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Wizard, the Archmage

Wizards are patient, disciplined individuals dedicated to the study of arcane magic. They develop their abilities by examining ancient tomes and scrolls.

Wizards have access to a vast array of powerful spells. Many of these spells can have a devastating effect on enemies. However, wizards are very vulnerable when caught by surprise. They are mediocre fighters.

Wizards adventure in order to increase their knowledge and power. Just like other adventurers, they can also have noble or ignoble motivations. Due to their ancestral traditions, many elves become wizards.

Hit Dice, Proficiencies, Alignment

D6 Hit Die. No armour or shield proficiency. Starts with simple-weapons proficiency and crossbows proficiency. Although they are often lawful, wizards can be of any alignment.

Special Abilities

Spell Resistance: A wizard benefits from a permanent Spell Resistance (SR) equal to 5 + level.

Familiar: At level 1, Wizards select a familiar. Each familiar provides a different benefit:

Toad: You gain a +3 bonus to Hit Points. You also gain the skill Aquatic Familiar. The bonus to Hit Points from the feat Epic Toughness increases by five points.

Cat: You gain a +2 bonus to Reflex saves. You also gain the skill Darkvision Familiar and a +2 bonus to the character's Search score.

Owl: You gain a +2 bonus to Willpower saves. You also gain the skill Darkvision Familiar and a +2 bonus to the character's Search score.

Lizard: You gain a +2 bonus to Fortitude saves. You also gain the skill Crawling Familiar.

Snake: You gain a +2 bonus to Concentration checks. You also gain the skill Aquatic Familiar.

Spider: You gain a +1 bonus to Spell Resistance. You also gain the skill Crawling Familiar.

Firefly: You gain a +1 bonus to Chromatic Orb damage. You also gain the skill Flying Familiar. You gain access to the feat Improved Firefly Familiar.

Raven: You gain a +2 bonus to Initiative checks. You also gain the skill Flying Familiar.

Rat: You gain a +1 bonus on level checks made to bypass Spell Resistance with a spell or psionic power. You also gain the skill Crawling Familiar.

Parrot: You gain a +1 bonus to the Difficulty Class of your spell Colour Spray. You also gain the skills Flying Familiar and Rogue Pick Pocket.

Celestial Body Attunement: At level 1, Wizards may choose to be attuned to a celestial body if they wish. Each body provides an immediate bonus and a penalty as described below. Each attunement also provides access to a number of highly specialised feats, as described below in the Feats section. Not having any attunement also provides access to certain feats. When a Wizard selects an attunement, a colour prefix is added to his class name. For example, a Wizard attuned to Phoenix, the Red Moon, is called a Red Wizard. Wizards and Sorcerers who have selected an attunement later gain access to a Transformation option as described in the page about the Five Moons of Mindrel.

Nocturnis, the Black Moon: You gain a +1 bonus to the DC of Necromancy spells and a -1 penalty to the DC of Conjuration spells.

Phoenix, the Red Moon: You gain a +1 bonus to the DC of Evocation spells and a -1 penalty to the DC of Alteration spells.

Solann, the White Moon: You gain a +1 bonus to the DC of Conjuration spells and a -1 penalty to the DC of Necromancy spells.

Juron, the Green Moon: You gain a +1 bonus to the DC of Alteration spells and a -1 penalty to the DC of Enchantment spells.

Meril, the Blue Moon: You gain a +1 bonus to the DC of Enchantment spells and a -1 penalty to the DC of Evocation spells.

Spells: The leading ability for Wizard spells is Intelligence. A Wizard can activate Arcane Spell Scrolls of any spell in the lists of the Rogue and Wizard. When a wizard wears armour or uses a shield, he suffers from a chance to fail the casting of spells with a somatic component. Spell picks at level 1: 3 + Intelligence modifier. Spell picks at all other levels: 2. A Wizard can cast somatic spells while holding a light shield, but not a heavy shield or tower shield. Wizards can also cast somatic spells while wielding a two-handed weapon or several weapons at the same time, because switching a weapon from one hand to the other is a free action. A character cannot have more than one summoned creature at a time.


LEVEL 1: 24 spells
(With saves: Alteration 1, Enchantment 2, Evocation 3, Necromancy 1, Conjuration 3)

Summon Skeleton (Conjuration. With this spell, you summon a Skeleton (CR 1) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 1x1 square. For every caster level beyond 1, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)

Protection from Arrows (Alteration. Personal, Duration Until Rest. Using this spell, the caster gains Damage Reduction 5 / melee weapons. The spell expires once it has blocked 10 points of damage per caster level, up to 100 points of damage.)

Protection From Alignment (Enchantment, Duration Until End of Combat, Touch spell. Select Evil, Good, Chaotic, Lawful or Neutral. The recipient gains a +2 aligned bonus to Armour Class & Saving Throws versus enemies of that alignment, and immunity to mind control (Dominate and Control spells) from all enemies. Does not stack with other Protection from Alignment spells.)

Force Shield (Evocation, Duration Until End of Combat, Personal, a magical shield made of flowing air currents appears in front of you, negating Magic Missile attacks and giving a +4 shield bonus to Armour Class. Unlike a normal shield bonus, the bonus from Force Shield applies versus incorporeal attacks.)

Grease (Conjuration, 4 rounds + 1 per two levels, 10' square is covered with a slippery layer. All non-immune targets in the area of effect gain the balancing condition (no save), meaning that they lose their dexterity bonus to AC. Secondly, all targets must make a reflex save or fall prone. Large creatures with some squares outside the grease gain +2 on the spell's Reflex saves. Creatures in the area must save again each round, just before the caster acts, in order to avoid falling. Moving into a Grease square, at half speed, requires a reflex save or the creature falls. Trying to stand up (as a move action) requires a reflex save. If a creature takes damage from an enemy while balancing, it must succeed on a reflex save or fall prone. If a creature is bull rushed or tripped while balancing, the bull rush or trip attempt is automatically successful. If a balancing creature is affected by a wind spell, including Vortex of Doom, Whirlwind, Sirocco, Tornado Blast, Gust of Wind and Greater Gust of Wind, then it automatically fails on the saving throw to resist the effect of the spell and the bludgeoning damage it receives is increased by 1d6 points. If you fall down while balancing on a slope square or a ledge, you automatically slide to the unoccupied square of lowest altitude, like the bottom of a staircase. Sliding occurs in the four main directions, not diagonally. A character cannot take a 5-foot step or a charge action in difficult terrain. Similar to the Web spell, any fire-based area effect with a reflex save used in the greased area sets the grease on fire, dealing 1d4 fire damage to anyone in the area and removing the grease. Small flying creatures (that don't need to land to fight, unlike dragons), incorporeal creatures, creatures without legs (oozes and snakes), swimming and underwater creatures are all considered to be immune to the Trip combat action, the Prone condition and the effects of the spell Grease. Big flying creatures can be tripped but they fly over Grease areas.)

