List of Feats
The player characters gain a new special ability each time they gain three levels. These capacities are called feats. Many feats have prerequisites, such as being a spellcaster, having a certain feat or having a sufficient base attack bonus (BAB). Here is the list of feats that can be taken by most characters. Refer to the Character Class pages to review feats that are reserved to a particular class.
Epic Feats for characters at or above level 20
Epic Spell Focus: The Difficulty Class of all your spells and psionic powers with a Saving Throw increases by one point. Requires level 20.
Epic Spell Penetration: You receive a bonus of +2 on level checks made to bypass enemy Spell Resistance.
Requires level 20 and Greater Spell Penetration.
Epic Spell Range: This feat extends the close range, medium range and long range distances for spells \
and psionic powers by another five feet. Requires level 20 and Extend Spell Range III.
Epic Spell Critical I: Your Critical Hit Threat Range expands to 17-20
with all spells and psionic powers requiring a melee Touch Attack or ranged Touch Attack. Requires level 20, Improved Critical.
Epic Spell Critical II: Your Critical Hit multiplier increases
from x2 to x3 with all spells and psionic powers requiring a melee Touch Attack or ranged Touch Attack. Requires level 20, Epic Spell Critical I.
Epic Concentration: This feat gives you another bonus of +4 on all Concentration checks.
Concentration checks (1d20 + Caster level + Constitution modifier) are needed whenever
casting defensively or under disturbing circumstances. Requires level 20, Heroic Concentration.
Epic Psionic Talent: Your Power Points increase by 20. Requires level 20, Psionic Talent.
Epic Toughness: Your Hit Points increase by 20. Requires level 20.
Epic Attack Focus: You gain a +1 bonus to Attack Rolls with all weapons, including
manufactured weapons, natural weapons, ranged weapons and all touch attacks. Requires level 20, Attack Focus.
Epic Damage Focus: You receive a bonus of +2 to Damage Rolls with all weapons. Requires level 20.
Epic Defence: You receive a bonus of +1 to Armour Class. Requires level 20.
Epic Initiative: You gain a bonus of +4 on Initiative checks to determine who acts first during combat.
Requires level 20, Heroic Initiative.
Epic Flanking: Against a Flanked opponent, you gain a bonus of +5 to the Attack Roll instead of +2.
Requires level 20, Greater Flanking.
Epic Speed: You receive a bonus of +5 to Speed. Requires level 20.
Epic Willpower: This feat gives you a bonus of +2 on all your Willpower Saving Throws.
Requires level 20, Iron Will.
Epic Fortitude: This feat gives you a bonus of +2 on all your Fortitude Saving Throws.
Requires level 20, Great Fortitude.
Epic Reflexes: This feat gives you a bonus of +2 on all your Reflex Saving Throws.
Requires level 20, Lightning Reflexes.
Epic Overrun: With regards to the feat Overrun, you are treated as being one size
category larger. Requires level 20, Overrun.
Feats associated with ranged combat
Point Blank Shot: You receive a bonus of +1 on ranged attack rolls and damage rolls when the target is within three squares.
Precise Shot: No -4 penalty when shooting at a target involved in melee combat.
Requires: Point Blank Shot.
Improved Precise Shot: Your ranged attacks ignore both cover and light concealment. In addition,
when shooting at a grappling combatant, you do not need to roll to determine which of the grappling combatants is targeted
by your attack. Requires: Precise Shot, BAB 11, Dex 13.
Marksman: You gain a +1 bonus on all ranged attack rolls, including ranged touch attacks.
Requires: Point Blank Shot, Level 3, Dex 13.
Far Shot: The character's maximum range with ranged weapons increases by 50%. The maximum
range for a ranged attack without any penalty also increases by 50%. Requires: Point Blank Shot.
Defensive Archery: You no longer provoke attacks of opportunity (AOOs) from enemies when using
a bow, crossbow or sling. In addition, you no longer provoke AOOs when reloading a crossbow or sling. Requires: Point Blank Shot.
Rapid Shot: You can take a -2 penalty on all attack rolls for the round in order
to gain an extra ranged attack at full BAB as part of a full attack action. Requires: Dex 13, Point Blank Shot.
