Time to Free Action Casting Time.

Spell Focus: The DC of all spells with a saving throw increases by 1.

Greater Spell Focus: The DC of all spells with a saving throw increases by another 1. Requires: Spell Focus.

Improved Druid Armour: The natural armour enhancement bonus increases by 1. Requires: Level 6.

Greater Druid Armour: The natural armour enhancement bonus increases by another 1. Requires: Level 15, Improved Druid Armour.

Nature's Vigour: The base constitution increases by two permanently. Requires: Druid level 9.

Environmental Aptitude: The druid can cast the spells Freedom of Movement, Personal, Freedom of Movement, Touch, Mass Freedom of Movement and Water Breathing using a move action rather than a standard action. Additionally, the gold cost of casting Freedom of Movement, Personal is removed.

Furious Lightning Storm: You deal 1d6 points of extra damage with the spells Call Lightning and Call Lightning Storm and 1d6+1 points of extra damage with the spell Chain Lightning.

Improved Finger Of Death: Your Finger of Death spells are improved from Close Range to Long Range.

Greater Finger Of Death: Your Finger of Death spells are improved from Standard Action Casting Time to Move Action Casting Time. In addition, the damage inflicted to your target increases by 1d6 points when the creature saves against the effect of the spell, to 4d6 + 1 per level. Under the effect of the spell Accelerated Spell and Power (Wizard), your Finger of Death spell is further improved to Free Action Casting Time. Requires: Improved Finger Of Death.

Fire Mastery: You deal 1d6 points of extra damage with the spells Produce Flame, Flaming Sphere, Flame Strike and Fire Storm.

Wind Mastery: Your spells Gust of Wind and Greater Gust of Wind gain a +2 bonus on their Difficulty Class and the damage they deal increases by 1d6 points. In addition, allied creatures in the area of effect are no longer affected.

Water Affinity: When fighting underwater or while swimming, the character gains a +2 circumstance bonus to Attack Rolls and Armour Class. In addition, your spell Summon Crocodile or Summon Crocodile (Ranger) is improved from Move Action to Free Action (even when not swimming or underwater).

Forest Affinity: When fighting in a forest or jungle, the character gains a +2 circumstance bonus to Attack Rolls and Armour Class. In addition, your spell Summon Wolf or Summon Wolf (Ranger) is improved from Move Action to Free Action (even outside forests and jungles).

Fire Resistance: The character gains resistance 10 to fire damage.

Cold Resistance: The character gains resistance 10 to cold damage.

March 2011-2022. Last Update 27 November 2024. All rights reserved.