Weapon & Armour Enchantments
Here is the list of special enchantments that can be added to magic weapons and armour. Enchantments
are defined first by their cost in enchantment points, from one point to five points. To add a new enchantment,
forge a new weapon or armour, or recharge a magic wand, you first need to find a friendly non-player character
with the class Druid, Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard, Warlock or Psychic Healer.
As well as the gold and experience-point cost, adding an enchantment requires the expenditure
of a magic diamond which the party must be holding.
The diamond's type depends on the enchantment's cost. For a +1 enchantment, you need a single Air Diamond.
For a +2 enchantment, you need a single Water Diamond. For a +3 enchantmnet, you need a single Earth Diamond.
For a +4 enchantment, you need a single Fire Diamond. For a +5 enchantment, you need a single Star Diamond.
Armour enchantments cost as much as weapon enchantments in terms of diamonds, gold and experience points.
Recharging a wand requires the expenditure of one or two magic diamonds, depending on the level of the
spell associated with the wand. For a spell of level 1, you need a single Air Diamond. For a spell
of level 2, you need a single Water Diamond. For a spell of level 3, you need a single Earth Diamond.
For a spell of level 4, you need a single Fire Diamond. For a spell of level 5, you need a single Star Diamond.
For a spell of level 6, you need one Star Diamond and one Air Diamond. For a spell of level 7, you need
one Star Diamond and one Water Diamond. For a spell of level 8, you need one Star Diamond and one Earth Diamond.
For a spell of level 9, you need one Star Diamond and one Fire Diamond.
Forging a new weapon or armour usually requires an ingot. For leather and hide armour, you do not need
any ingot. For an item made with standard materials, you need a single steel ingot. For an item made in
adamantine, you need a single adamantine ingot. For an item made in eternium, you need a single eternium ingot.
For an item made in crystal, you need a single crystal ingot. For an item made in silver, you need a single
silver ingot. For an item made in cold iron, you need a single cold iron ingot.
List of Weapon Enchantments
Greater Phasing, price 5: Your weapon ignores 15 points of Damage Reduction.
Draining, price 5: Upon hitting, the victim must succeed on a Fortitude saving throw of DC 20 or receive one permanent negative level. The effect is cumulative.
Drinker, price 5: On a successful hit, the wielder gains 1d6 temporary HP that are drained from the target.
Undead and Construct creatures are not affected by this effect. Only for slashing melee weapons.
Disrupting, price 5: Upon hitting, the target’s AC is reduced by one point (to a minimum of zero) until the end of combat. No save.
Coup De Grace, price 5: Whenever you deal a critical hit, the victim must succeed on a Willpower saving throw of DC 22 or be paralysed (held) for 1d4 rounds. The victim gets a new saving throw each round.
Greater Flaming Splash, price 4: Only for ranged weapons. On a successful hit, the projectile deals 4d4 fire damage to all creatures in a 10' radius. Can’t be combined with other elemental effects except Flaming and Flaming Burst.
Greater Icy Splash, price 4: Only for ranged weapons. On a successful hit, the projectile deals 4d4 cold damage to all creatures in a 10' radius. Can’t be combined with other elemental effects except Frost and Icy Burst.
Greater Shocking Splash, price 4: Only for ranged weapons. On a successful hit, the projectile deals 4d4 electricity damage to all creatures in a 10' radius. Can’t be combined with other elemental effects except Shocking and Shocking Burst.
Greater Acidic Splash, price 4: Only for ranged weapons. On a successful hit, the projectile deals 4d4 acid damage to all creatures in a 10' radius. Can’t be combined with other elemental effects except Acidic and Acidic Burst.
Force, price 4: Whenever you score a critical hit, you deal a number of points of force damage equal to four times the weapon’s basic damage (e.g. 4d8 for a longsword).
Static damage bonuses like the Strength bonus are not multiplied.
Vorpal, price 4: Only for slashing melee weapons. Whenever you deal a critical hit, the base damage increases by a number of points equal to 10 times the weapon's critical multiplier (e.g. 20 for a longsword).
Destruction, price 4: The weapon’s base damage increases by 3d6.