Rapid Reload: With this feat, you reload slings and light crossbows with a free action, rather than a move action.
You reload heavy crossbows and arbalests with a move action, rather than a full-round action.
Zen Archery: For all ranged attack rolls, including touch attacks,
you use your Wisdom modifier if it is higher than your Dexterity modifier. Requires: Wis 13.
Feats associated with two-weapon fighting

Two-Weapon Fighting: Reduced penalties for wielding several weapons. Requires: Dex 13.
Excellent Two-Weapon Fighting: You do not suffer from any penalty when fighting with two weapons
if the off-hand weapon is a light weapon. If the off-hand weapon is not a light weapon, both your
main-hand attacks and off-hand attacks suffer from a reduced attack-roll penalty: -1 compared to
-3 with the feat Two-Weapon Fighting only. If you take this feat as a Fighter or Gladiator, and
you also have the feat Superior Two-Weapon Fighting, then your attacks with light off-hand weapons
now benefit from 100% of your character's Strength bonus, up from 50% of the Strength bonus normally
for off-hand attacks. This only applies if the off-hand weapon is a light weapon. Requires:
Two-Weapon Fighting, Dexterity 13, Level 12.
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting: Additional attack with two or more weapons. Requires: Two-Weapon Fighting, BAB 6.
Greater Two-Weapon Fighting: Additional attack with two or more weapons. Requires: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, BAB 11.
Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting: Additional attack with two or more weapons. Requires: Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, BAB 16.
Two-Weapon Defence: You gain a +1 shield bonus to AC when wielding two or more weapons and no shield. Requires: Two-Weapon Fighting.
Improved Two-Weapon Defence: +2 shield bonus to AC with two or more weapons. Requires: Two-Weapon Defence, BAB 6.
Greater Two-Weapon Defence: +3 shield bonus to AC with two or more weapons. Requires: Improved Two-Weapon Defence, BAB 11.
Feats associated with combat tactics
Die Hard: Your character automatically stabilises when knocked unconscious and dying.
In addition, at the end of every battle, the character automatically recovers 1d8 Hit Points plus one point per level.
Improved Bull Rush: +4 on the special Strength check to push someone or resist someone else's push,
and you perform bull rush attempts as a move action instead of a standard action. Bull Rush attempts will not trigger AOOs
even if you don't have this feat. Requires: Str 13.
Greater Bull Rush: Once per round, you can perform a bull rush attempt as a Swift Combat
Manoeuvre, meaning that the attempt does not require spending a standard action or a move action. You may not
perform more than one Swift Combat Manoeuvre per round, even if you have several feats that allow you to take
Swift Combat Manoeuvres. You could use this feat to perform a swift bull rush attempt and follow it with the full attack action.
Requires: Str 13, Improved Bull Rush, BAB 6.
Improved Trip: +4 on the special Strength check to trip someone or resist someone else's trip
attempt, and you perform trip attempts as a move action instead of a standard action. Trip attempts will not trigger
attacks of opportunity even if you don't have this feat. Snakes, small flying creatures, oozes and incorporeal creatures are immune to
tripping. A creature that was tripped can stand up as a move action that triggers attacks of opportunity, unless
the creature has the feat Improved Stand. Requires: Str 13.
Greater Trip: Once per round, you can perform a trip attempt as a Swift Combat
Manoeuvre, meaning that the attempt does not require spending a standard action or a move action. You may not perform
more than one Swift Combat Manoeuvre per round, even if you have several feats that allow you to take
Swift Combat Manoeuvres. You could use this feat to perform a swift trip attempt and follow it with the full attack action.
With Greater Trip, you can also set your character to perform a swift trip attempt
as part of a Ready Versus Approach action, prior to the normal Ready attack. Finally, you can set your
character to perform a free trip attempt prior to all attacks of opportunity. Requires: Str 13, Improved Trip, BAB 6.
Improved Grapple: +4 on all Grapple checks, and you perform grapple attempts as a move action
instead of a standard action. Even if you don't have this feat, Grapple attempts will not trigger
attacks of opportunity and there will not be a -4 penalty for attempts to damage the enemy while grappling. Requires: Str 13.
