Gods and Dark Forces in the World of Mindrel
Gods and Dark Forces can be found at the source of many heroic and infamous deeds in the world of Mindrel.
Good, neutral, or evil, they are the powers that turn the wheel of time. Some of these powers expand their influence
openly, while others make their moves behind a careful veil of secrecy. Some of them advance brazenly, while others
simply bide their time, licking their wounds and nursing their grudges.
As the player-characters advance in levels, they are sure to find themselves more and more entangled in the
long-standing conflicts and rivalries of powerful divinities, who will seek to use the characters as their
champions, their instruments, or their slaves.
Below the list of divinities, you will also find a description of some of the world's main organisations.
Good Deities
Apollus: Lawful Good. God of abundance, trade, agriculture, roads, meals, music. Main location: Ptalos on
Apollus island. Apollus is a popular god in humanoid civilised lands. Also called the Smiling God. Well loved by
merchants, farmers, travellers, common folk, Bards, Halflings, Humans.
Tyr: Lawful Good, emphasis on Lawful. God of justice, laws, oaths, tradition, authority, lawful retribution. Also called the Judge, the Angel of Justice, Supreme Justiciar, Holy Avenger. Favoured by Fighters, Death Knights, Samurais, Monks, Clerics, Bishops, Dwarves.
Palanthias: Lawful Good, emphasis on Good. God of good, honour, virtue, purity, honesty, righteousness, peace, paladins, protection, mercy, chivalry. Twin brother of Sunnathar, his archrival and sworn enemy. Also called the First Paladin and the Shining One. Favoured by Paladins, Champions, Rangers, Samurais, Fighters, Mage Knights, Clerics, Bishops. The Knights of Palanthias are organised in a hierarchy of three groups: the Iron Knights, Silver Knights and Golden Knights.
Toki: Neutral Good. God of healing, restoration, soothing, humility, compassion, willing self-sacrifice, forgiveness, endurance, perseverance, serenity, rest, refuges, sanctuaries. Twin brother of Melianar. Also called the Suffering One, the Kind One, the Silent One, the Tearful God. Favoured by Clerics, Bishops, Psychic Healers, Monks.
Athianna: Neutral Good. Goddess of courage, heroism, duty, strategy, war, victory, liberation, rescue, assistance, wisdom. Also called the Winged Goddess and the Angel of Victory. Favoured by Fighters, Bards, Champions, Rangers, Paladins, Gladiators, Mage Knights, Centaurs. The symbol of Athianna is a rose and her knights are divided into the following groups: Red Rose Knights are devoted to justice and defence. Orange Rose Knights are devoted to the protection and maintenance of temples and sanctuaries. White Rose Knights, also called Hospitallers, are devoted to healing and rescue. Black Rose Knights are devoted to secret missions. Blue Rose Knights are devoted to arcane arts and psionics. Members of each group usually carry a rose of the appropriate colour as their insignia.
Velina: Chaotic Good. Goddess of friendship, beauty, seduction, love, sensuality, joy, freedom, capriciousness, family, fertility. Favoured by Elves, Centaurs, Bards, Rogues, Rangers, common folk. According to theologians, Velina keeps a copy of every work of art in existence inside a Great Art Gallery located within her domain.
Neutral Deities
Abishar: Lawful Neutral. God of arcane magic, psionic powers, enchantments, illusions, fire,
destruction, mystical energies, intelligence, planning, scheming, cunning. Also called the Supreme Archmage.
Favoured by Wizards, Sorcerers, Warlocks, Mage Knights, Psionicists, Psychic Healers, Elves, Kobolds, Half-Salamanders.
Thorgrum: Lawful Neutral. God of rocks, mountains, ice, snow, forests, rivers, balance, perfection, labour, industry, effort, building, crafting, constructs, mining. Also called the Blacksmith, the Father. Favoured by Dwarves, Rangers, Druids, Storm Warriors, Monks, common folk, architects, carpenters, blacksmiths, weaponsmiths, weapon traders, jewellers, Mantis people, Half-Salamanders.