Greater Defending, price 4: Only for melee weapons. Provides a +4 shield bonus to AC.
Brilliant Energy, price 4: Only for melee weapons. Your weapon ignores all armour and shield AC bonuses, and you can still damage the undead and constructs.
Blinding, price 4: Upon hitting, forces a Willpower saving throw of DC 18. Failing it means the creature is blinded for 1d6 rounds.
Skewer, price 4: You trigger a critical hit whenever the attack roll exceeds the target’s AC by five or more. You still need to confirm the critical.
Weakening, price 4: Upon hitting, reduces the target's Strength by one point. The effect is cumulative.
This is an ability drain which can be removed with a few spells, including Greater Restoration.
Hindering, price 4: Upon hitting, reduces the target's Dexterity by one point. The effect is cumulative.
This is an ability drain which can be removed with a few spells, including Greater Restoration.
Greater Knockback, price 4: Only for ranged weapons. Upon hitting, the victim must succeed on a Fortitude saving throw of DC 18 or
be pushed back along the projectile's trajectory by one square. The creature is only pushed back if the target square is empty.
Stunning, price 3: Only for bludgeoning weapons. Whenever you deal a critical hit, the victim must succeed on a Fortitude saving throw of DC 18 or be stunned for 1d2 rounds.
Tripping, price 3: Upon hitting, forces a Reflex saving throw of DC 16. Failing it means the creature is prone.
Swift, price 3: Provides one extra attack at the full BAB. The extra attack is with the weapon that has the Swift enchantment. You must use the full-attack action to benefit from this. The effect stacks with Haste.
Life Stealing, price 3: Only for slashing melee weapons. Upon dealing a critical hit, your weapon bestows a negative level on the victim and provides 1d6 temporary Hit Points to the wielder. Weapons with a critical multiplier higher than two bestow additional negative levels and provide more temporary Hit Points. The effect is cumulative.
Wounding, price 3: Upon hitting, reduces the target’s Constitution by one point. This is an ability damage which can be removed with spells like Lesser Restoration.
Slowing, price 3: Upon hitting, forces a Willpower saving throw of DC 16. Failing it means the creature is slowed for 1d4 rounds.
Dispelling, price 3: Upon hitting, casts Greater Dispel on the beneficial magic effect of highest caster level existing on the target. The wielder's character level is used for this check.
Knockback, price 2: Only for ranged weapons. Upon hitting, the victim must succeed on a Fortitude saving throw of DC 14 or
be pushed back along the projectile's trajectory by one square. The creature is only pushed back if the target square is empty.
Giant Sized, price 2: The weapon deals base damage as if it was one category larger, without penalty to the wielder.
For example, a Giant Sized Greatsword would deal 3d6 points of base damage, rather than 2d6.
Sickening, price 2: Upon hitting, forces a Fortitude saving throw of DC 14. Failure means the victim is sickened for 1d4 rounds.
Valorous, price 2: Your weapon’s base damage is doubled on a successful attack conducted as part of a charge.
For example, a longsword would deal an extra 1d8 points of damage. Static damage bonuses like the Strength bonus are also doubled. Only for melee weapons.
Disarming, price 2: Upon hitting, forces a Reflex saving throw of DC 14. Failing it means the creature is disarmed.
Phasing, price 2: Your weapon ignores six points of Damage Reduction.
Snaring, price 2: Only for ranged weapons. Target must succeed on a Reflex save of DC 14 or become entangled and stuck for 1d4 rounds, or until it breaks free (Strength check DC 16).
Holy, price 2: Can't combine with unholy. Your weapon becomes good-aligned and it deals 2d6 holy damage to evil creatures. When they attack with a holy weapon, characters of Good alignment also receive a +1 aligned bonus to damage rolls versus evil creatures. Aligned bonuses do not stack with each other.
Unholy, price 2: Can't combine with holy. Your weapon becomes evil-aligned and it deals 2d6 unholy damage to good creatures. When they attack with an unholy weapon, characters of Evil alignment also receive a +1 aligned bonus to damage rolls versus good creatures. Aligned bonuses do not stack with each other.