Greater Grapple: Once per round, you can perform a grapple attempt as a Swift Combat
Manoeuvre, meaning that the attempt does not require spending a standard action or a move action. You may not
perform more than one Swift Combat Manoeuvre per round, even if you have several feats that allow you to take
Swift Combat Manoeuvres. You could use this feat to perform a swift grapple attempt and follow it with the full attack action.
In addition, you can perform Pin, Throw Creature and Swallow Whole attempts using a Move Action instead of a
Standard Action. You can Break Free from a grapple or pin with a Move Action instead of a Standard Action.
If you also have the feat Improved Escape from Snares, you can attempt to Break Free from a grapple or pin
using a Free Action. Requires: Str 13, Improved Grapple, BAB 6.
Improved Throw Creature: You are considered to be one size category larger for the purpose of
Throw Creature distance and damage calculations. In addition, the -8 penalty on the required Grapple check
is reduced to -4 and the Difficulty Class for recipient creatures to avoid taking damage is increased by
two points. Requires: Str 13.
Improved Disarm: +4 on the special Attack Roll to disarm someone or resist someone else's disarm
attempt, and you perform disarm attempts as a move action instead of a standard action.
A successful disarm attempt means that the target receives the Disarmed condition. Characters with the Disarmed condition
cannot perform any physical attack (including melee attacks, ranged attacks and AOOs), or use Combat Manoeuvres, or use their
inventory, until they have rearmed themselves. Rearming is a move action that triggers AOOs, unless you have the feat
Improved Draw. Characters with the Disarmed condition lose any Shield bonus to AC (including the base Shield AC bonus, any Shield enhancement
bonus, any Shield bonus from a Defending weapon, and the bonuses from feats like Shield Expertise and Shield Mastery).
They retain magic benefits like Energy Resistance or Fortification.
They also lose any AC bonus originating from feats associated with the character's weapons, including Two-Weapon Defence,
Improved Two-Weapon Defence, Greater Two-Weapon Defence, Two-Handed Weapon Defence and Improved Two-Handed Weapon Defence.
Note that disarmed equipment has no definite location. It may have been flung to the floor, or the victim
may still be holding it in an entangled or disengaged state.
Disarm attempts will not trigger attacks of opportunity even if you don't have the feat Improved Disarm.
Greater Disarm: Once per round, you can perform a disarm attempt as a Swift Combat
Manoeuvre, meaning that the attempt does not require spending a standard action or a move action. You may not perform
more than one Swift Combat Manoeuvre per round, even if you have several feats that allow you to take
Swift Combat Manoeuvres. You could use this feat to perform a swift disarm attempt and follow it with the full attack action.
With Greater Disarm, you can also set your character to perform a swift disarm attempt
as part of a Ready Versus Approach action, prior to the normal Ready attack. Finally, you can set your
character to perform a free disarm attempt prior to all attacks of opportunity. Requires: Improved Disarm, BAB 6.
Improved Sunder: +4 on the special Attack Roll to sunder a target or resist someone else's sunder
attempt, and you perform sunder attempts as a move action instead of a standard action. A successful sunder attempt
reduces the enemy's AC by one point until the end of combat. The effect is cumulative. Sunder will not trigger
attacks of opportunity even if you don't have this feat. Only slashing and bludgeoning weapons can be used to sunder.
Greater Sunder: Once per round, you can perform a sunder attempt as a Swift Combat
Manoeuvre, meaning that the attempt does not require spending a standard action or a move action. You may not perform
more than one Swift Combat Manoeuvre per round, even if you have several feats that allow you to take
Swift Combat Manoeuvres. You could use this feat to perform a swift sunder attempt and follow it with the full attack action.
With Greater Sunder, you can also set your character to perform a swift sunder attempt
as part of a Ready Versus Approach action, prior to the normal Ready attack. Finally, you can set your
character to perform a free sunder attempt prior to all attacks of opportunity. Requires: Improved Sunder, BAB 6.
