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Rogue, the Infiltrator

Rogues are skilled in stealth movement, dodging and precise strike. Their ability to dispose of enemies with the least amount of time and energy is dreaded by all.

Rogues often work as assassins, infiltrators, spies, scouts, hitmen and thieves. They can be of any alignment and they adventure for profit, experience, fame, or just for the challenge. Some rogues are members of a Thieves' Guild.

Experienced rogues have the ability to cast arcane spells. The spell list focuses on darkness, invisibility, confusion, paralysis and sleep effects.

Hit Dice, Proficiencies, Alignment

D8 Hit Die. Proficient with light armour (not shields). Starts with simple-weapons proficiency plus three selectable weapon-group proficiencies. Rogues can be of any alignment.

Special Abilities

Rogue Specialisation: During character creation, you must select a Rogue Specialisation option for your character. You can choose between the following options.

Rogue Specialisation, Assassin: As the focus of your extensive training, you have learnt secret killing techniques that work even against seemingly invulnerable opponents. You receive a +1 bonus to all Damage Rolls. Your Sneak Attack ability works even against targets that are immune to Critical Hits. The Sneak Attack damage against them is reduced to four-sided dice.

Rogue Specialisation, Fencer: As the focus of your extensive training, you have mastered the art of using thin swords like the Rapier and light weapons like the Short Sword to inflict a maximum amount of damage to your opponents. You receive the feat Weapon Finesse for free at level 1. In addition, you gain the Greater Weapon Finesse ability: whenever you're attacking with a Finesse or light weapon, and you're not Grappling, you apply your Dexterity Modifier to Damage Rolls instead of your Strength Modifier if your Dexterity Modifier is higher than your Strength Modifier.

Rogue Specialisation, Ninja: You are a Shinobi, a dreaded master of espionage, stealth, deception and assassination. Your exacting training grants you benefits related to your magical abilities. You receive a +2 bonus to Willpower saving throws. You get the feat Fast Spells for free at level 1. In addition, you gain one extra spell slot of each available spell level.

Rogue Specialisation, Swashbuckler: The Swashbuckler is also known by many other names: Cavalier, Musketeer, Buccaneer, Marauder, Privateer, Freebooter, Treasure Hunter, Scoundrel, Rascal or Blackguard, to name but a few. The Swashbuckler is a jack-of-all-trades, a flamboyant fighter with enough guile to charm the unsuspecting and sufficient adroitness to pick locks and evade dangerous traps. This Rogue specialisation is quite different from the others, as you will not gain any spell slots. However, you can still activate Wizard spell scrolls and wands containing a Wizard spell. The following abilities and feats are specific to the Swashbuckler.

Insightful Strike (Swashbuckler ability): You gain the feat Weapon Finesse and you receive a bonus to Damage Rolls equal to your Intelligence Modifier on all Finesse attacks against targets not immune to Critical Hits, when you're not grappling.

Panache (Swashbuckler ability): If your Charisma Modifier is at least one, you gain a bonus on all saving throws and initiative rolls. This bonus is equal to your Charisma Modifier (after modifications).

Precise Swing (Swashbuckler ability): Your melee attacks, including attacks with a Reach weapon, ignore both Cover and Light Concealment.

Death Blow (Swashbuckler ability): You can perform a Coup De Grace as a Standard Action rather than a Full Round Action, and you do not provoke attacks of opportunity when doing so.

Enhanced Sneak Attack (Swashbuckler feat): Prerequisite: level 12. Your Sneak Attack damage increases by 1d6 points.

Shake It Off I (Swashbuckler feat): Each round, the character gets a free saving throw to remove the following effects: blind, sleeping, fascinated, reduced, shaken, agony, bane, prayer, fatigued, sickened. The saving throw type and DC is the same as the original saving throw against the effect. If the effect resulted from a spell without a saving throw, the character gets a Fortitude save versus the normal spell DC. Effects that did not originate from a spell or SLA cannot be removed using Shake it Off. Effects in the list that were supposed to persist after the end of combat are automatically removed when combat ends.