Erebos: True Neutral. God of knowledge, secrets, mysteries, legends, riddles, discoveries, languages, messages, visions, dreams, foresight, meditation, time, patience. Also called the High Oracle, the All-Knowing Eye, the All-Seeing Eye, the Great Archivist. Favoured by Wizards, Sorcerers, Warlocks, Psionicists, Psychic Healers, Bards, Monks, scribes, librarians, cartographers, historians. According to theologians, Erebos keeps a copy of every book, map, scroll and spell in existence inside a Great Library located within his domain.
Magnar: Chaotic Neutral. God of strength, vitality, athleticism, robustness, challenge, pride, boastfulness, impatience, individualism, anarchy, independence, self-reliance, battle prowess, daringness, recklessness. Also called Lord of Titans, the Impatient God. Favoured by Barbarians, Fighters, Gladiators, Giants, Half-Giants, Dwarves, Drakes. Followers relish a contest with worthy opponents, including the hordes of Aldroth and the Knights of Athianna.
Belrad: Chaotic Neutral. God of thieves, stealing, covetousness, greed, gambling, trickery, cheating, swindling, jesting, revelry, luck, traps, escape, swiftness. Favoured by Rogues and Bards. Also called the Veiled God, the Shadow, the Jealous God, the Laughing God.
Evil Deities
Melianar: Lawful Evil. Goddess of suffering, pain, torture, torment, flagellation, malice, vanity,
supremacy, hierarchy, matriarchy, snake people. Twin sister of Toki. May take the form of a marilith armed
with unholy flails and swords. Also called the Scourge Goddess, Lady of the Lash, Bringer of Misery.
All worshippers are required to practice daily flagellation. Cult members are divided into two groups,
the Acolytes or Red Cloaks, and above them, the Adepts or Black Cloaks. The Acolytes include Fighters,
Rogues, Death Knights and other classes dedicated to physical combat. The Adepts include Clerics, Wizards,
Psionicists and other classes dedicated to magical or psionic combat. Worshippers must obey their
superiors without question, lest they be put to death. According to Melianar's dogma, only those who
can inflict and receive pain are worthy and deserve to walk the earth. All others are slaves to be used by true
worshippers as mere tools, toys and sacrifices. The symbol of Melianar is a triple flail.
Sunnathar: Lawful Evil. God of tyranny, oppression, militarism, deviousness, extortion, blackmailing, temptation, intimidation, manipulation, deception, devils, dragons. Twin brother of Palanthias, his archrival and sworn enemy. Also called the Lord of Lies, Lord of Deceit, the Iron Lord. May take the form of a six-armed pit fiend, or that of a powerful chimera or dragon. Sunnathar often seeks and maintains a close alliance with other malevolent powers and gods, such as Melianar. The Knights of Sunnathar are organised into a strict hierarchy of three groups: the Grey Knights, Black Knights and Supreme Knights. According to theologians, Sunnathar keeps a copy of every weapon in existence inside a Great Armoury located within his domain.
Zophor: Lawful Evil. God of lightning, power, rules, armies, discipline, arena fighting. Main location: Raman. Also called Sorcerer King of Raman, Immortal Ruler, Lord of the Arena, the Omnipotent One. Zophor is the cruel, militaristic, iron-fisted ruler of the city-state of Raman, where combat prowess is valued above all else. Raman is a cornerstone of the slave trade on Mindrel, acting both as a major buyer and a major supplier of slaves and gladiators. Raman merchants are renowned for their extensive trade networks. In the arenas of Raman, victorious gladiators are adulated by the crowd, while others suffer a shameful and painful death as their life force is extracted and transferred to Zophor.
Nazthul: Neutral Evil. God of the undead, death, killing, disease, plagues, malefices, curses, bones. Also called the Arch Lich, the Dread Lich, the Sinister God, the Black Scythe, the Grim Reaper, the Hater of Life. May take the form of an undead dragon. Favoured by Necromancers, Clerics, Bishops, Death Knights, Rogues. Worshippers of Nazthul gain glory and advance through the ranks by killing sentient creatures, assassinating enemy leaders and creating legions of undead servants.
Poseius: Neutral Evil. God of vengeance, anger, hate, subjugation, serfdom, the storms, the weather, water, winds, the seas, water creatures. Main locations: Poseius, Undersea Kingdoms. Also called the Wrathful God, Lord of the Waves, Master of the Trident, the Unquenchable God. Traders and sailors often worship Poseius out of utter dread, or sometimes from genuine devotion. The symbol of Poseius is a trident.