Improved Feint: You gain a +4 bonus on the Attack Roll to attempt a feint or resist someone
else's feint attempt, and the target loses its Dexterity bonus to AC against attacks from everyone, not just attacks
from the character who performed the feint. Feint attempts only require a move action, even without the feat Improved Feint.
A successful Feint attempt means that the target receives the Feint or Improved Feint condition for one round (it
expires at the start of the next round of the character who performed the feint).
With the standard feint, the victim loses its Dexterity bonus to AC against all attacks from the character who performed
the feint. With the improved feint, the victim loses its Dexterity bonus to AC against all attacks from everyone.
Creatures who have lost their Dexterity bonus to AC are vulnerable to Sneak attacks. They also lose any Dodge bonus to AC.
A feint requires opposed attack rolls. Unlike Disarm or Sunder, a two-handed weapon does not provide a bonus.
For these special opposed attack rolls, both participants may use their Intelligence modifier, instead of their Strength
modifier (or Dexterity modifier with Weapon Finesse). The ability offering the highest modifier is used.
Greater Feint: Once per round, you can perform a feint attempt as a Swift Combat
Manoeuvre, meaning that the attempt does not require spending a standard action or a move action. You may not perform
more than one Swift Combat Manoeuvre per round, even if you have several feats that allow you to take
Swift Combat Manoeuvres. You could use this feat to perform a swift feint attempt and follow it with the full attack action.
With Greater Feint, you can also set your character to perform a swift feint attempt
as part of a Ready Versus Approach action, prior to the normal Ready attack. Finally, you can set your
character to perform a free feint attempt prior to all attacks of opportunity. Requires: Improved Feint, BAB 6.
Combat Reflexes: You can take more than one attack of opportunity against enemies
every round. Each round, you can perform an additional number of attacks of opportunity equal to your Dexterity modifier
(minimum 1). You can also make attacks of opportunity even if you are Flat Footed. Requires: Dex 13.
Improved Initiative: +4 on initiative checks to determine who acts first.
Improved Natural Armour: The natural armour bonus to AC increases by one point. This feat can be
selected once only. Requires: you must have a racial natural armour bonus, like the Kobold and Mantis.
Toughness: Your Hit Points increase by four.
Improved Toughness: Your Hit Points increase by six. Requires: Toughness, Level 3.
Greater Toughness: Your Hit Points increase by eight. Requires: Improved Toughness, Level 6.
Blind-Fight: Much better chance to hit when blinded or the enemy is concealed or invisible.
Improved Draw: With this feat, you can use the inventory in combat without
triggering any attack of opportunity from nearby enemies. You still need a move action and you
may not manipulate the inventory more than once per round. In addition, you can rearm yourself
after having received the Disarmed condition without provoking any attack of opportunity. Rearming
requires a move action.
Improved Stand: You do not trigger attacks of opportunity when standing up. You still need a move action.
Improved Potions And Herbs: You do not trigger attacks of opportunity when
drinking a potion, and you only need a move action, rather than a standard action. You also get
these benefits when using other consumable items, such as medicinal herbs.
Improved Escape From Snares: You can attempt to break free from a Grapple, Pin, Forcecage,
the Encased condition or the Stuck condition obtained from effects like Entangle, Web, Ranger Web, Resilient Web, Glue
arrows and Snaring weapons using a Move Action. As a result, you could perform two attempts
per round. In addition, whenever you are given a Reflex saving throw due to a Grease effect,
if you fail on your saving throw, you can immediately attempt a second one. Note:
If you also have the feat Greater Grapple, you can attempt to Break Free from a grapple or pin
using a Free Action.
Improved Escape From Paralysis: You can attempt to break free from the Command condition and the
Held condition obtained from effects like Hold Person, Hold Monster, Chromatic Orb, Colour Spray,
Paralysis Domain Power, Hold arrows and Coup de Grace weapons using a move action, rather than a
full-round action. As a result, you could perform two attempts per round. In addition, whenever you
are given a fortitude saving throw due to a coup-de-grace attempt against you, if you fail on
the saving throw, you can immediately attempt a second one.