Shake It Off II (Swashbuckler feat): Same as Shake It Off I, but the character also gets saving throws against the following effects: dazed, held, slowed, confusion, berserk, hideous laughter, command, cowering, exhausted, baleful polymorph. Requires: Shake It Off I.

Shake It Off III (Swashbuckler feat): Same as Shake It Off II, but the character also gets saving throws against the following effects: stunned, dancing, controlled, dominated, cursed, malison, crushing despair, frailty, enfeeblement, nauseated. Requires: Shake It Off II.

Resistance I (Swashbuckler feat): The character gains Damage Reduction 1 / -. Requires: Level 6.

Resistance II (Swashbuckler feat): The character gains Damage Reduction 2 / -. Requires: Level 12, Resistance I.

Resistance III (Swashbuckler feat): The character gains Damage Reduction 3 / -. Requires: Level 18, Resistance II.

Escape Artist: The character can break free from a grapple, a pin or a web using a dexterity check rather than a strength check, if his dexterity is higher than his strength. Dexterity checks can replace strength checks when breaking free from the effect of the following spells: Entangle, Web, Forcecage, Ectoplasmic Cocoon and all associated spells. Additionally, the character gains a +2 bonus on these checks (even if he is using his strength modifier).

Sneak Attack: Extra damage dealt in melee to an enemy who has lost his dexterity bonus to AC, or is being flanked. This ability only works if the enemy is not immune to critical hits. Further, a character cannot sneak attack creatures who have concealment (unless the character benefits from an effect such as True Seeing).

Improved Sneak Attack: From level 4, the rogue's sneak attack also works when the enemy is Nauseated, Cursed, Confused, Slowed or Prone.

Tumble: A character with this ability does not trigger any attack of opportunity (AOO) when moving out of a threatened square. The character must be wearing no armour or light armour in order to benefit from this ability.

Evasion: Whenever the character suffers damage from an effect that required a reflex saving throw (for example, a fireball or a breath weapon), the damage inflicted to the character is reduced by 50%. The character must not be paralyzed and he must be wearing no armour or light armour to benefit from this.

Uncanny Dodge: A character with uncanny dodge does not lose his dexterity bonus to AC when flat-footed or hit by an invisible creature in melee combat.

Improved Uncanny Dodge: A character with this ability cannot be flanked.

Bypass Enemy: A character with this ability can move through squares occupied by enemies during combat, at half speed, as long as he does not end his move on an occupied square. The character must be wearing no armour or light armour.

Crippling Strike: Opponents damaged by the character's sneak attack take two points of cumulative Strength damage.

Spells: The leading ability for Rogue spells is Intelligence. Rogues can cast arcane spells while wearing light armour without spell failure chance. A Rogue can activate Arcane Spell Scrolls of any spell in the lists of the Rogue and Wizard. Rogue spells cannot be used to counterspell another spellcaster. Spell picks at every level from level 2: 2. The Rogue's caster level is equal to his character level. Rogues can cast somatic spells while wielding a two-handed weapon or several weapons at the same time, because switching a weapon from one hand to the other is a free action.


LEVEL 1: 11 spells

Shocking Grasp (Evocation. Melee touch attack deals 1d6 points of electricity damage per level to a single target, up to 5d6. No save. You get a +4 bonus on the melee touch attack roll if the target is wearing metal armour, that is, not leather or hide armour, or if the target has the [Metal] descriptor.)

Sleep (Enchantment. 10' radius circle, up to 4 Hit Dice + 1 Hit Dice per two levels of creatures are put to sleep. They gain the Prone and Sleeping conditions. Creatures with the lowest HD are affected first. Duration Until End of Combat.)

True Strike (Alteration, Personal, Move action casting time, your next attack gains a +20 insight bonus to the attack roll, and it ignores concealment.)