Mage Armour (Conjuration, Duration Until Rest, Personal, an invisible barrier appears around you, giving a +4 armour bonus to Armour Class. Unlike a normal armour bonus, the bonus from Mage Armour applies versus incorporeal attacks. At level 6, the armour bonus increases to +5. At level 11, the armour bonus increases to +6.)

Summon Elemental (Conjuration, Select earth, fire, water or air. An elemental of that type and of caster-level Hit Dice is summoned for 4 rounds + 1 per two levels, or until dismissed. Casting time Full-round action. Space 1x1 square.)

Chromatic Orb (Conjuration, Select a living creature in medium range. An orb of swirling colours appears in your hand and flies to the target unerringly. At CL 1 and CL 2, the orb deals 1d4 points of damage (no save) and the target is sickened for 1d4 rounds (Reflex negates). At CL 3 and CL 4, the orb deals 1d6 points of damage (no save) and the target is slowed for 1d4 rounds (Reflex negates). At CL 5 and CL 6, the orb deals 1d8 points of damage (no save) and the target is reduced for 1d6 rounds (Reflex negates). At CL 7 and CL 8, the orb deals 2d4 points of damage (no save) and the target is confused for 1d4 rounds (Reflex negates). At CL 9 and CL 10, the orb deals 1d10 points of damage (no save) and the target is blinded for 1d6 rounds (Reflex negates). At CL 11 and CL 12, the orb deals 2d6 points of damage (no save) and the target is stunned for 1d2 rounds (Reflex negates). At CL 13 and CL 14, the orb deals 3d4 points of damage (no save) and the target falls asleep for 1d4 rounds (Reflex negates). At CL 15 and CL 16, the orb deals 2d8 points of damage (no save) and the target is exhausted for 1d8 rounds (Reflex negates). At CL 17 and CL 18, the orb deals 3d6 points of damage (no save) and the target is nauseated for 1d6 rounds (Reflex negates). At CL 19 and CL 20, the orb deals 2d10 points of damage (no save) and the target is held (paralysed) for 1d4 rounds unless it succeeds on a Reflex save.)

True Strike (Enchantment, Personal. Move action casting time. Your next attack gains a +20 insight bonus to the attack roll, and it ignores concealment.)

Sleep (Enchantment, Mind-affecting, 10' radius circle, up to 4 Hit Dice + 1 Hit Dice per two levels of creatures are put to sleep. They gain the Prone and Sleeping conditions. Creatures with the lowest HD are affected first. Duration Until End of Combat. Willpower negates.)

Burning Hands (Evocation, 15' radius cone deals 1d4 points of fire damage per level up to 10d4. Reflex half. Creatures standing amidst a burning Web take 2d4 points of extra damage. Creatures standing on a greased area take 1d4 points of extra damage. The entire grease and web effects are destroyed when a fire effect is applied onto one of the grease or web squares.)

Magic Missile (Evocation. This spell deals 1d4+1 points of force damage to a target in medium range. No save. You get one missile at level 1, two from level 3, three from level 5, four from level 7 and five from level 9.)

Shocking Grasp (Evocation. Melee touch attack deals 1d6 points of electricity damage per level to a single target, up to 5d6. No save. You get a +4 bonus on the melee touch attack roll if the target is wearing metal armour, that is, not leather or hide armour, or if the target has the [Metal] descriptor.)

Colour Spray (Enchantment. 15' cone. Willpower negates. A pattern of vivid colours springs forth from your hands. Blinded creatures and monsters with Blindsight are immune. Each target who fails the save randomly receives one of the following effects: 20%: blinded for 1d6 rounds, 20%: berserk for 1d5 rounds, 20%: dazed for 1d4 rounds, 20%: stunned for 1d3 rounds, 20%: held for 1d2 rounds.)

Cause Fear (Necromancy. Melee touch causes a single living creature to cower for 1d3 rounds. Willpower negates. On a successful save, the target is shaken for 1d3 rounds.)

Ray of Enfeeblement (Necromancy, Ranged touch attack. No save. The target receives the Enfeeblement condition. If two such conditions are present at the same time, the worst one applies. The condition gives a penalty to Strength equal to 1d6 plus one point per two caster levels (maximum 1d6+5). Duration 4 rounds + 1 per two levels.)

Enlarge (Alteration. Close range. For 10 rounds, the recipient gains +2 to Strength, -2 to Dexterity (to a minimum of one point), -1 to attack rolls, -1 to AC, and the size category increases by one. The recipient deals damage as a creature one size category larger. There is no change in the reach or space used by the creature.)

Reduce (Alteration. Close range. Willpower negates. For 10 rounds, the recipient receives the following adjustments: -2 to Strength (to a minimum of one point), +2 to Dexterity, +1 to attack rolls, +1 to AC, and the size category decreases by one. The recipient deals damage as a creature one size category smaller. There is no change in the reach or space used by the creature.)

Enhance Weapon (Alteration. Duration Until End of Combat, Touch spell, your manufactured or natural weapons gain a +1 enhancement bonus to attack roll and damage roll.)

Blur (Enchantment. Personal spell, Duration Until Rest. Your figure becomes blurred, giving you 20% concealment. This effect is negated by the True Seeing condition.)

Fog Cloud (Conjuration. Medium Range. 20' radius circle, stays 4 rounds + 1 per two levels. Everyone inside the area benefits from 20% concealment against melee attacks and 50% concealment against ranged attacks. Creatures inside a fog cloud move at half speed and cannot charge. The concealment effect is not affected by the True Seeing condition.)

Gust of Wind (Evocation. 30' Line spell. Large creatures are unaffected. Reflex negates. All creatures are knocked prone and moved back by 1d4 squares (jumping over other creatures in between if necessary, but not over walls). If the destination square is occupied, the creature is moved to any free square adjacent to the destination square. Medium creatures take 1d6 bludgeoning damage, small creatures 2d6 damage, tiny creatures 3d6 damage. Creatures balancing on Grease squares automatically fail on their Reflex saving throw and the bludgeoning damage they receive is increased by 1d6 points. The spells Gust of Wind and Greater Gust of Wind automatically disperse any magical Cloud and Fog effect they come into contact with. However, Acid Fog and Solid Fog are only dispersed by Greater Gust of Wind. Natural fogs cannot be dispersed.)

Flaming Oil (Conjuration. 10' radius circle. No Spell Resistance. Reflex negates. Duration Until End of Combat or until exhausted. All creatures in the area are drenched in flammable oil, making them more vulnerable to fire. The next time they are targeted by an effect that deals fire damage and has a reflex saving throw, they automatically fail on the save and they take an additional 2d6 points of fire damage. Creatures of size medium and below take a penalty of -2 on the saving throw to avoid the effect of the spell, while creatures of size large and above take a penalty of -4.)

Ray of Frost (Evocation. Long Range. Ranged touch attack. Reflex half. An icy ray springs from your fingers and deals 1d8 points of cold damage to the target, plus 1 point per level.)