Axiomatic, price 2: Can't combine with anarchic. Your weapon becomes lawful-aligned and it deals 2d6 axiomatic damage to chaotic creatures. When they attack with an axiomatic weapon, characters of Lawful alignment also receive a +1 aligned bonus to damage rolls versus chaotic creatures. Aligned bonuses do not stack with each other.
Anarchic, price 2: Can't combine with axiomatic. Your weapon becomes chaotic-aligned and it deals 2d6 anarchic damage to lawful creatures. When they attack with an anarchic weapon, characters of Chaotic alignment also receive a +1 aligned bonus to damage rolls versus lawful creatures. Aligned bonuses do not stack with each other.
Flaming Burst, price 2: Your weapon deals an additional 2d6 fire damage on successful hits. Flaming Burst weapons automatically include the Flaming enchantment. Can't be combined with other elemental effects except Flaming and Flaming Splash.
Icy burst, price 2: Your weapon deals an additional 2d6 cold damage on successful hits. Icy Burst weapons automatically include the Frost enchantment. Can't be combined with other elemental effects except Frost and Icy Splash.
Shocking Burst, price 2: Your weapon deals an additional 2d6 electricity damage on successful hits. Shocking Burst weapons automatically include the Shocking enchantment. Can't be combined with other elemental effects except Shocking and Shocking Splash.
Acidic Burst, price 2: Your weapon deals an additional 2d6 acid damage on successful hits. Acidic Burst weapons automatically include the Acidic enchantment. Can't be combined with other elemental effects except Acidic and Acidic Splash.
Undead Destruction, price 2: Only for bludgeoning weapons. Upon hitting an undead creature, forces a Willpower save of DC 14 to avoid destruction.
Flaming Splash, price 2: Only for ranged weapons. On a successful hit, the projectile deals 2d4 fire damage to all creatures in a 10' radius. Can’t be combined with other elemental effects except Flaming and Flaming Burst.
Icy Splash, price 2: Only for ranged weapons. On a successful hit, the projectile deals 2d4 cold damage to all creatures in a 10' radius. Can’t be combined with other elemental effects except Frost and Icy Burst.
Shocking Splash, price 2: Only for ranged weapons. On a successful hit, the projectile deals 2d4 electricity damage to all creatures in a 10' radius. Can’t be combined with other elemental effects except Shocking and Shocking Burst.
Acidic Splash, price 2: Only for ranged weapons. On a successful hit, the projectile deals 2d4 acid damage to all creatures in a 10' radius. Can’t be combined with other elemental effects except Acidic and Acidic Burst.
Defending, price 2: Only for melee weapons. Provides a +2 shield bonus to AC.
Collision, price 2: Your weapon gains a +4 bonus to its base damage.
Shattermantle, price 2: On a successful hit, the weapon reduces the target's Spell Resistance by two points for a single round. The effect is cumulative.
Flaming, price 1: You deal an additional 1d6 fire damage. Can't be combined with other elemental effects except Flaming Burst and Flaming Splash.
Frost, price 1: You deal an additional 1d6 cold damage. Can't be combined with other elemental effects except Icy Burst and Icy Splash.
Shocking, price 1: You deal an additional 1d6 electricity damage. Can't be combined with other elemental effects except Shocking Burst and Shocking Splash.
Acidic, price 1: You deal an additional 1d6 acid damage. Can't be combined with other elemental effects except Acidic Burst and Acidic Splash.
Keen, price 1: Not for bludgeoning weapons. Your weapon’s critical range is doubled. However, if the wielder has the feat Improved Critical, then the critical range is expanded by a single point only. For example, a rapier used by a character with Improved Critical would have a critical range of 14-20. Bows confer the attribute to their ammunition.
Aberration Bane, price 1: Against foes of the designated type, the weapon's enhancement bonus is +2 better than the normal enhancement bonus, and the base damage increases by 2d6.
Animal Bane, price 1: Against foes of the designated type, the weapon's enhancement bonus is +2 better than the normal enhancement bonus, and the base damage increases by 2d6.
Construct Bane, price 1: Against foes of the designated type, the weapon's enhancement bonus is +2 better than the normal enhancement bonus, and the base damage increases by 2d6.