Huwapochtli: Chaotic Evil. God of conquest, slavery, blood sacrifices, swamps, jungles, astrology. Main location: Tihuacan. Also called the Blood Blade, the Blood Overlord, the Great Snake, the Great Serpent. May take the form of a colossal snake, toad or snake-man. Allied with Leucothea, the Demon Queen of hags and witches. Huwapochtli and his cultists draw power from the blood of their many victims.
The One who can't be named: Chaotic Evil. God of domination, damnation, perversion, cruelty, corruption, subversion, insidiousness, betrayal, demons, aberrations, horror, terror, insanity, the Great Abyss. Often worshipped by secretive sects seeking to gain power over others by serving a powerful master whose mere mention brings terror into the hearts of men.
Aldroth: Chaotic Evil. God of orcs, goblins, gnolls, bestiality, chaos, combat, slaughter and pillage. Also called Destroyer of Hope, Rampager, Dark Lord, the Ravenous One. His physical embodiment, or aspect, is a large orc with bulging muscles wearing a black artefact full-plate armour and holding a large axe or sword. He may also take the form of a powerful hydra. The symbol of Aldroth is a bull's head.
Hexdra: Chaotic Evil. Goddess of spiders, caves, monstrous humanoids, enslavement, infestation, poison. Also called the Queen of Spiders, Lady of the Webs, the Scheming One. Usually takes the form of a colossal spider with demonic powers. Often clashes with all the other powers in her endless quest for global domination. The symbol of Hexdra is a spider.
Blue Cloaks: This is another name for the City Watch of many villages, towns and cities. They are usually led by a Bailiff or City Watch Commander. Depending on the city's organisation, watchmen can be part of the regular armed forces of the city or nation, or they may be a separate group with its own hierarchy and leadership.
Knights of the Chalice: An independent knighthood order dedicated to the protection of the innocent and the destruction of evil wherever it may hide. The Knights of the Chalice are often called upon by kings to provide aid during times of great peril. They are led by a Lord Commander. While the Knights occasionally take part in large-scale conflicts, they usually accomplish missions in small groups. The Holy Chalice is one of the most important relics of the order.
Federation of Merchants: A powerful group of traders, explorers and smugglers. The association is used by traders to negotiate with kings, acquire maps and vessels, create supply lines and organise caravans and expeditions. Members of the federation frequently hire mercenaries to protect convoys.
Guild of Thieves and Assassins: An underground organisation used by rogues, assassins and others to improve their skills, resell stolen merchandise, allocate territories and launch criminal ventures and secret operations. The Guild has secret headquarters in most of the large cities. Nobles often rely on the Guild to conduct underhanded missions. Leaders frown upon non-affiliated rogues and may take steps to eliminate unwanted rivals.
Guild of Adventurers: A popular association used by daring young people to assemble groups of adventurers, organise rescue, protection, troubleshooting and exploration missions, share advice and stories, listen to bardic music, find friends, gain experience, acquire equipment and simply search for fame and fortune by exploring the world high and low.
Arcane Circle: A secretive group of magic and psionics practitioners. Its goals are shrouded in mystery. Members follow a strict hierarchy based on personal power. The leaders of the Circle are thought to include some of the most powerful spell casters in the world. Members of the Circle are widely feared by common people, with good reason.
Flaming Skull: A vast criminal organisation, strictly hierarchical. Many members are fanatically devoted to the group. The Flaming Skull is devoted to manipulation, extortion, raiding, pillaging, enslavement, domination, subversion, oppression, militarism, brutal conquest, the marshalling of the forces of evil, the elimination of all rival powers, the establishment of a universal reign of terror by all means necessary, and the utter destruction of the forces of good. A sworn enemy of the Knights of the Chalice.
Slaver Lords: The remnants of a powerful organisation of ruthless slave traders. While the group's leadership was recently wiped out by a group of heroes, a number of prominent members are thought to have been brought back to life, while new members have joined. The new High Council of the Slaver Lords is thought to be hard at work reconstructing its trading empire and centralised seat of power. A sworn enemy of the Knights of the Chalice.
March 2011-2021. Last Update 24 March 2021. All rights reserved.