Death Spell Resistance: Whenever you are given a fortitude saving throw
due to a disintegration, death effect or death spell, if you fail on the saving throw, you can
immediately attempt a second one. The effect can originate from a Slaying arrow or the spells
Slay Living, Destruction, Implosion, Phantasmal Killer, Weird, Finger of Death, Circle of Death,
Disintegrate and Greater Disintegrate. You also gain a second willpower saving throw
against the psionic power Recall Death.
Multiattack: The penalty on secondary attacks with natural weapons is reduced from -5 to -2.
Requires: You must have several natural attacks. For example, Jarwan the Drake has two claw attacks.
He can fight unarmed with two claw attacks at full BAB, or he can wield a sword, giving him one
Longsword attack at full BAB plus one Claw secondary natural attack at -5. With the feat Multiattack,
he gets one Longsword attack at full BAB plus one Claw attack at -2.
Improved Multiattack: The penalty on secondary attacks with natural weapons is completely
removed. Requires: Multiattack, BAB 6.
Improved Charge: You gain a +1 bonus to the attack roll when charging. Requires: Str 13.
Greater Charge: You gain another +1 bonus to the attack roll when charging.
Requires: Improved Charge, BAB 6.
Graceful Charge: You can perform a charge even if your movement must cross squares occupied by
allies, as long as your movement does not end on a square occupied by anyone. If you have the feat
Overrun, you can also go through enemy creatures as appropriate for the feat Overrun. If you have
the Bypass Enemy ability of the Rogue, and you're wearing light armour or no armour, you can go
through all enemy creatures while performing a charge. Requires: Dexterity 13, Level 9.
Battle Cunning: Your critical-hit confirmation rolls gain a bonus equal to your Intelligence
modifier. Requires: Int 13.
Greater Battle Cunning: You add your Intelligence modifier to damage (if positive) when dealing a critical hit.
Requires: Battle Cunning.
Improved Flanking: Against a flanked opponent, you gain a bonus of +3 to the attack roll
instead of +2. Requires: Level 6, Int 13.
Greater Flanking: Against a flanked opponent, you gain a bonus of +4 to the attack roll
instead of +2. Requires: Level 9, Improved Flanking.
Cleave: When facing two enemies, if your attack kills one, you get a free attack on the other. Requires: Str 13.
Great Cleave: Same as cleave but this can give you more than one free attack per round. Requires: Cleave.
Weapon Finesse: Whenever you conduct a melee touch attack, unarmed attack, or a melee attack
with a light weapon, natural weapon or a Rapier, you use your Dexterity modifier rather than your Strength modifier
to determine the Attack Roll, if your Dexterity modifier is higher than your Strength modifier. Requires: Dex 13.
Improved Weapon Finesse: Whenever you conduct a melee touch attack, unarmed attack, or a melee attack
with a light weapon, natural weapon or a Rapier, and your Dexterity modifier is higher than your Strength modifier,
you gain a +1 bonus to the attack roll. Requires: Weapon Finesse, Dex 13, Level 3.
Overrun: With this feat, a character can move through squares occupied by enemy creatures
of a size category no greater than the character's own size category. A character moves through enemy squares
at half speed and this movement must not end on an occupied square. The character still triggers attacks of
opportunity as normal. For example, a Half-Giant Fighter with the feat Overrun can move through the squares
occupied by Hill Giants, but he cannot move through the squares occupied by creatures of size Huge and Gargantuan.
Requires: Str 13.
Dodge: You gain a +1 dodge bonus to Armour Class. Requires: Dex 13.
Mobility: You gain a +4 dodge bonus to AC against attacks of
opportunity you trigger by moving out of a threatened square, and you can move both
before and after a standard action. Requires: Dodge.
Whirlwind Attack: As a full round action you may perform a single circular attack against all
opponents within reach. You roll for attack against each adjacent opponent, applying your full Attack bonus. Requires: Dodge,
Mobility, BAB 2.
Improved Whirlwind Attack: You gain a +2 damage bonus on all your whirlwind attacks. Requires: Whirlwind Attack, BAB 2, Dex 13.