LEVEL 2: 24 spells
(With saves: Alteration 1, Enchantment 3, Evocation 4, Necromancy 3, Conjuration 3)

Summon Slime (Conjuration. With this spell, you summon a Slime (CR 2) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 1x1 square. For every caster level beyond 3, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)

Mute (Alteration. Fortitude negates. Single target in medium range gains the Mute condition for 1 round per level, up to 10 rounds. It cannot open its mouth and cannot cast verbal spells.)

Protection from Energy (Alteration. Touch spell. Select an energy type: fire, cold, acid, electricity or sonic. The recipient gains resistance 15 to damage of that type, up to 10 x Level absorbed points of damage. Duration Until End of Combat. When this spell is cast by a Druid, the casting time is a Move Action. Energy resistance equal to a number of points is also called Energy Damage Reduction.)

Acid Arrow (Conjuration. Long Range. No spell resistance. Ranged touch attack deals 1d4 points of acid damage per caster level, up to 10d4. For three rounds, the acid then deals 1d6 points of acid damage per round, regardless of acid resistance. Casting spells while suffering from acid burns requires a concentration check of DC 14 + acid burn damage dealt on that round + spell level. A successful Reflex save reduces the initial damage by half and negates the acid burn effect.)

Glitterdust (Conjuration. Medium range. 10' radius circle, for 1 round per level (up to 10 rounds), creatures in the area of effect gain the glitterdust condition, which negates invisibility, including that of Invisible Stalkers. Creatures are also blinded for the same duration if they fail on a Willpower saving throw. No spell resistance.)

Web (Conjuration. 20' radius circle, 4 rounds + 1 per two levels. Web creates a mass of sticky strands. All creatures in the web become Entangled (no save). Further, creatures within the web get Stuck (unable to move) if they fail on a Reflex saving throw. Once stuck, a creature can attempt to break free, as a full-round action, with a Strength check of DC 18. No spell resistance. Creatures must perform a reflex save upon the casting of this spell and another one every round before the caster's turn. Fire effects like Fireball and Burning Hands remove the web totally. Anyone standing in the web while it gets burnt takes an additional 2d4 points of fire damage.)

Blindness (Necromancy. Long Range. Single target must succeed on a Reflex save or become Blind permanently.)

Daze Monster (Enchantment. Mind affecting. Select a target in medium range. It must succeed on a willpower save or be dazed for two rounds.)

Hideous Laughter (Enchantment. Mind affecting. Select a target in close range. It must succeed on a willpower save (DC reduced by 4 if the target's type is different from the caster's type) or gain the Hideous Laughter condition. Affected creatures fall prone, laughing uncontrollably. For 1 round per level (up to 10 rounds), they can take no other action.)

Darkness (Necromancy. The spell creates a 10' radius opaque field of magical darkness. All creatures within the area of effect gain 50% concealment and the 'Unable to See' condition. Duration 4 rounds + 1 per two levels.)

Flaming Sphere (Evocation, Medium Range. 10' radius burst, reflex negates. Deals 2d6 fire damage. From Caster Level 5, the spell deals 3d6 fire damage. From CL 7, the spell deals 4d6. From CL 9, the spell deals 5d6. Creatures who fail their save also gain the 'burning' condition for 1d2 rounds. The condition deals 1d6 points of fire damage per round, regardless of fire resistance. Casting spells while suffering from burns requires a concentration check of DC 17 + spell level.)

Mass Blur (Enchantment, 10' radius circle, Duration Until End of Combat, every ally in the area of effect gains 20% concealment.)

Enhance Ability (Alteration. For 10 rounds, the target gains a +4 enhancement bonus to either Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, Intelligence or Charisma. From CL 9, the bonus increases to +6. From CL 15, the bonus increases to +8.)

Scorching Ray (Evocation. Ranged touch attack deals 4D6 points of fire damage to a target in medium range. No save. Two rays can be cast from level 7 and three rays from level 11.)

Hypnotic Pattern (Enchantment. Mind-affecting. A pattern of colours weaves through the air. 10' circle effect, up to 2d4 Hit Dice + 1 Hit Dice per level (up to 2d4+10) of enemy targets in the area of effect are fascinated for four rounds. Creatures with the lowest HD are affected first. Willpower negates. Blind creatures and monsters with blindsight are immune. Fascinated creatures take no actions, but unlike the Sleeping condition they are not helpless and not vulnerable to a coup-de-grace. As with the Sleeping condition, striking a fascinated creature removes the effect and allies can shake the creature free of the spell using a standard action.)

Invisibility (Enchantment. Duration Until End of Combat. Touch spell. The recipient becomes invisible until he attacks or casts an offensive spell. This effect is negated by the True Seeing and Glitterdust conditions.)

Mirror Image (Enchantment. Personal, Duration Until Rest. The spell creates a number of illusory duplicates of the caster. Whenever you are struck by a successful melee hit, ranged hit, touch spell or ranged touch spell, a random roll is used to determine whether the target is real or illusory (Blinded creatures and monsters with blindsight always strike the real target. If you are invisible, enemies automatically hit the real target). When an illusory duplicate is hit, it disappears. The number of duplicates is 1d4 + 1 per three caster levels, up to a total of eight images. Area of effect spells do not destroy duplicates.)

False Life (Necromancy. Personal. You gain 1d10 temporary hit points plus one per level.)

Ghoul Touch (Necromancy. Touch spell. You paralyse a single living humanoid for 1d6+2 rounds. Fortitude negates. If the spell is successful, all creatures in a 15' radius centred on the paralysed creature must succeed on a Fortitude save or become sickened for 1d4 rounds. The caster is not affected by this effect.)

Scare (Necromancy. 15' radius cone. Creatures in the area of effect cower for 1d3 rounds. Willpower negates. On a successful save, a target is shaken for 1d3 rounds.)

Darkvision (Alteration. Touch spell. Duration Until End of Combat. The recipient gains the ability to see through magical darkness.)

Scorch (Evocation. 30' line spell, everyone in the area of effect takes 1d8 points of fire damage per two caster levels rounded up, up to 5d8. Reflex half.)

Acid Splash (Evocation, Medium Range. 10' radius circle, everyone in the area of effect takes 1d8 points of acid damage per two caster levels rounded up, up to 5d8. Reflex half.)

Ice Blast (Evocation, Close Range. 10' radius circle, everyone in the area of effect takes 1d6 points of cold damage per level up to 10d6. Fortitude half. Failing the save makes the target fatigued for four rounds.)

