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Psychic Healer, the Theurgist

Psychic Healers are psionicists trained in the use of divine magic. This unique combination makes them a very valuable asset in the field of battle and also when the time has come for healing.

Experienced Psychic Healers have access to all of the high-level spells of the cleric and all of the high-level powers of the psionicist.

Good Psychic Healers use their powers to fight evil and reduce suffering in the world, while evil ones use their powers to mold others according to their desires.

Hit Dice, Proficiencies, Alignment

D6 Hit Die. No armour or shield proficiency. No selectable weapon-group proficiency. Starts with simple-weapons proficiency only. Psychic Healers can be of any alignment.

Special Abilities

Psionics: Psionic powers do not have a verbal or somatic component and cannot be counterspelled (or used to counterspell). Wearing armour does not result in a spell failure chance. Using a power is a mental action (usually a standard action) that triggers attacks of opportunity from enemies, unless you're manifesting the power on the defensive. Psionic powers can be disrupted or dispelled just like spells. Metamagic feats do not apply to psionic powers. The Intelligence modifier determines the Difficulty Class of the Psychic Healer's psionic powers. The Charisma modifier determines the number of psionic picks at level 1 and the number of bonus psionic power points. Activating a power expends a number of power points (PP) that depends on the level of the power. It is often possible to augment a power by spending more power points than the minimum. However, a character cannot spend more PP on a power than his character level. At level 1, a psychic healer gains a number of powers known equal to 3 + Charisma modifier. At all other levels, a psychic healer gains two more powers known.

Spells: The Wisdom modifier determines the Difficulty Class of the Psychic Healer's divine spells. The Charisma modifier determines the number of spell picks at level 1 and the number of bonus spell slots. A Psychic Healer can activate Divine Spell Scrolls of any spell in the lists of the Paladin, Ranger, Druid and Cleric. Spell picks at level 1: 3 + Charisma modifier. Spell picks at all other levels: 2. A Psychic Healer can cast somatic spells while holding a light shield, but not a heavy shield or tower shield. Psychic Healers can also cast somatic spells while wielding a two-handed weapon or several weapons at the same time, because switching a weapon from one hand to the other is a free action. A character cannot have more than one summoned creature at a time. A Psychic Healer draws his spells from the Cleric's list of spells and he can use his spells to counterspell.

Psychic Healer Feats

Spell Focus: The Difficulty Class of all cleric spells with a saving throw increases by 1.

Greater Spell Focus: The Difficulty Class of all cleric spells with a saving throw increases by another 1. Requires: Spell Focus.

Energy Conversion: You can select 'acid' as an alternative damage type with the powers Energy Ray, Energy Bolt, Energy Cone, Energy Ball and Energy Wave. If a saving throw is allowed, it is a Fortitude saving throw. Requires: Level 6.

Energy Sculpting: Select one of the following powers: Energy Stun, Energy Bolt, Energy Cone, Energy Ball and Energy Wave. When you activate the selected power, you manipulate the area of effect so that allies standing within the normal area of effect remain unaffected by the spell.

Improved Control And Dominate: The range of the Psionic Powers Control Body and Dominate increases from Close to Medium.

Greater Control And Dominate: Your Psionic Powers Control Body and Dominate are improved from Full Round Action Casting Time to Standard Action Casting Time. Requires: Improved Control And Dominate.

Swift Assimilate: Your Psionic Power Assimilate is improved from Standard Action Casting Time to Move Action Casting Time.

Improved Hail Of Crystals: The range of your Psionic Power Hail of Crystals increases from Medium to Long. In addition, allies in the area of effect are no longer affected.

Improved Biofeedback: Damage Reduction from Biofeedback increases by two points.

Psionic Talent: You gain an additional number of power points equal to your level. The bonus increases automatically when you gain a level. This feat cannot be taken more than once.

Fast Cell Division: You can activate the psionic power Cell Division as a move action rather than a standard action.

Healing Focus: All your Cure spells heal two additional points of damage. In addition, you activate the power Cell Division as a level-1 power, rather than a level-2 power, and the number of points cured by your Cell Division power is increased by 50% automatically.

Psychic Healing: Your psionic powers Cell Division and Purification become Touch-range powers, instead of being strictly Personal-range powers.

Improved Psychic Healing: Your psionic powers Cell Division and Purification become Medium-range powers. Requires: Psychic Healing.

March 2011-2021. Last Update 30 September 2022. All rights reserved.