Ghoul Touch (Necromancy. Touch spell. You paralyze a single living humanoid for 1d6+2 rounds. Fortitude negates. If the spell is successful, all living creatures adjacent to the target, except the caster, must succeed on a Fortitude save or become sickened for 1d4 rounds.)

Enlarge (Alteration. Close range, 10 rounds, the recipient gains +2 to Strength, -2 to Dexterity (minimum 1), -1 to attack rolls, -1 to AC, and the size category increases by one, so he deals damage as a creature one size category larger.)

Reduce (Alteration. Close range, 10 rounds, Willpower negates, the recipient takes -2 to Strength (minimum 1), +2 to Dexterity, +1 to attack rolls, +1 to AC, and the size category decreases by one, so he deals damage as a creature one size category smaller.)

Blur (Enchantment, Personal spell, Duration Until Rest, your figure becomes blurred, giving you 20% concealment.)

Blindness (Necromancy. Long Range. Single target must succeed on a Reflex save or become Blind permanently.)

Grease (Conjuration, 1 round per level, 10' square is covered with slippery layer. All targets in the area of effect gain the flat-footed condition (no save), meaning they lose their dexterity bonus to AC. Secondly, all targets must make a reflex save or fall prone. Large creatures with some squares outside the grease gain +2 on the spell's Reflex saves. Creatures in the area must save again each round, just before the caster acts, in order to avoid falling. Moving into a Grease square, at half speed, requires a reflex save or the creature falls. Trying to stand up (as a move action) requires a reflex save. If a creature is hit while in the grease, it must succeed on a reflex save or fall prone. A character cannot take a 5-foot step or a charge action in difficult terrain. Similar to the Web spell, any fire magic with a reflex save used in the greased area sets the grease on fire, dealing 1d4 fire damage to anyone in the area and removing the grease.)

Mirror Image (Enchantment. Personal, Duration Until Rest. The spell creates a number of illusory duplicates of the caster. Whenever you are struck by a successful melee hit, ranged hit, touch spell or ranged touch spell, a random roll is used to determine whether the target is real or illusory (Blind creatures and monsters with blindsight always strike the real target. If you are invisible, enemies automatically hit the real target). When an illusory duplicate is hit, it disappears. The number of duplicates is 1d4 + 1 per three caster levels, up to a total of eight images. Area of effect spells do not destroy duplicates.)

Chromatic Orb (Evocation. Select a living creature in medium range. An orb of swirling colours appears in your hand and flies to the target unerringly. At CL 1 and CL 2, the orb deals 1d4 points of damage (no save) and the target is sickened for 1d4 rounds (Reflex negates). At CL 3 and CL 4, the orb deals 1d6 points of damage (no save) and the target is slowed for 1d4 rounds (Reflex negates). At CL 5 and CL 6, the orb deals 1d8 points of damage (no save) and the target is reduced for 1d6 rounds (Reflex negates). At CL 7 and CL 8, the orb deals 2d4 points of damage (no save) and the target is confused for 1d4 rounds (Reflex negates). At CL 9 and CL 10, the orb deals 1d10 points of damage (no save) and the target is blinded for 1d6 rounds (Reflex save). At CL 11 and CL 12, the orb deals 2d6 points of damage (no save) and the target is stunned for 1d2 rounds (Reflex negates). At CL 13 and CL 14, the orb deals 3d4 points of damage (no save) and the target falls asleep for 1d4 rounds (Reflex negates). At CL 15 and CL 16, the orb deals 2d8 points of damage (no save) and the target is exhausted for 1d8 rounds (Reflex negates). At CL 17 and CL 18, the orb deals 3d6 points of damage (no save) and the target is nauseated for 1d6 rounds (Reflex negates). At CL 19 and CL 20, the orb deals 2d10 points of damage (no save) and the target is held (paralyzed) for 1d4 rounds (Reflex negates).

LEVEL 2: 9 spells

Enhance Ability (Alteration. For 10 rounds, the target gains a +4 enhancement bonus to either Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, Intelligence or Charisma. From CL 9, the bonus increases to +6. From CL 15, the bonus increases to +8.)