Fast Whirlwind Attack: You perform whirlwind attacks as a standard action, rather than a full-round action. Requires: Whirlwind Attack, BAB 2, Dex 13.
Two-Handed Weapon Expertise: +1 to melee damage rolls when you wield a one-handed or
two-handed weapon with two hands (i.e. you wield no shield and no other weapon).
If you have excess natural weapons, you receive this bonus only when wielding a single two-handed weapon. Requires: Str 13.
Two-Handed Weapon Mastery: Another +1 to melee damage rolls when you wield a one-handed or
two-handed weapon with two hands (i.e. you wield no shield and no other weapon).
If you have excess natural weapons, you receive this bonus only when wielding a single two-handed weapon. Requires: Two-Handed Weapon Expertise, BAB 6.
Two-Handed Weapon Defence: +1 shield bonus to AC when you wield a one-handed or
two-handed weapon with two hands (i.e. you wield no shield and no other weapon).
If you have excess natural weapons, you receive this bonus only when wielding a single two-handed weapon. Requires: Strength 13.
Improved Two-Handed Weapon Defence: +2 shield bonus to AC when you wield
a one-handed or two-handed weapon with two hands (i.e. you wield no shield and no other weapon).
If you have excess natural weapons, you receive this bonus only when wielding a single two-handed weapon. Requires: Two-Handed Weapon Defence, BAB 6.
Improved Weapon And Shield Style: +1 bonus to melee damage rolls when you wield a shield and a single manufactured melee weapon.
Attacks with excess natural weapons are not affected.
Greater Weapon And Shield Style: +1 bonus to melee attack rolls when you wield a shield and a single manufactured melee weapon.
Attacks with excess natural weapons are not affected. Requires: Improved Weapon And Shield Style, BAB 6.
Skirmisher: With this feat, you receive a +1 bonus on your Attack Rolls
and Armour Class, effectively cancelling your combat penalties due to the Large Size category.
Requires: The character must be a Half-Giant.
Giant Hunter: You gain a bonus of +1 on all attack rolls and damage rolls made against
creatures of size large and bigger. Requires: The character must be a Dwarf.
Devastating Charge I: The extra damage you deal on a charge is upgraded from 1d6 points to 1d10 points.
Requires: The character must be a Centaur.
Devastating Charge II: The extra damage you deal on a charge is upgraded from 1d10 points to 2d8 points.
Requires: Level 6, the character must be a Centaur.
Intensified Energy: The energy damage you deal on attacks is upgraded from 1d6 points to 1d8 points.
Requires: The character must be a Half-Salamander.
Racial Fire Resistance: The character gains Resistance 10 to Fire Damage. If you have a
similar resistance from the Fire Resistance feat of the Barbarian, Druid, Ranger and Storm Warrior,
then the character's resistance is increased by 10 points. Requires: The character must be a
Fire Drake or Flamebrother Half-Salamander.
Racial Cold Resistance: The character gains Resistance 10 to Cold Damage. If you have a
similar resistance from the Cold Resistance feat of the Barbarian, Druid, Ranger or Storm Warrior,
then the character's resistance is increased by 10 points. Requires: The character must be
an Ice Drake or Frostbrother Half-Salamander.
Racial Electricity Resistance: The character gains Resistance 10 to Electricity Damage.
If you have a similar resistance from the Electricity Resistance feat of the Storm Warrior,
then the character's resistance is increased by 10 points. Requires: The character must be
a Lightning Drake.
Racial Acid Resistance: The character gains Resistance 10 to Acid Damage.
Requires: The character must be an Acid Drake.
Cone Breath Weapon: Your 30' line breath weapon becomes a 20' cone breath weapon. Requires: The character must be a Drake.
Improved Breath Weapon: Your breath weapon gains one additional damage die and the radius
increases by 50%. Requires: The character must be a Drake.
Swift Breath Weapon: Your breath weapon can be used as a move action, rather than a standard
action. Requires: Level 6, the character must be a Drake.
Breath Weapon Shaping: The creature's breath weapon or gaze attack no longer affects allies
in the area of effect. Requires: The creature must have a breath weapon or a gaze attack.