LEVEL 3: 25 spells
(With saves: Alteration 3, Enchantment 2, Evocation 4, Necromancy 2, Conjuration 4)

Summon Gargoyle (Conjuration. With this spell, you summon a Gargoyle (CR 4) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 1x1 square. For every caster level beyond 5, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)

Dispel Magic (Alteration. Select Single Effect, Effects on Creature or Effects on Area:
Single Effect: Choose a single creature, then choose an ongoing magical or psionic effect on that creature. It is dispelled if you succeed on a check of 1d20 + level (up to 10) + Spell Focus bonuses versus DC of 11 + level of the mage who created the effect. If the effect is 'summoned', the creature is unsummoned.
Effects on Creature: Choose a single creature. You make a check for each ongoing effect on the creature (but not effects from items). A successful check dispels that effect.
Dispel Area: Select a 20' circle area. For each area effect in the circle, you make a dispel check and for each creature in the circle, you make a dispel check against the ongoing effect of highest caster level. A successful check dispels that effect.)

Mass Protection from Alignment (Enchantment. Duration Until End of Combat. Select Evil, Good, Chaotic, Lawful or Neutral. All allies in a 10' radius circle gain a +2 aligned bonus to Armour Class & Saving Throws versus enemies of that alignment, and immunity to mind control from all enemies. Does not stack with other Protection from Alignment spells.)

Deep Slumber (Enchantment. 15' radius circle. Same as Sleep, but this spell affects up to 10 Hit Dice + 1 Hit Dice per two levels of creatures. Willpower negates.)

Heroism (Enchantment. Touch spell. Duration Until End of Combat. This spell makes a single living ally behave bravely in battle. The target gains a morale bonus of +2 affecting Attack Rolls, Saving Throws and Ability Checks.)

Hold Person (Enchantment. Select an enemy humanoid in medium range. It is paralysed for 1 round per level (up to 10 rounds) if it fails on a Willpower saving throw. The subject can cast stilled spells, activate a psionic power, or, as a full-round action, attempt to break free by succeeding on another Willpower saving throw.)

Wind Wall (Evocation. This spell affects you and all allies. All arrows and bolts shot at you and your allies suffer a 50% miss chance. Duration 1 round per two levels.)

Fireball (Evocation. 20' radius circle. Long Range. Reflex half. The spell creates an explosion of flame which deals 1d6 points of fire damage to all creatures in the area of effect, up to 10d6. Creatures standing amidst a burning Web take 2d4 points of extra damage. Creatures standing on a greased area take 1d4 points of extra damage. The entire grease and web effects are destroyed when a fire effect is applied onto one of the grease or web squares.)

Electric Sphere (Evocation. 15' radius circle, everyone in the area of effect takes 1d6 per level electricity damage, up to 12d6. Reflex half.)

Lightning Bolt (Evocation. 60' line. You release a stroke of energy which deals 1d6 per level points of electricity damage to everyone in the area of effect, up to 10d6. Reflex half. If the target is wearing metal armour, that is, not leather or hide armour, or if the target has the Metal descriptor, it takes a -2 penalty on the saving throw.)

Displacement (Enchantment. Touch spell. The recipient appears to be 2 feet away from his real location, giving him 50% concealment for 1 round per level. This effect is negated by the True Seeing condition.)

Mass Invisibility (Enchantment. Duration Until End of Combat. Medium Range. 10' radius circle. All allies in the area of effect become invisible until they attack or cast an offensive spell. This effect is negated by the True Seeing and Glitterdust conditions.)

Halt Undead (Necromancy. 15' radius. Up to three undead creatures (starting from the ones in the area of effect with lowest Hit Dice) are paralysed for 1 round per level (up to 10 rounds) if they fail on a Willpower saving throw. The paralysis stops when the creature takes damage. A paralysed undead creature can cast stilled spells, activate a psionic power, or, as a full-round action, attempt to break free by succeeding on another Willpower saving throw.)

Ray of Exhaustion (Necromancy. Ranged touch. Medium Range, Reflex special. Black ray makes a single target exhausted, or fatigued if it saves. Duration Until End of Combat.)

Vampiric Ray (Necromancy. Ranged touch. Close Range. No save. This spell lets you drain a living creature's life force. The victim takes 1d6 points of damage for every two caster levels, up to 10d6. The caster gains temporary hit points equal to the damage inflicted to the victim. You may not gain more than the target's current hit points.)

Flame Arrow (Conjuration. Ranged touch. Long Range. Reflex half. No spell resistance. The spell creates an enchanted flame arrow which darts towards a single target. The arrow deals 1d6 + 1 points of fire damage per caster level up to 10d6 + 10.)

Sound Lance (Evocation. Ranged touch, Medium Range, single target takes 1d8 points of sonic damage per level, up to 10d8. Fortitude half.)

Ice Lance (Conjuration. Medium Range. Ranged touch with a +4 bonus on the attack roll. The target takes 3d6 points of piercing damage and 3d6 points of cold damage. No save. The target is also stunned for 1d4 rounds if it fails on a Fortitude saving throw. No spell resistance. From level 9, the damage increases to 4d6 piercing + 4d6 cold. From level 13, the damage inreases to 5d6 piercing + 5d6 cold.)

Greater Enhance Weapon (Alteration. Duration Until End of Combat, your manufactured or natural weapons gain a +1 enhancement bonus for every four caster levels, up to +5, to attack roll and damage roll. Equivalent to Greater Magic Weapon.)

Haste (Alteration. 10' radius circle. Close Range. Duration 1 round per level, up to 10 rounds. The spell has several effects on allied creatures in the area. A hasted creature holding a weapon gains an extra attack. Recipients also gain a +1 bonus on reflex saving throws, a +1 dodge bonus to AC and a +1 bonus to attack rolls. The recipient's speed doubles.)

Slow (Alteration. 10' radius circle. Close Range. Willpower negates. Duration 1 round per level, up to 10 rounds. Slowed creatures may not perform full attacks or other full-round actions. Speed is halved and the creature takes a -1 penalty on Reflex saving throws, Armour Class, and attack rolls. Only enemies are affected.)

Suppress Sword (Alteration. Select a target in medium range. It receives the Suppressed Sword condition: for one round per two levels, any manufactured weapon held by the target, any manufactured armour worn by the target and any shield held by the target lose their enhancement bonus and magical properties. The spell does not affect magical belts, gloves, bracers, boots, helmets, cloaks, amulets or rings. Willpower negates.)

Stinking Cloud (Conjuration. Medium Range. 20' radius circle, remains 4 rounds + 1 per two levels. This spell creates a cloud of nauseating vapour. Upon the casting of this spell, and every round just before the caster acts, all creatures in the cloud must succeed on a Fortitude save or gain the Nauseated condition for 1d4 + 1 rounds. Entering the cloud also triggers a Fortitude save. Additionally, the cloud has the same properties as a Fog Cloud. Everyone inside the area benefits from 20% concealment against melee attacks and 50% concealment against ranged attacks. Ranged attacks against a target inside the cloud may hit adjacent creatures. Creatures inside a fog move at half speed and cannot charge. The concealment effect is not affected by the True Seeing condition.)

Minute Meteors (Conjuration. Personal. Casting time Free Action. Duration Until Rest or until expired. You gain the ability to throw exploding meteors at your enemies. Each round, as a standard action, you can perform a ranged touch attack (medium range) that deals 2d6 + 1 point per level of fire damage to a target (no save). The spell expires once you have thrown a number of meteors equal to your caster level.)