Darkvision (Alteration. Touch spell. Duration Until End of Combat. The recipient gains the ability to see through magical darkness.)

Darkness (Necromancy. The spell creates a 10' radius opaque field of magical darkness. All creatures within the area of effect gain 50% concealment and the 'Unable to See' condition. Duration 4 rounds + 1 per two levels.)

Hold Person (Enchantment. Select an enemy humanoid in medium range. It is paralyzed for 1 round per level if it fails on a Willpower saving throw. The subject can cast stilled spells, activate a psionic power, or, as a full-round action, attempt to break free by succeeding on another Willpower saving throw)

Invisibility (Enchantment. Duration Until End of Combat. Touch spell. The recipient becomes invisible until he attacks or casts an offensive spell.)

Silence (Conjuration. Long Range. 20' radius circle. The spell prevents casting of verbal spells and protects against sonic damage. Duration Three rounds + one round per level.)

Hideous Laughter (Enchantment. Mind affecting. Select a target in close range. It must succeed on a willpower save (DC reduced by 4 if the target's type is different from the caster's type) or gain the Hideous Laughter condition. Affected creatures fall prone, laughing uncontrollably. For 1 round per level (up to 10 rounds), they can take no other action.)

Deep Slumber (Enchantment. 15' radius circle. Same as Sleep, but this spell affects up to 10 Hit Dice + 1 Hit Dice per two levels of creatures.)

Flaming Sphere (Evocation, Medium Range. 10' radius burst, reflex negates. Deals 2d6 fire damage. From caster level 5, the spell deals 3d6 fire damage. From CL 7, the spell deals 4d6. From CL 9, the spell deals 5d6. Creatures who fail their save also gain the 'burning' condition for 1d2 rounds. The condition deals 1d6 points of fire damage per round. Casting spells while suffering from burns requires a concentration check of DC 14 + burning damage dealt on that round + spell level.)

LEVEL 3: 9 spells

Resilient Grease (Rogue) (Conjuration. The spell Resilient Grease (Rogue) functions like the spell Grease (Rogue), but the effect covers a 15' square and it cannot be removed with an area-of-effect spell that deals fire damage.)

Displacement (Enchantment. Touch spell. The recipient appears to be 2 feet away from his real location, giving him 50% concealment for 1 round per level.)

Hold Monster (Enchantment. Single living creature in medium range is paralyzed for 1 round per level. Willpower negates.)

Poison (Necromancy. Melee touch attack inflicts 2d10 points of constitution ability damage to the target. A special fortitude saving throw negates the effect.)

Deeper Darkness (Necromancy. The spell creates a 20' radius opaque field of magical darkness. All creatures within the area of effect gain 50% concealment and the 'Unable to See' condition. Duration 4 rounds + 1 per two levels.)

False Life (Necromancy. Personal. You gain 1d10 temporary hit points plus one per level.)

Confusion (Enchantment. 15' radius circle. All creatures in the area of effect are confused for 2d6 rounds if they fail on a Willpower save. Each round, a confused subject rolls a D100 to determine what it will do: Attack an enemy creature (01-10), Act normally (11-20), Do nothing (21-50), Run away (51-70), Attack the nearest creature (71-100). Medium Range.)

Bestow Curse (Necromancy. Melee touch. Curses a single living target. Each round, a cursed creature has a 50% chance of losing its turn. Willpower negates. Permanent.)

Slow (Alteration. 10' radius circle. Close Range. Willpower negates. 1 round per level. Slowed creatures may not perform full attacks or other full-round actions. Speed is halved and the creature takes -1 penalties on Reflex saving throws, AC, and attack rolls.)

LEVEL 4: 9 spells

Mass Hideous Laughter (Rogue) (Enchantment. Mind affecting. This spell works like Hideous Laughter (Rogue), but all enemy targets in a 10' radius are affected. Medium Range. Targets must succeed on a Willpower saving throw (the difficulty class is reduced by four points if the target's type is different from the caster's type) or gain the Hideous Laughter condition. Affected creatures fall Prone, laughing uncontrollably. For 1 round per level (up to 10 rounds), they can take no other action.)

