Ranger, the Archery Expert
Rangers are skilled archers and hunters who act as guardians of the wilderness. They
protect travellers and destroy evil creatures that represent a threat to nature. They can
also have the same motivations and occupations as traditional fighters.
Experienced rangers have a close connection to nature which allows them to cast divine spells.
Most of their spells focus on healing, animals and archery.
Rangers often collaborate with Druids and they are most common among humans, elves and halflings. They frequently have a nomadic lifestyle and a good or neutral alignment.
Hit Dice, Proficiencies, Alignment
D10 Hit Die. Proficient with light armour and with light shields. Starts with simple-weapons proficiency plus three selectable weapon-group proficiencies. Rangers are more likely to be chaotic good, but any alignment is possible.
Special Abilities
Precise Shot: The character gains the feat Precise Shot, which removes the -4 penalty for shooting into melee.
Improved Precise Shot: The character gains the feat Improved Precise Shot, which means that his ranged attacks ignore the cover penalty and the miss chance for any concealment below 50%.
Careful Shot: As a full-round action, a ranger can make a single ranged attack with a +4 circumstance bonus to the attack roll. The ranger then suffers a -2 penalty to Armour Class until the start of his next round.
Improved Careful Shot: You can use Careful Shot with a standard action rather than a full-round action.
Critical Shot: As a full-round action, a ranger can make a single ranged attack targeted at an opponent's heart. This attack is made at a penalty of -8. Critical Shots do not work on creatures that are immune to critical hits. If the attack is successful, your attack is automatically treated as a critical hit. After attempting a Critical Shot, the ranger suffers a -2 penalty to Armour Class until the start of his next round.
Improved Critical Shot: You can use Critical Shot with a standard action rather than a full-round action.
Evasion: Whenever the character suffers damage from an effect that required a reflex saving throw (for example, a Fireball or a Breath Attack), the damage inflicted to the character is reduced by 50%. The character must not be paralyzed and he must be wearing no armour or light armour to benefit from this.
Archery Bonus: The Ranger gains a bonus to all attack rolls and damage rolls made as part of a ranged attack. This bonus applies only when wearing light armour or no armour.
Spells: The leading ability for Ranger spells is Wisdom. A Ranger can activate Divine Spell Scrolls of any spell in the lists of the Paladin, Ranger, Druid and Cleric. Ranger spells cannot be used to counterspell another spellcaster. Spell picks at every level from level 2: 2. A Ranger can cast somatic spells while holding a light shield, but not a heavy shield or tower shield. The Ranger's caster level is equal to his character level. Rangers can cast somatic spells while wielding a two-handed weapon or several weapons at the same time, because switching a weapon from one hand to the other is a free action.
LEVEL 1: 8 spells
Cure Light Wounds (Touch spell cures 1D8 +1 per level up to 5. Hurts undead.
Removes the bleeding and dying conditions.)
Summon Wolf (CR 1. Duration 4 rounds + 1 per two levels, or until dismissed. Casting time Move Action. Space 1x1 square.
For every caster level beyond 1, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)
Ranger Web (10' radius circle, 4 rounds + 1 per two levels. Ranger Web
creates a mass of sticky strands. All creatures in the web become Entangled, no save. Further, creatures
within the web get Stuck (unable to move) if they fail on a Reflex saving throw. Once stuck, a creature
can attempt to break free, as a full-round action, with a Strength check of DC 18. Break free is
automatically successful if you are wielding a flaming weapon, have a fire natural attack or
a fire energy defence. No spell resistance. Creatures must perform a reflex save upon the casting
of this spell and another one every round before the caster's turn. Fire effects like Fireball and
Burning Hands remove the web totally. Anyone standing in the web while it gets burnt takes an
additional 2d4 points of fire damage.)
Barkskin (1 round per level, touch spell, the recipient gains a
natural armour enhancement bonus of +2, or +3 at caster level 6, +4 at CL 9 and +5 at CL 12.
Stacks with the natural armour bonus, but not with other natural armour enhancement bonuses.)
Enhance Weapon (Duration Until End of Combat, Touch spell, your manufactured
and natural weapons gain a +1 enhancement bonus to attack roll and damage roll.)