Resilient Grease (Conjuration. The spell Resilient Grease functions like the spell Grease, but the effect covers a 15' square and it cannot be removed with an area-of-effect spell that deals fire damage.)

LEVEL 4: 26 spells
(With saves: Alteration 1, Enchantment 4, Evocation 2, Necromancy 2, Conjuration 1)

Fly (Alteration. Touch spell. The recipient gains the ability to fly for one round per level. You can fly to areas of different altitude as well as ignore ground-based terrain effects.)

Summon Babau (Conjuration. With this spell, you summon a Babau (CR 6) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 1x1 square. For every caster level beyond 7, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die. Gold cost 50.)

Summon Large Elemental (Conjuration. Select earth, fire, water or air. A large elemental of that type is summoned for 4 rounds + 1 per two levels, or until dismissed. Casting time Full-round action. Space 2x2 square. For every caster level beyond 7, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)

Water Breathing (Alteration. Duration Until Rest, 10' circle spell, the targets gain the ability to breathe water. Without this spell, the PCs take 1d4 points of damage per round when fighting underwater, or when moving outside combat, every 20'.)

Globe of Invulnerability (Conjuration. Personal. For 1 round per level, you become immune to hostile powers and spells of level 1, 2 and 3. You can't be targeted by these spells and area of effect spells ignore you. From caster level 11, you also block spells of level 4. From caster level 15, you also block spells of level 5. Although you are protected against evocation spells like Fireball, the spell does not protect against the effect of conjuration spells like Web and Grease. Further, the spell does not remove or block beneficial spells like Mirror Image or Protection from Arrows.)

Stoneskin Personal (Conjuration. Personal. Duration Until Rest. This spell creates a thin protective layer around your skin. You gain Damage Reduction 10 / adamantine and magic. Each point of enhancement of a weapon bypasses four points of DR / magic. For example, a +2 adamantine weapon would bypass eight points out of DR 10 / adamantine and magic. The spell cannot stop more than 10 points of damage per caster level. Gold cost 250.)

Arcane Eye (Enchantment. Touch spell, the spell removes the Blinded condition and makes the recipient immune to Blindness for 1 round per level.)

Confusion (Enchantment. 15' radius circle. All creatures in the area of effect are confused for 2d6 rounds if they fail on a Willpower save. Each round, a confused subject rolls a D100 to determine what it will do: Attack an enemy creature (01-10), Act normally (11-20), Do nothing (21-50), Run away (51-70), Attack the nearest creature (71-100). Medium Range.)

Bestow Curse (Necromancy. Melee touch. Curses a single living target. Each round, a cursed creature has a 50% chance of losing its turn. Willpower negates. Permanent.)

Crushing Despair (Enchantment. 30' radius cone spell, creatures take a penalty of -4 to attack and willpower saves. Willpower negates. Duration Until End of Combat.)

Energy Shield (Evocation. Touch spell. 1 round per level. Select [fire], [cold], [acid] or [electricity]. Any creature dealing damage to the subject in melee takes 1d6 points of damage of the chosen energy type, plus one point per caster level. The spell also gives resistance 10 against the chosen energy type. Note that casting the spell on someone who is already benefiting from an Energy Shield spell effect will remove the existing effect. In addition, the spell cannot be cast on creatures who have a racial body defence, creatures who are wearing a Cloak of Lightning, a Cloak of Flames, a Cloak of Ice or a Cloak of Acid, and creatures who are wearing armour with any of the following enchantments: Fire Defence, Greater Fire Defence, Cold Defence, Greater Cold Defence, Electricity Defence, Greater Electricity Defence, Acid Defence, Greater Acid Defence. A creature cannot benefit from more than one Energy Shield effect at any given time.)

Ice Storm (Evocation. 25' radius circle, No save. Long Range. Magical hailstones rain down, dealing 3d6 points of cold damage and 3d6 points of bludgeoning damage to every creature in the area. From caster level 9, the damage increases to 4d6 cold + 4d6 bludgeoning and the radius increases to 30'. From CL 11, the damage increases to 5d6 cold + 5d6 bludgeoning and the radius increases to 35'.)

Shout (Evocation. 30' radius cone. Creatures within the area of effect take 6d6 points of sonic damage and are sickened for 2d6 rounds. A successful Fortitude saving throw cuts the damage by 50% and negates the sickened effect. Shout has no effect on creatures standing within a Silence area.)

Greater Invisibility (Enchantment. Touch spell. 1 round per level. The creature touched becomes invisible. The effect remains even if the creature attacks. This effect is negated by the True Seeing and Glitterdust condition.)

Energy Orb (Evocation. Close range. Select Fire, Cold, Acid, Electricity or Sonic. With a ranged touch attack, you propel a pulsating globe of energy towards a creature in close range. It deals 1d6 points of damage per caster level of the corresponding energy type, up to 15d6. Fortitude save for half damage. If the save is failed, the creature suffers a negative effect for one round: blinded [fire], dazed [cold], slowed [electricity], confused [sonic] or nauseated [acid].)

Rainbow Pattern (Enchantment. Mind-affecting. A pattern of colours weaves through the air. 20' circle effect, up to 24 Hit Dice of enemy targets in the area of effect are fascinated for eight rounds. Creatures with the lowest HD are affected first. Willpower negates. Blind creatures and monsters with blindsight are immune. Fascinated creatures take no actions, but unlike the Sleeping condition they are not helpless and not vulnerable to a coup-de-grace. As with the Sleeping condition, striking a fascinated creature removes the effect and allies can shake the creature free of the spell using a standard action. The limit for enemy Hit Dice increases to 28 at level 11 and 32 at level 15.)

Enervation (Necromancy. Close range. No save. Ranged touch attack inflicts 1d4 negative levels. The negative levels disappear upon resting.)

Fear (Necromancy. 30' radius cone. Creatures in the area of effect cower for 1d6 rounds. Willpower negates. On a successful save, a target is shaken for 1d6 rounds.)

Mass Enlarge (Alteration, 15' radius circle, close range, 10 rounds. Each recipient gains +2 to Strength, -2 to Dexterity (minimum 1), -1 to attack rolls, -1 to AC, and the size category increases by one, increasing the damage output. No change in the reach or space used by the creature.)

Mass Reduce (Alteration, 15' radius circle, close range, 10 rounds, Willpower negates. Each recipient takes -2 to Strength (minimum 1), +2 to Dexterity, +1 to attack rolls, +1 to AC, and the size category decreases by one, decreasing the damage output. No change in the reach or space used by the creature.)

Disrupt Armour (Alteration. Touch spell. No save. The target receives the Disrupted Armour condition for 1d4+2 rounds. Any manufactured armour and shield used by the target is now treated as having a base Armour Class bonus of zero. All other properties, magical and non-magical, are unaffected.)

