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Fighter, the Vanquisher

Fighters are professional warriors. They have received intensive training in tactics and the use of various weapons and armour. They obtain this training in one of two ways: through the accumulation of battle experience, if they are self-taught, or through years of formal training, if they are born from a noble or wealthy family.

Elite fighters often become knights in the service of a lord or knighthood order. In return, knights have the opportunity to gain land and titles of nobility. A knight must follow a code of honour that requires him to protect the innocent and be the champion of good against evil. The code also focuses on the virtues of courage, religious faith, purity and humility.

Fighters usually serve as soldiers, mercenaries, bodyguards, guards, criminal enforcers and champions. The worst ones become raiders, bandits, warlords and crime lords.

Hit Dice, Proficiencies, Alignment

D10 Hit Die. Proficient with all armour and all shields. Starts with simple-weapons proficiency plus (5 + intelligence modifier if positive) selectable weapon-group proficiencies. Fighters can be of any alignment.

Fighter Feats

Greater Attack Focus: Another +1 bonus to attack rolls with all weapons. Requires: Fighter Level 8 and Attack Focus.

Heroic Attack Focus: Another +1 bonus to attack rolls with all weapons. Requires: Fighter Level 16 and Greater Attack Focus.

Damage Focus: +2 bonus to damage with all weapons. Requires: Fighter Level 4.

Greater Damage Focus: Another +2 bonus to damage with all weapons. Requires: Fighter Level 12, Damage Focus.

Heroic Damage Focus: Another +2 bonus to damage with all weapons. Requires: Fighter Level 20, Greater Damage Focus.

Strength Focus: The character gains a bonus of +2 on all grapple checks and strength checks. The following spells can trigger a strength check: Entangle, Web, Ranger Web, Forcecage, Energy Push, Ectoplasmic Cocoon, Greater Ectoplasmic Cocoon, Mass Ectoplasmic Cocoon, Glue Arrow, Knockback Arrow.

Survival I: The fighter's death threshold decreases from -10 HP to -15 HP and the Fighter's Maximum Hit Points increase by two points. Requires: Fighter Level 1.

Survival II: The fighter's death threshold decreases from -15 HP to -20 HP and the Figther's Maximum Hit Points increase by another two points. Requires: Survival I, Fighter Level 1.

Armour Expertise I: When wearing armour, you receive a bonus of +1 to the Maximum Dexterity Bonus. Requires: Level 6.

Armour Expertise II: When wearing armour, you receive a bonus of +1 to the Armour Class and a bonus of +2 to the Maximum Dexterity Bonus. Requires: Armour Expertise I, Level 12.

Shake It Off I: Each round, a fighter gets a free saving throw to remove the following effects: blind, sleeping, fascinated, reduced, shaken, agony, bane, prayer, fatigued, sickened. The saving throw type and DC is the same as the original saving throw against the effect. If the effect resulted from a spell without a saving throw, the fighter gets a Fortitude save versus the normal spell DC. Effects that did not originate from a spell or SLA cannot be removed using Shake it Off. Effects in the list that were supposed to persist after the end of combat are automatically removed when combat ends. Requires: Fighter level 1.

Shake It Off II: Same as Shake It Off I, but the fighter also gets saving throws against the following effects: dazed, held, slowed, confusion, berserk, hideous laughter, command, cowering, exhausted, baleful polymorph. Requires: Shake It Off I.

Shake It Off III: Same as Shake It Off II, but the fighter also gets saving throws against the following effects: stunned, dancing, controlled, dominated, cursed, malison, crushing despair, frailty, enfeeblement, nauseated. Requires: Shake It Off II.

Tower Shield Expertise: When using a tower shield, you do not suffer the -2 penalty to attack rolls. Requires: Fighter Level 3.

Resistance I: The fighter gains Damage Reduction 1 / -. Requires: Fighter Level 6.

Resistance II: The fighter gains Damage Reduction 2 / -. Requires: Fighter Level 12, Resistance I.

Resistance III: The fighter gains Damage Reduction 3 / -. Requires: Fighter Level 18, Resistance II.

Superior Two-Weapon Fighting: You do not suffer from any penalty when fighting with two weapons, even if the off-hand weapon is not a light weapon. Requires: Dex 13, Two-Weapon Fighting, Fighter Level 1.

Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting: You can dual wield two-handed weapons or use them with a shield. In this case, attacks made with a two-handed weapon suffer a -2 penalty to the attack roll. A Mantis can use the feat to wield two two-handed weapons at -2, or four one-handed weapons at -2, or four two-handed weapons at -4. Requires: Superior Two-Weapon Fighting, BAB 6.

Steady Charge: After a charge, you do not take the -2 penalty to Armour Class that normally applies until the start of your next round. Requires: Fighter Level 1.

Wade In: The full-attack action is now considered to be a standard action for you, rather than a full-round action. Consequently, you can launch a full attack after moving up to your speed, or after performing a single move action. Wade In can be used in combination with a full ranged attack, full melee attack or ready versus spell action. It has no effect on automatic actions, including AOOs and ready versus approach. It has no effect on Whirlwind attack (see the feat Fast Whirlwind Attack). Requires: Fighter Level 9.

Precise Swing: Your melee attacks, including attacks with a Reach weapon, ignore both cover and light concealment. Requires: Fighter Level 6.

Death Blow: You can perform a coup-de-grace as a standard action rather than full-round action, and you do not provoke AOOs when doing so. Requires: Fighter Level 1.

March 2011-2021. Last Update 24 March 2021. All rights reserved.