Elemental Weapon (Duration Until End of Combat, Touch spell, Select flaming, frost
or shock, your manufactured and natural weapons deal 1d6 points of additional damage of
that energy type. Does not stack.)
Hold Animal (A single animal target is paralyzed for 1 round per level, Willpower negates.
Each round the target can attempt another Will save to negate the effect, as a full-round action.)
Burning Hands (15' radius cone deals 1d4 points of fire damage per level up to
10d4, plus 2d4 points if the targets are stuck in a web. Reflex half)
LEVEL 2: 7 spells
Cure Moderate Wounds (Touch spell cures 2D8 +1 per level up to 10. Hurts undead.
Removes the bleeding and dying conditions.)
Summon Crocodile (CR 2. Duration 4 rounds + 1 per two levels, or until dismissed. Casting time Move Action.
Space 1x1 square. For every caster level beyond 3, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)
Protection from Energy (Touch spell. Select an energy type: fire, cold, acid, shock
or sonic. The recipient gains resistance 15 to damage of that type, up to 10*level
absorbed points of damage. Duration Until End of Combat)
Lesser Magic Arrow (Casting time Free Action. Select one of the following effects. For four rounds,
every bow arrow or crossbow bolt that you shoot is enchanted with that effect (not cumulative).
Sleep Arrow: Target must succeed on a Willpower save of DC 15 + Wisdom modifier or fall
asleep for 1d4 rounds, or until woken up.
Glue Arrow: Target must succeed on a Reflex save of DC 15 + Wisdom modifier or become
entangled and stuck for 1d4 rounds, or until it breaks free (Strength check DC 16).
Stink Arrow: Target must succeed on a Fortitude save of DC 15 + Wisdom modifier or become
sickened for 1d6 rounds, or until cured.
Knockback Arrow: Target must succeed on a Fortitude save of DC 15 + Wisdom modifier
or be pushed back by one square. Creatures receive a size bonus or penalty on their saving throw
(-2 for Small creatures, +2 for Large creatures, +4 for Huge creatures, etc). Creatures who
fail on their saving throw by five points or more are knocked prone.
Barbed Arrow: Target must succeed on a Fortitude save of DC 15 + Wisdom modifier or bleed
until the end of combat, or until cured. Bleeding is cumulative; each hit increases the
bleeding amount by 1 point per round, up to a maximum of 10 points per round.)
Protection from Ability Loss (Duration Until End of Combat. Touch spell gives immunity to
ability damage and drain.)
Enhance Ability (For 10 rounds, the target gains a +4 enhancement bonus to either
Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, Intelligence or Charisma. From CL 9, the bonus
increases to +6. From CL 15, the bonus increases to +8.)
Spike Growth (15' radius circle. 1 round per two levels, rounded up. Sharply-pointed
roots suddenly appear in the area. Moving through the area, but not simply standing in the
area, deals 1d4 piercing damage per square. Further, upon failing a reflex save, the limping
condition is acquired until the creature rests. The damage increases to 1d6 per square from
Caster Level 7 and 1d8 per square from CL 9. A creature must save again each time it takes
LEVEL 3: 6 spells
Cure Serious Wounds (Touch spell cures 3D8 +1 per level up to 15. Hurts undead.
Removes the bleeding and dying conditions.)
Summon Griffon (CR 4. Duration 4 rounds + 1 per two levels, or until dismissed. Casting time Move Action.
Space 1x1 square. For every caster level beyond 7, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)
Exploding Arrow (Select Fire, Cold, Acid or Electricity. Your ranged attacks explode
upon reaching their target, dealing 2d4 elemental damage to all creatures in a 10' radius.
When used in combination with a Flaming Splash, Icy Splash, Shocking Splash or Acidic Splash weapon,
the weapon's splash damage increases from 2d4 to 4d4. Duration: 1 round per 2 levels. Casting time Free Action.)
Mass Hold Animal (10' radius circle. All animals in the area of effect are paralyzed
for 1 round per level, Willpower negates. Each round the targets can attempt another
Will save to negate the effect, as a full-round action.)