Mass Darkvision (Alteration. 10' radius circle. Duration Until End of Combat. All allies in the area of effect gain the ability to see through magical darkness.)

Control Person (Enchantment. Casting time Full-round action. Using this spell, the caster takes control of the body of a humanoid creature. The creature immediately attacks the caster's enemies. The subject resists this control, resulting in a penalty of 6 to its attack rolls and preventing the use of spells and spell-like abilities. Duration eight rounds. Close Range. Willpower negates.)

Energy Wall (Conjuration. 4 rounds + 1 per two levels, 10'x25' rectangle effect. Select [fire], [cold], [acid] or [electricity]. Creatures inside the wall take 2d6 + 1 per level points of damage of the appropriate type. No save. The dice damage increases to 3d6 at Caster Level 11, 4d6 at CL 15 and 5d6 at CL 19. The damage is applied upon the casting of this spell and every round just before the caster acts. Creatures also take damage when entering a Wall (if several energy squares are crossed, only the first one triggers the damage). Casting a spell or activating a power while standing in the wall requires a concentration check of DC 14 + half of the damage last dealt by the wall + spell level. Undead creatures take an additional 2d6 points of damage. Widening a wall doubles the length but not the width.)

Solid Fog (Conjuration. Medium Range. 20' radius circle, remains 4 rounds + 1 per two levels. No save, no SR. Creatures in the fog can move through it at a speed of only 5 feet and they take a -2 penalty to attack and damage. They cannot take five-foot steps. They cannot perform, or be targeted by, non-touch ranged attacks. As with Fog Cloud, everyone in the area benefits from 20% concealment against melee attacks and they cannot charge. The concealment effect is not affected by the True Seeing condition.)

Resilient Web (Conjuration. The spell Resilient Web functions like the spell Web, but the effect covers a 30' radius circle and it cannot be removed with an area-of-effect spell that deals fire damage.)

LEVEL 5: 26 spells
(With saves: Alteration 4, Enchantment 5, Evocation 3, Necromancy 2, Conjuration 2)

Mass Hideous Laughter (Enchantment. Mind affecting. This spell works like Hideous Laughter, but all enemy targets in a 10' radius are affected. Medium Range. Targets must succeed on a Willpower saving throw (the difficulty class is reduced by four points if the target's type is different from the caster's type) or gain the Hideous Laughter condition. Affected creatures fall Prone, laughing uncontrollably. For 1 round per level (up to 10 rounds), they can take no other action.)

Lesser Malison (Wizard) (Necromancy. Melee Touch spell. Living creatures only. For 10 rounds, the subject takes a penalty of four points to attack rolls, saving throws, spell resistance and ability checks. A Willpower saving throw reduces the penalty to two points.)

Summon Ettin (Conjuration. With this spell, you summon a Ettin (CR 7) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 2x2 squares. For every caster level beyond 9, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die. Gold cost 100.)

Mass Mute (Alteration. 10' radius circle. Fortitude negates. All hostile targets in the area of effect gain the 'Mute' condition for 1 round per level, up to 10 rounds. They cannot cast verbal spells.)

Phantasmal Killer (Conjuration. You summon a terrifying creature from the world of shadows. The spell kills a living target in medium range if it fails on a Willpower saving throw and on a Fortitude saving throw. If it fails on the Willpower saving throw but not on the Fortitude saving throw, it takes 3d6 + 1 per caster level points of damage instead.)

Stoneskin Touch (Conjuration. Touch. 1 round per level. This spell creates a thin protective layer around the subject's skin. The recipient gains Damage Reduction 10 / adamantine and magic. The spell cannot stop more than 10 points of damage per caster level.)

Psychic Turmoil (Necromancy. 20' radius circle. All creatures with psionic power points in the area of effect immediately lose two times their level in power points. Willpower half.)

Frailty (Necromancy. Ranged touch. Medium range. For 10 rounds, a single living target cannot be healed or regenerate. The regeneration ability stops working and Healing spells like Cure Light Wounds and Heal have no effect on the creature. No save.)

Lower Spell and Power Resistance (Necromancy. Duration 10 rounds. Select a creature in close range. There is no saving throw but SR applies, with the spell penetration roll receiving a +6 bonus. The target's SR drops by half the caster level. Not cumulative.)

Wall of Stone (Conjuration. 2d6 rounds. 5'x25' rectangle. The spell creates a magical wall at the location you specify. A magical wall of stone can be removed by a Dispel or Greater Dispel spell.)

Dominate Person (Enchantment. Using this spell, the caster takes control of a humanoid creature through a telepathic link. The creature immediately attacks the caster's enemies. It may use spells and attack without penalty. The subject stays dominated even after the caster's death. Duration eight rounds. Medium Range. Full round to cast. Willpower negates.)

Power Word Sleep (Enchantment. Close Range. You utter a word of power which causes a single creature with no more than 100 Hit Points to fall asleep. No save. Duration 1d4+1 rounds.)

Break Enchantment (Alteration. Affects all allies in a 15' radius circle, for each effect make a Caster Level check (1d20 + level up to 15 + Spell Focus Alteration bonus) versus DC 11 + effect's Caster Level. The spell can remove many conditions, including Controlled, Dominated, Blinded, Confused, Held. Note: This spell cannot be used to restore a petrified character. To remove petrification, use the Cleric spell Greater Restoration or the Wizard spell Stone to Flesh.)

Dismissal (Alteration. Close Range. With this spell, a single outsider, elemental, extra-planar or summoned creature is forced back to its proper plane if it fails on a special Will save. The Difficulty Class is equal to: spell's save DC – creature's HD + your caster level.)

Feeblemind (Enchantment. Willpower negates. Select a creature in medium range. The spell has two effects on the creature. Its intelligence score drops to 1 and it loses the ability to cast spells or use psionic powers. If the target's class has Willpower as its only good Saving Throw, then a penalty of -4 is applied on the creature's Willpower saving throw to avoid the effect of the spell. Permanent.)

Hold Monster (Enchantment. A single living creature in medium range is paralysed for 1 round per level, up to 10 rounds. Willpower negates. Each round, victims are allowed a new Willpower saving throw to end the effect, using the break free action.)

Mind Breach (Enchantment. 20' radius circle. Willpower negates, but all targets take a penalty of 2 on their saving throw. All affected creatures take a -10 penalty on future Willpower saving throws, for 2d6 rounds.)

Cone of Cold (Evocation. 60' radius cone. Reflex half. Creatures standing within the area of effect take 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level, up to 15d6. Creatures who failed their save are slowed for one round.)

Waves of Fatigue (Necromancy. 30' radius cone. All living creatures within the area of effect become fatigued. The effect continues until rest. No save.)