Dragon Bane, price 1: Against foes of the designated type, the weapon's enhancement bonus is +2 better than the normal enhancement bonus, and the base damage increases by 2d6.
Elemental Bane, price 1: Against foes of the designated type, the weapon's enhancement bonus is +2 better than the normal enhancement bonus, and the base damage increases by 2d6.
Giant Bane, price 1: Against foes of the designated type, the weapon's enhancement bonus is +2 better than the normal enhancement bonus, and the base damage increases by 2d6.
Humanoid Bane, price 1: Against foes of the designated type, the weapon's enhancement bonus is +2 better than the normal enhancement bonus, and the base damage increases by 2d6.
Magical Beast Bane, price 1: Against foes of the designated type, the weapon's enhancement bonus is +2 better than the normal enhancement bonus, and the base damage increases by 2d6.
Monstrous Humanoid Bane, price 1: Against foes of the designated type, the weapon's enhancement bonus is +2 better than the normal enhancement bonus, and the base damage increases by 2d6.
Ooze Bane, price 1: Against foes of the designated type, the weapon's enhancement bonus is +2 better than the normal enhancement bonus, and the base damage increases by 2d6.
Outsider Bane, price 1: Against foes of the designated type, the weapon's enhancement bonus is +2 better than the normal enhancement bonus, and the base damage increases by 2d6.
Undead Bane, price 1: Against foes of the designated type, the weapon's enhancement bonus is +2 better than the normal enhancement bonus, and the base damage increases by 2d6.
Ghost Touch, price 1: The weapon bypasses the 50% miss chance on attacks versus incorporeal creatures.
Vicious, price 1: Not for bludgeoning weapons. On a successful hit, the enchantment causes the target to bleed (it loses 1 HP per round). The damage is cumulative. It cannot exceed 10 points per round.
Barbed, price 1: Increases the weapon’s critical multiplier by one. Bows confer the attribute to their ammunition.
Distance, price 1: Only for ranged weapons. This enchantment removes the penalty of -2 for shooting at a square located beyond 50% of the maximum range.
Entangling, price 1: Only for ranged weapons. Upon hitting the target, magical roots grow from the arrow, entangling the target for one round. No save.
List of Armour Enchantments
Fortification I, price 1: The user gains a 25% chance to avoid critical hits.
Fortification II, price 3: The user gains a 75% chance to avoid critical hits.
Fortification III, price 5: The user gains immunity to critical hits.
Invulnerability, price 3: Only for armour. The wearer gains DR 5 / magic. Each point of enhancement of a weapon bypasses four points of DR / magic. For example, a +2 weapon would bypass eight points out of DR 10 / magic.
Greater Invulnerability, price 5: Only for armour. The wearer gains DR 10 / magic.
Bravery, price 3: Only for armour. All allies in a 10' radius (including the wearer) gain a bonus of +1 to attack rolls.
Greater Bravery, price 5: Only for armour. All allies in a 10' radius (including the wearer) gain a bonus of +2 to attack rolls.
Quickness, price 2: Only for armour. The wearer gains a +5 bonus to speed.
Greater Quickness, price 4: Only for armour. The wearer gains a +10 bonus to speed.
Red, price 5: For both armour and shields. All fire damage is cut by 50% (after reduction from any other effects). 50% reductions from multiple sources do not stack.
Green, price 5: For both armour and shields. All acid damage is cut by 50% (after reduction from any other effects). 50% reductions from multiple sources do not stack.
Blue, price 5: For both armour and shields. All electricity damage is cut by 50% (after reduction from any other effects). 50% reductions from multiple sources do not stack.
Sound, price 5: For both armour and shields. All sonic damage is cut by 50% (after reduction from any other effects). 50% reductions from multiple sources do not stack.
White, price 5: For both armour and shields. All cold damage is cut by 50% (after reduction from any other effects). 50% reductions from multiple sources do not stack.
Black, price 5: For both armour and shields. All negative energy damage is cut by 50% (after reduction from any other effects). 50% reductions from multiple sources do not stack.