Feats associated with weapons and armour
Light Armour Proficiency: No penalty to attack rolls and initiative rolls for wearing Leather armour or Brigandine.
Medium Armour Proficiency: No penalty to attack rolls and initiative rolls for wearing Hide armour, Scale mail or Chainmail. Requires: Light Armour Proficiency.
Heavy Armour Proficiency: No penalty to attack rolls and initiative rolls for wearing Cuirass, Half-plate or Full plate. Requires: Medium Armour Proficiency.
Armour Reflex: Reduces by 50%, rounded down, the Armour Penalty to reflex saves when wearing armour or using a shield.
This feat always reduces the reflex penalty by at least one point.
Improved Armour Reflex: Totally removes the Armour Penalty to reflex saves. Requires: Armour Reflex.
Armour Agility: The penalty to Speed from wearing Medium or Heavy Armour is
reduced by 5. Requires: Armour Reflex, and you must not be a Dwarf, Samurai or Champion.
Dwarves can take the feat Dwarven Armour Training instead. The Champion can take the feat
Divine Armour
while the Samurai receives the Samurai Armour special ability automatically.
Improved Armour Agility: The penalty to Speed from wearing Medium or Heavy Armour
is reduced by 10. Requires: Armour Agility, Improved Armour Reflex, and you must not be
a Dwarf, Samurai or Champion.
Light Shield Proficiency: No penalty to attack rolls and initiative rolls when using a light shield.
Heavy Shield Proficiency: No penalty to attack rolls and initiative rolls when using a heavy shield. Requires: Light Shield Proficiency.
Tower Shield Proficiency: No penalty to attack rolls and initiative rolls when using a tower shield. Requires: Heavy Shield Proficiency.
Shield Expertise: You gain a +1 shield bonus to AC when holding a shield.
In addition, the +2 bonus on Bull Rush checks for holding a shield increases to +3.
Requires: Light Shield Proficiency.
Shield Mastery: You gain another +1 shield bonus to AC.
In addition, the +2 bonus on Bull Rush checks for holding a shield increases to +4.
Requires: Shield Expertise, BAB 6.
Shield Ward: You add your base Shield bonus (not the enhancement bonus) to your melee touch AC and your ranged touch AC.
The base Shield bonus includes the bonus from the feats Shield Expertise and Shield Mastery. Requires:
Light Shield Proficiency.
Weapon Group Proficiency: Select a weapon group. When using any of the weapons in that group,
you do not take the -4 non-proficiency penalty to attack rolls.
Dwarven Armour Training: You do not receive any penalty to Speed when wearing
Medium or Heavy Armour. If you are a Samurai or you have the feat Divine Armour of the
Champion, and you're wearing armour, you gain a bonus of +1 to your Armour Class, instead.
Requires: The character must be a Dwarf.
Shieldbearer: When holding a shield, your dodge bonus to Armour Class against
the melee attacks of creatures of size large and bigger increases from +2 to +4.
Requires: The character must be a Dwarf.
Rapid Strike: When holding a single manufactured melee weapon, you benefit from
one additional melee attack with that weapon at full Base Attack Bonus. You must use the
Full Attack action to benefit from the extra attack. Requires: Attack Focus, Base Attack Bonus 9.
Attack Focus: You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls with all weapons, including
manufactured weapons, natural weapons, ranged weapons and all touch attacks.
Improved Critical: You benefit from a higher critical-hit chance with all weapons.
The feat also affects critical hits originating from ranged touch attacks. Requires: BAB 8.
Feats associated with magic
Great Fortitude: +2 bonus to fortitude saving throws.
Iron Will: +2 bonus to willpower saving throws.
Lightning Reflexes: +2 bonus to reflex saving throws.
Improved Luck: +1 to all saving throws. Requires: Iron Will, Lightning Reflex, Great Fortitude.
Spell Penetration: +2 on checks to bypass Spell Resistance with a spell or psionic power.
Requires: you must be a spellcaster or psionics user, or have spell-like abilities, like the Bard.
Greater Spell Penetration: Another +2 on checks to bypass Spell Resistance. Requires: Spell Penetration.