Baleful Polymorph (Alteration. Medium range. Fortitude negates. For 1d6+1 rounds, you turn a living creature into a toad. While polymorphed, access to the inventory is lost. You cannot use manufactured weapons. Verbal spells cannot be cast without the Silent Spell metamagic. You gain a single bite attack (1d4 damage) which replaces all your normal attacks. Your speed drops to 10. You gain the following ability scores: Strength 4, Dexterity 14, Constitution 10, Intelligence 6, Wisdom 14, Charisma 4. You retain your class, level, hit points, size category, space, alignment, base attack bonus, saving throw bonuses, feats, immunities, spell-like abilities, extraordinary abilities and supernatural abilities.)

Greater Gust of Wind (Evocation. 60' Line spell. Huge creatures are unaffected. Reflex negates. All creatures are knocked prone and moved back by 1d6 squares (jumping over other creatures in between if necessary, but not over walls). If the destination square is occupied, the creature is moved to any free square adjacent to the destination square. Large creatures take 1d6 bludgeoning damage, medium creatures 2d6 damage, small creatures 3d6 damage, tiny creatures 4d6 damage. Creatures balancing on Grease squares automatically fail on their Reflex saving throw and the bludgeoning damage they receive is increased by 1d6 points. The spells Gust of Wind and Greater Gust of Wind automatically disperse any magical Cloud and Fog effect they come into contact with. However, Acid Fog and Solid Fog are only dispersed by Greater Gust of Wind. Natural fogs cannot be dispersed.)

Cloudkill (Conjuration. Medium Range. 20' radius circle spell, remains 4 rounds + 1 per two levels. No SR. A cloud of yellowish poisonous vapour appears. All creatures in the area of effect take 1d4 points of constitution damage, Fortitude half. The difficulty class is equal to the spell's difficulty class. The constitution damage is applied upon the casting of this spell and every round thereafter, just before the caster acts. Entering the cloud also triggers the damage, but if several squares are crossed, only the first one deals damage. Additionally, the cloud has the same properties as a Fog Cloud. Everyone inside the area benefits from 20% concealment against melee attacks and 50% concealment against ranged attacks. Ranged attacks against a target inside the cloud may hit adjacent creatures. Creatures inside a fog move at half speed and cannot charge. The concealment effect is not affected by the True Seeing condition.)

Greater Shocking Grasp (Evocation. Melee touch attack deals 1d6 points of electricity damage per level to a single target, up to 15d6. No save. You get a +4 bonus on the melee touch attack roll if the target is wearing metal armour, that is, not leather or hide armour, or if the target has the [Metal] descriptor. The target must also succeed on a Fortitude save or become stunned for one round.)

Blast of Force (Evocation. Ranged touch. Medium Range. The spell deals 1d6 per two levels points of force damage to a single target, up to 10d6 (No save). Moreover, the target is knocked prone if it fails on a Fortitude saving throw.)

True Seeing (Alteration. Touch spell, Duration Until End of Combat, the recipient gains the true seeing ability.)

Greater Protection from Alignment (Enchantment. Duration Until End of Combat, Touch spell. Select Evil, Good, Chaotic, Lawful or Neutral. The recipient gains a +4 aligned bonus to Armour Class & Saving Throws versus enemies of that alignment, and immunity to mind control from all enemies. Does not stack with other Protection from Alignment spells.)

LEVEL 6: 24 spells
(With saves: Alteration 4, Enchantment 1, Evocation 2, Necromancy 3, Conjuration 1)

Summon Vrock (Conjuration. With this spell, you summon a Vrock (CR 9) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 2x2 squares. For every caster level beyond 11, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die. Gold cost 200.)

Interposing Hand (Conjuration. No save. Select a creature in medium range. A large magic hand appears over the target. The target takes a -4 penalty to all attack rolls. 1 round per two levels.)

Mass Enhance Ability (Alteration. For 10 rounds, all allies in a 10' circle gain a +6 enhancement bonus to either Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, Intelligence or Charisma. From CL 15, the bonus increases to +8.)

Mass True Strike (Enchantment. Close Range. Move action casting time. The next attacks of all allies in a 10' circle gain a +20 insight bonus to attack rolls, and they ignore concealment. Gold cost 1,000.)

Greater Mass Protection from Alignment (Enchantment. Duration Until End of Combat. Select Evil, Good, Chaotic, Lawful or Neutral. All allies in a 10' radius circle gain a +4 aligned bonus to Armour Class & Saving Throws versus enemies of that alignment, and immunity to mind control from all enemies. Does not stack with other Protection from Alignment spells.)

Contingent Break Enchantment (Alteration. Duration Until Rest or until discharged. Personal spell. This personal version of Break Enchantment is activated automatically when the caster receives one of the following conditions: Baleful Polymorph, Berserk, Command, Confused, Containment, Controlled, Cowering, Cursed, Dancing, Dazed, Decerebrated, Dominated, Fascinated, Feebleminded, Halted, Held, Hideous Laughter, Muted, Sleeping, Stunned.)

Dispelling Buffer (Conjuration. Duration Until Rest. The spell creates an invisible aura around a single target. The subject gains the buffered condition, which gives a +5 bonus to the DC against dispelling by the Dispel and Greater Dispel spells and powers. Against a Dispel Creature effect, the buffered effect is checked last.)

Greater Dispel Magic Same as Dispel Magic, but your dispel checks are equal to 1d20 + level + Spell Focus Alteration bonus.

Greater Heroism (Enchantment. Touch spell. Duration Until End of Combat. This spell makes a single living ally behave bravely in battle. The target gains a morale bonus of +4 affecting Attack Rolls, Saving Throws and Ability Checks. Further, it gains immunity to Fear effects and receives temporary Hit Points equal to the caster level.)

Chaos (Enchantment. 40' radius circle. All enemy creatures in the area of effect are confused for 3d6 rounds if they fail on a Willpower save. If a target fails on its saving throw by five points or more, it gains the berserk condition instead. Each round, creatures with the berserk condition must attack the creature nearest to them.)

Mass Blindness (Necromancy. 30' radius circle. Long Range. All enemies in the area of effect must succeed on a Reflex save or become Blind for one round per two levels, rounded up.)

Undeath to Death (Necromancy. 15' radius circle. The spell immediately destroys up to 1d4 Hit Dice per CL of undead in the area of effect, if they fail a Willpower saving throw. Undead with the lowest HD are affected first. Gold cost 500.)

Circle of Death (Necromancy. 15' radius circle. The spell immediately kills up to 1d4 Hit Dice per CL of living creatures in the area of effect, if they fail a Fortitude saving throw. Creatures with the lowest HD are affected first. Gold cost 500.)

Blindness Ward (Necromancy. 10' radius circle. Duration Until End of Combat. All allies in the area of effect become immune to blindness effects.)

Chain Lightning (Evocation. Long Range. This spell affects a number of targets equal to one per two levels. It is possible to target fewer creatures. The same target cannot be selected two times. The first target takes 1d6+1 per level points of electricity damage. All other targets take 50% of the damage. All creatures get a Reflex save for half damage.)

Freezing Sphere (Evocation. 10' radius circle. Long Range. Reflex half. This spell creates an explosion of cold energy. Creatures in the area of effect take 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level up to 15d6. Although they're not particularly vulnerable to cold damage, water elementals instead take 1d8 points of damage per level, up to 15d8.)

