Gladiator, the Pit Fighter
Gladiators are fierce warriors who, at some point in their life, have fought in a gladiatorial arena
for the enjoyment of the crowd. Typically, they are slaves, escaped slaves or former slaves who managed
to win their freedom in battle.
They were selected by slave traders and arena masters for their outstanding strength and fighting
ability. Gladiators are forced to train with all weapon types, giving them more flexibility in their
choice of weapon than any other martial class. They are particularly adept at fighting with light armour.
Escaped gladiators face an uncertain future, as they are hunted down ruthlessly by arena masters who would surely fall from grace if they allowed any slave to escape.
Hit Dice, Proficiencies, Alignment
D12 Hit Die. Proficient with all armour, all shields and all weapon groups. Gladiators can have any alignment.
Special Abilities
Blinding Strike: As part of a full attack or standard attack, you can perform
a special strike to blind the victim for 1d2 rounds. This ability does not work on creatures
that are immune to critical hits or blindness. If the attack is successful, you deal your normal damage
plus one point per two levels and the victim gets a Fortitude saving throw of
difficulty class 10 + half of the gladiator's level + gladiator's constitution
modifier. If the attack fails the ability is not used up.
Armour Mastery: Gladiators benefit from special Armour Class bonuses. When wearing heavy armour,
the AC bonus is equal to +1. When wearing medium armour, the AC bonus is equal to +2. When wearing light
armour or no armour, the AC bonus is equal to +4 at level 1, +5 from level 4, +6 from level 8, +7 from
level 12, +8 from level 16 and +9 from level 20.
Combat Training: Gladiators gain the feats Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Trip, Improved Grapple,
Improved Disarm and Improved Bull Rush for free at level 1.
Athleticism: Gladiators gain permanent ability-score bonuses as they advance in levels. At level 3, they gain
+1 to Strength. At level 6, they gain +1 to Dexterity. At level 9, they gain +1 to Constitution. At level 12, they gain
another +1 to Strength. At level 15, they gain another +1 to Dexterity. At level 18, they gain another +1 to
Gladiator Feats
Precise Blinding Strike: Your blinding strikes benefit from a +2 bonus to the attack roll.
Requires: Gladiator Level 1.
Improved Blinding Strike: Your blinding strikes leave enemies blinded for 1d4 rounds rather than 1d2 rounds.
In addition, the Difficulty Class of your Blinding Strike ability increases by one point. Requires: Gladiator Level 1.
Extra Blinding Strike: You can use Blinding Strike one additional time during every encounter.
Requires: Gladiator Level 1.
Powerful Blinding Strike I: Your blinding strikes benefit from a +2 bonus to the damage roll. Requires: Gladiator Level 1.
Powerful Blinding Strike II: Your blinding strikes benefit from another +2 bonus to the damage roll.
Requires: Powerful Blinding Strike I, Level 9.
Combined Fighting Style I: When wielding weapons from different weapon groups, you gain a +1 bonus to
melee attack rolls and melee damage rolls.
Combined Fighting Style II: When wielding weapons from different weapon groups, you gain another +1 bonus to
melee attack rolls and melee damage rolls. Requires: Combined Fighting Style I, Level 9.
Superior Two-Weapon Fighting: You do not suffer from any penalty when fighting with two weapons, even if
the off-hand weapon is not a light weapon. Requires: Dex 13, Two-Weapon Fighting.
Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting: You can dual wield two-handed weapons or use them with a shield. In this case, attacks
made with a two-handed weapon suffer a -2 penalty to the attack roll. A Mantis can use the feat to wield two
two-handed weapons at -2, or four one-handed weapons at -2, or four two-handed weapons at -4.
Requires: Superior Two-Weapon Fighting, BAB 6.
Superior Throw Creature: You are considered to be one more size category larger for
the purpose of Throw Creature distance and damage calculations. In addition, the penalty on the
Grapple check is eliminated and the Difficulty Class for recipient creatures to avoid taking
damage is increased by another two points. Requires: Gladiator level 9, Improved Throw Creature.
Improved Swift Weapon: Your attacks with Swift weapons benefit from a
+1 bonus to the Attack Roll and Damage Roll.
Improved Adamantine Armour: When wearing Adamantine
armour, you receive a +1 bonus to the associated Damage Reduction.
Greater Adamantine Armour: When wearing Adamantine
armour, you receive a +2 bonus to the associated Damage Reduction. Requires: Improved Adamantine Armour, Level 12.
Armour Expertise I: When wearing armour, you receive a bonus of +1 to the Maximum Dexterity Bonus. Requires: Level 6.
Armour Expertise II: When wearing armour, you receive a bonus of +1 to the Armour Class and
a bonus of +2 to the Maximum Dexterity Bonus. Requires: Armour Expertise I, Level 12.
Find Weakness: Your attacks now ignore four points of enemy Damage Reduction. Requires: Gladiator Level 6.
Greater Find Weakness: Your attacks now ignore eight points of enemy Damage Reduction. Requires: Find Weakness, Gladiator Level 12.
Strength Focus: The character gains a bonus of +2 on all grapple checks and strength checks. The
following spells can trigger a strength check: Entangle, Web, Ranger Web, Forcecage, Energy Push, Ectoplasmic Cocoon,
Greater Ectoplasmic Cocoon, Mass Ectoplasmic Cocoon, Glue Arrow, Knockback Arrow.
Tower Shield Expertise: When using a tower shield, you do not suffer the -2 penalty to attack rolls. Requires: Level 3.
Improved Uncanny Dodge: A character with this ability cannot be flanked. Requires: Gladiator Level 1.
Shatter Image: Whenever you hit a Mirror Image of an enemy mage, you destroy 1d3 images rather than just one.
This also works when using a combat manoeuvre like a Trip, Bull Rush or Grapple attempt. Requires: Level 6.
March 2011-2024. Last Update 30 December 2024. All rights reserved.