Improved Touch Attacks: You receive a bonus of +1 on all melee-touch and ranged-touch attack rolls.
Requires: you must be a spellcaster or psionics user.
Melee Touch Magic: When you cast spells requiring a melee Touch Attack, you do
not trigger attacks of opportunity and do not need to cast defensively. This feat only
works when targeting enemies. If you are a Champion, Mage Knight or Storm Warrior with
the feat Perfect Combat Casting, you receive a +2 bonus on all melee touch attack rolls.
If you are a Cleric or Bishop with the Flux Domain Power, the benefit of this feat also
applies to spells requiring a ranged touch attack. Requires: Superior Concentration,
Improved Touch Attacks, and you must be a spellcaster or psionics user.
Superior Concentration: +4 on concentration checks such as when casting is disturbed.
Requires: you must be a spellcaster or psionics user, or have spell-like abilities, like the Bard.
Improved Counterspell: Any spell of same school and higher level can counter a given spell.
Requires: you must be a Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard, Bishop, Champion, Mage Knight, Psychic Healer, Storm Warrior or Warlock.
Augment Summoning: Summoned creatures gain +4 to strength and constitution.
Requires: Level 1 Cleric, Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard, Bishop, Champion, Mage Knight, Psychic Healer, Storm Warrior or Warlock.
Summoning Mastery: All creatures summoned by the character gain one additional Hit Die.
Requires: Augment Summoning, Level 1 Cleric, Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard, Bishop, Champion, Mage Knight, Psychic Healer, Storm Warrior or Warlock.
Metamagic Empower: You can cast damage spells with a 50% damage bonus. Spell level +2.
Requires: Level 1 Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard, Bishop, Champion, Mage Knight, Psychic Healer, Storm Warrior or Warlock.
Metamagic Maximise: You cast a damage spell dealing the maximum damage. Spell level +3.
Requires: Level 1 Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard, Bishop, Champion, Mage Knight, Psychic Healer, Storm Warrior or Warlock.
Metamagic Widen: You can cast an area spell over an area two times larger. Spell level +2.
Requires: Level 1 Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard, Bishop, Champion, Mage Knight, Psychic Healer, Storm Warrior or Warlock.
Metamagic Still: You can cast a somatic spell (a spell
that requires moving the hands) even if you are paralysed or grappling or if you
lack a free hand. Spell level +1. Even spells that require a melee touch attack
or ranged touch attack can be stilled. In this case, the character aims the
spell using eye contact. You still need to be successful on the touch attack.
Requires: Level 1 Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard, Bishop, Champion, Mage Knight, Psychic Healer, Storm Warrior or Warlock.
Metamagic Silent: You can cast a verbal spell (a spell
that requires speech) even if you are mute or the area is silenced. Spell level +1.
Requires: Level 1 Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard, Bishop, Champion, Mage Knight, Psychic Healer, Storm Warrior or Warlock.
Healing Mastery: All your cure spells heal an additional 1d8 hit points.
Requires: Level 1 Cleric, Bishop, Champion, Paladin, Psychic Healer, Sorcerer, Druid, Storm Warrior or Ranger.
Destruction Mastery: All your inflict spells deal an additional 1d8 points of damage.
Requires: Level 1 Cleric, Bishop, Champion, Paladin, Psychic Healer or Sorcerer.
Extend Spell Range I: Extends the close range, medium range and long range distances for spells
and psionic powers by five feet. Without this feat, Short range is up to 15 ft or three squares away, Medium Range is
up to 35 ft or 7 sq away and Long Range is up to 60 ft or 12 sq away.
Requires: you must be a spellcaster or psionics user, or have spell-like abilities, like the Bard.
Extend Spell Range II: Extends the close range, medium range and long range distances for spells
and psionic powers by another five feet. Requires: Extend Spell Range I.
Extend Spell Range III: Extends the close range, medium range and long range distances for spells
and psionic powers by another five feet. Requires: Extend Spell Range II.
List of Feats with an Ability Requirement
March 2011-2024. Last Update 31 May 2024. All rights reserved.