Acid Resistance I, price 2: The user gains Acid damage reduction 10.
Acid Resistance II, price 3: The user gains Acid damage reduction 20.
Acid Resistance III, price 4: The user gains Acid damage reduction 30.
Cold Resistance I, price 2: The user gains Cold damage reduction 10.
Cold Resistance II, price 3: The user gains Cold damage reduction 20.
Cold Resistance III, price 4: The user gains Cold damage reduction 30.
Electricity Resistance I, price 2: The user gains Electricity damage reduction 10.
Electricity Resistance II, price 3: The user gains Electricity damage reduction 20.
Electricity Resistance III, price 4: The user gains Electricity damage reduction 30.
Fire Resistance I, price 2: The user gains Fire damage reduction 10.
Fire Resistance II, price 3: The user gains Fire damage reduction 20.
Fire Resistance III, price 4: The user gains Fire damage reduction 30.
Sonic Resistance I, price 2: The user gains Sonic damage reduction 10.
Sonic Resistance II, price 3: The user gains Sonic damage reduction 20.
Sonic Resistance III, price 4: The user gains Sonic damage reduction 30.
Spell Resistance I, price 3: Only for armour. The user gains Spell Resistance 17.
Spell Resistance II, price 4: Only for armour. The user gains Spell Resistance 22.
Spell Resistance III, price 5: Only for armour. The user gains Spell Resistance 27.
Vitality I, price 2: Only for armour. Increases the Hit Points of the wearer by 10.
Vitality II, price 3: Only for armour. Increases the Hit Points of the wearer by 20.
Vitality III, price 4: Only for armour. Increases the Hit Points of the wearer by 30.
Fire Defence, price 3: Only for armour. Opponents hitting the character in melee take 1d4 fire damage. Can't be combined with other elemental defence enchantments except Greater Fire Defence. Only for armour.
Greater Fire Defence, price 5: Only for armour. Opponents hitting the character in melee take 1d6 fire damage + 1 per two character levels. Can't be combined with other elemental defence enchantments. Only for armour.
Cold Defence, price 3: Only for armour. Opponents hitting the character in melee take 1d4 cold. Can't be combined with other elemental defence enchantments except Greater Cold Defence. Only for armour.
Greater Cold Defence, price 5: Only for armour. Opponents hitting the character in melee take 1d6 cold damage + 1 per two character levels. Can't be combined with other elemental defence enchantments. Only for armour.
Electricity Defence, price 3: Only for armour. Opponents hitting the character in melee take 1d4 electricity damage. Can't be combined with other elemental defence enchantments except Greater Electricity Defence. Only for armour.
Greater Electricity Defence, price 5: Only for armour. Opponents hitting the character in melee take 1d6 electricity damage + 1 per two character levels. Can't be combined with other elemental defence enchantments. Only for armour.
Acid Defence, price 3: Only for armour. Opponents hitting the character in melee take 1d4 acid damage. Can't be combined with other elemental defence enchantments except Greater Acid Defence. Only for armour.
Greater Acid Defence, price 5: Only for armour. Opponents hitting the character in melee take 1d6 acid damage + 1 per two character levels. Can't be combined with other elemental defence enchantments. Only for armour.
Death Ward, price 4: For shields and armour. The user gains immunity to death effects.
Resilient, price 4: For shields and armour. The user gains immunity to disintegration effects.
Draconic, price 1: Only for armour. Provides a +2 circumstance bonus to AC against attacks from creatures of the Dragon type. Circumstance bonuses stack with each other.
Arrow Protection, price 1: For shields and armour. Provides a +2 circumstance bonus to AC versus Ranged attacks (but not touch attacks). Circumstance bonuses stack with each other.
Mirror, price 1: For shields and armour. Provides a +2 circumstance bonus to Armour Class versus ranged touch attacks. Circumstance bonuses stack with each other.
Light Weight, price 1: Only for armour. Reduces the item's weight by 80%. The item’s penalties remain unchanged.
Ghost Ward, price 1: For shields and armour. The Armour Class bonus provided by the item counts against incorporeal attacks.
March 2011-2021. Last Update 24 March 2021. All rights reserved.