Freedom of Movement Touch (1 round per level. Touch spell. The recipient is freed from
the following conditions: Paralyzed, Slowed, Stuck, Entangled, Quicksand. The subject
also gains immunity to all these effects for the spell's duration. The spell does not
affect the spell Grease, underwater movement, being grappled or pinned or swallowed
Greater Enhance Weapon (Duration Until End of Combat, your manufactured and
natural weapons gain a +1 enhancement bonus for every four caster levels, up to +5, to attack roll
and damage roll.)
LEVEL 4: 5 spells
Cure Critical Wounds (Touch spell cures 4D8 +1 per level. Hurts undead.
Removes the bleeding and dying conditions.)
Summon Girallon (CR 6. Duration 4 rounds + 1 per level, or until dismissed. Casting time Move Action.
Space 2x2 squares. For every caster level beyond 11, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)
Greater Magic Arrow (Casting time Free Action. Select one of the following effects. For four rounds,
every bow arrow or crossbow bolt that you shoot is enchanted with that effect.
Stun Arrow: Target must succeed on a Fortitude save of DC 17 + Wisdom modifier
or be stunned for 1d2 rounds. Creatures receive a size bonus or penalty on their saving throw
(-2 for Small creatures, +2 for Large creatures, +4 for Huge creatures, etc). Creatures who
fail on their saving throw by five points or more are knocked prone.
Hold Arrow: Target must succeed on Willpower save DC 17 + Wisdom modifier or become held (paralyzed) for 1d4 rounds
Slow Arrow: Target must succeed on Reflex save DC 17 + Wisdom modifier or become slowed for 1d6 rounds
Wound Arrow: Target must succeed on Fortitude save DC 17 + Wisdom modifier or lose two points of constitution until the end of the fight. Cumulative.)
Stoneskin Personal (Personal. Duration Until Rest. This spell creates a thin protective layer
around your skin. You gain damage reduction 10/-. The spell cannot stop more than 10 points of damage per
caster level. Cost 250 gold.)
Wind Wall (This spell affects you and all allies. All arrows and bolts shot at you
and your allies suffer a 50% miss chance. Duration 1 round per two levels.)
Ranger Feats
Spell Focus: The DC of all spells with a saving throw increases by 1.
Greater Spell Focus: The DC of all spells with a saving throw increases by another 1. Requires: Spell Focus.
Powerful Shot: A ranger with this feat gains a bonus of +2 to damage rolls made as part of a ranged attack. Requires: Level 3, Str 13.
Careful Shot Expert: The attack roll bonus from Careful Shot increases from +4 to +8 and the Ranger
no longer takes the -2 penalty to Armour Class that normally applies until the start of the character's next round.
Critical Shot Expert: The penalty on Critical Shot is reduced from -8 to -4 and the Ranger
no longer takes the -2 penalty to Armour Class that normally applies until the start of the character's next round. Requires: Level 4.
Enhanced Magic Arrow I: The difficulty class of your Sleep Arrows and Slaying Arrows
increases by one point. Please note: If you want to increase the difficulty class of arrows,
crossbow bolts and sling bullets benefiting from your spells Lesser Magic Arrow and
Greater Magic Arrow, you can take the feats Ranger Spell Focus and Ranger Greater Spell Focus instead.
Enhanced Magic Arrow II: The difficulty class of your Sleep Arrows and Slaying Arrows
increases by one more point. Requires: Enhanced Magic Arrow I.
Improved Snaring Weapon: The difficulty class of your Snaring weapon enchantments
increases by one point and the duration of the effect increases by one round.
Water Affinity: When fighting underwater or while swimming, the character gains a +2 circumstance bonus to
Attack Rolls and Armour Class. In addition, your spell Summon Crocodile or Summon Crocodile (Ranger) is improved
from Move Action to Free Action (even when not swimming or underwater).
Forest Affinity: When fighting in a forest or jungle, the character gains a +2 circumstance bonus to
Attack Rolls and Armour Class. In addition, your spell Summon Wolf or Summon Wolf (Ranger) is improved from Move Action to Free Action (even outside forests and jungles).
Fire Resistance: The character gains resistance 10 to fire damage.
Cold Resistance: The character gains resistance 10 to cold damage.
March 2011-2021. Last Update 27 November 2024. All rights reserved.