Greater Shocking Grasp (Evocation. Melee touch attack deals 1d6 points of electricity damage per level to a single target, up to 15d6. No save. You get a +4 bonus on the melee touch attack roll if the target is wearing metal armour, that is, not leather or hide armour, or if the target has the [Metal] descriptor. The target must also succeed on a Fortitude save or become stunned for one round.)

True Seeing (Touch spell, Duration Until End of Combat, the recipient gains the true seeing ability.)

Mass Darkvision (Alteration. 10' radius circle. Duration Until End of Combat. All allies in the area of effect gain the ability to see through magical darkness.)

Freedom of Movement Touch (Enchantment. 1 round per level. Touch spell. The recipient is freed from the following conditions: Paralyzed, Slowed, Stuck, Entangled, Quicksand. The subject also gains immunity to all these effects for the spell's duration. The spell does not affect the spell Grease, underwater movement, being grappled or pinned or swallowed whole.)

Greater Invisibility (Enchantment. Touch spell. 1 round per level. The creature touched becomes invisible. The effect remains even if the creature attacks.)

Slay Living (Necromancy. Melee touch attack kills a living creature, Fortitude saving throw negates.)

Stoneskin Touch (Conjuration. Touch. 1 round per level. This spell creates a thin protective layer around the subject's skin. The recipient gains Damage Reduction 10 / adamantine and magic. The spell cannot stop more than 10 points of damage per caster level.)

Rogue Fireball (Evocation. 10' radius circle. Medium Range. Reflex half. The spell creates an explosion of flame which deals 1d6 points of fire damage to all creatures in the area of effect, up to 15d6. Creatures standing amidst a burning Web take 2d4 points of extra damage. Creatures standing on a greased area take 1d4 points of extra damage. The entire grease and web effects are destroyed when a fire effect is applied onto one of the grease or web squares.)

Rogue Feats

Orb Master: When you cast the spell Chromatic Orb, you can select one of the lower-level effects. For example, at level 7, you can select either confusion, reduction, slowness or sickness. The damage dealt remains the amount that applies normally for your level. Requires: Level 3.

Greater Dodge: A character with this feat benefits from another +1 dodge bonus to AC. Requires: Dodge, Dex 13, Level 3, Monk, Death Knight or Rogue.

Improved Phasing Weapon: Your weapons with the Phasing enchantment bypass 10 points of Damage Reduction instead of six. Your weapons with the Greater Phasing enchantment bypass 20 points of Damage Reduction instead of 15.

Improved Coup De Grace Weapon: The difficulty class of your Coup de Grace weapon enchantments increases by one point and the duration of the effect increases by one round.

Fast Spells: The character casts the spells Enlarge, Blur, Mirror Image, Enhance Ability, Darkvision, Invisibility, Displacement, False Life, True Seeing, Mass Darkvision, Freedom of Movement Touch, Greater Invisibility and Stoneskin Touch with a move action rather than a standard action or full-round action. Requires: Level 6 Rogue.

Improved Rogue Fireball: The radius of your Rogue Fireball spell increases from 10' to 15', the range increases from Medium to Long and the limit of 15d6 is removed. Requires: Level 12 Rogue.

Melee Focus: You gain a competence bonus of +1 to all melee attack rolls. Requires: Level 9, Psychic Warrior, Rogue or Monk.

Armoured Casting: You avoid the spell failure chance when casting spells with a somatic component while wearing Medium Armour or Heavy Armour, if you have the appropriate Armour Proficiency.

Spell Focus: The DC of all spells with a saving throw increases by 1.

Greater Spell Focus: The DC of all spells with a saving throw increases by another 1. Requires: Spell Focus.

March 2011-2022. Last Update 7 November 2022. All rights reserved.