Disintegrate (Alteration. Medium Range. Creatures struck by this green ray instantly take 2d6 points of damage for every caster level. A successful ranged touch attack is required and creatures who succeed on a Fortitude saving throw take only 5d6 points of damage.)

Flesh to Stone (Alteration. Melee touch. Fortitude negates. The spell petrifies a single creature, turning it into an inert, mindless stone statue. Permanent.)

Stone to Flesh (Alteration. Touch. Restores a petrified character to his normal state.)

Power Word Blind (Enchantment. Close range. No save. You utter a word of power which causes a single creature to become blind. Creatures with more than 250 current hit points are unaffected. Duration 1d4+1 rounds.)

Acid Fog (Conjuration. Medium Range. 20' radius circle, remains 4 rounds + 1 per two levels. No Spell Resistance. Upon casting and every round afterwards before the caster's turn, all creatures in the fog take 3d6 + 1 per level points of acid damage (no save). Creatures must also succeed on a Fortitude saving throw or become sickened for one round. Entering the fog also deals the damage and forces a saving throw. Additionally, the fog has the same properties as a Solid Fog. Creatures in the fog can move through it at a speed of only 5 feet and they take a -2 penalty to attack and damage. They cannot take five-foot steps. They cannot perform, or be targeted by, ranged attacks. As with Fog Cloud, everyone in the area benefits from 20% concealment against melee attacks and they cannot charge. The concealment effect is not affected by the True Seeing condition.)

Greater Protection from Energy (Alteration. Touch spell. Select an energy type: fire, cold, acid, electricity or sonic. The recipient gains resistance 30 to damage of that type, up to 20*level absorbed points of damage. Duration Until End of Combat. When this spell is cast by a Druid, the casting time is a Move Action.)

Mass Greater Invisibility (Enchantment. Duration 1 round per level. Medium Range. 10' radius circle. All allies in the area of effect gain the Greater Invisibility condition. The effect remains even when creatures attack. Greater Invisibility is negated by the True Seeing and Glitterdust conditions.)

Greater Scorching Ray (Evocation. You cast three fiery rays at one or more enemies. Each ray requires a ranged touch attack and deals 5D6 points of fire damage to a target in long range. No save. Four rays can be cast from level 15 and five rays from level 19.)

LEVEL 7: 26 spells
(With saves: Alteration 2, Enchantment 2, Evocation 3, Necromancy 4, Conjuration 2)

Blink (Alteration. Personal range. One round per level. You 'blink' back and forth in and out of existence randomly and very quickly. A 50% miss chance applies to all physical attacks made against you, unless they are Grapple attacks or attacks performed using weapons that have the Ghost Touch enchantment. True Seeing and Blindsight do not negate the 50% miss chance. Blink cannot be cast on creatures that have the Incorporeal subtype. Gold cost 350.)

Circle of Pain (Necromancy. 10' circle spell. Medium range. All living creatures in the area of effect take 1d6 per level points of Negative Energy damage. A Willpower saving throw reduces the damage by half. Creatures that failed on their saving throw receive the Agony condition for 1d4 rounds, unless they're immune to Mind Affecting effects.)

Summon Stone Golem (Conjuration. With this spell, you summon a Stone Golem (CR 11) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 2x2 squares. For every caster level beyond 13, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die. Gold cost 300, XP cost 50.)

Forcecage (Conjuration. Close range. 10 rounds. The spell creates bars of force around a single creature of size large, medium or small, effectively paralysing it. It cannot move or attack. The creature can activate psionics and cast stilled spells. It is not helpless and retains its Dexterity score. As a full-round action, it can attempt to break free by succeeding on a Strength check of DC 22. The cage can be removed with the spells Freedom, Dispel and Greater Dispel. Reflex negates. No Spell resistance.)

Vortex of Doom (Conjuration. 15' circle spell. A swirling vortex appears and deals 1d4 per level points of bludgeoning damage to all creatures in the area (No save). Targets who fail on a reflex save are knocked prone. The spell automatically disperses any magical Cloud and Fog effect it comes into contact with, including Acid Fog and Solid Fog. Natural fogs cannot be dispersed. Creatures balancing on Grease squares automatically fail on their Reflex saving throw and the bludgeoning damage they receive is increased by 1d4 points.)

Greater Stoneskin (Conjuration. Personal. Duration Until End Of Combat. This spell creates a thin protective layer around your skin. You gain Damage Reduction 20 / adamantine and magic. For every level beyond 13, the Damage Reduction increases by one point. The spell cannot stop more than 15 points of damage per caster level. Gold cost 350.)

Mass Stoneskin (Conjuration. 1 round per level, 10' radius circle. All allies in the area of effect gain Damage Reduction 10 / adamantine and magic. For each recipient, the effect cannot stop more than 10 points of damage per caster level.)

Time Control (Alteration. 25' radius circle. Duration 10 rounds. All friendly targets in the area of effect are hasted. All enemy targets in the area of effect are slowed, unless they succeed on a Willpower saving throw. A hasted creature holding a weapon gains an extra attack. Recipients also gain a +1 bonus on reflex saving throws, a +1 dodge bonus to AC and a +1 bonus to attack rolls. The recipient's speed doubles. Slowed creatures may not perform full attacks or other full-round actions. Speed is halved and the creature takes -1 penalties on Reflex saving throws, AC, and attack rolls.)

Transformation (Alteration. Personal. 1 round per level. Your base attack bonus becomes equal to your caster level and you gain a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength, Constitution and Dexterity. You can still cast spells.)

Mass Displacement (Enchantment. 10' radius circle. All allies in the area of effect gain 50% concealment for 1 round per level.)

Dominate Undead (Necromancy. Medium Range. 15' radius circle. Using this spell, the caster takes control of undead creatures in the area of effect. The creatures immediately attack the caster's enemies. They may use spells and attack without penalty. The spell can affect no more than 2 hit dice per level of undead creatures. Duration eight rounds. Casting time Standard Action. Willpower negates.)

Mass Energy Shield (Evocation. Affects all allies in a 10' radius circle. 1 round per level. Select [fire], [cold], [acid] or [electricity]. Any creature dealing damage to the subject in melee takes 1d6 points of damage of the chosen energy type, plus one point per caster level. The spell also gives resistance 10 against the chosen energy type.)

Banishment (Alteration. 15' radius circle. All outsider, elemental, extra-planar or summoned creatures in the area of effect are forced back to their proper planes if they fail on a special Willpower save of DC: spell's save DC – creature's HD + caster level. On a successful save they still take 3d6 points of damage.)

Mass Hold Person (Enchantment. 25' radius circle. Medium Range. Duration 10 rounds. Willpower negates. All hostile humanoids in the area of effect become paralysed. Each round, victims are allowed a Willpower saving throw to end the effect, using the break free action.)

Power Fireball (Evocation. 30' radius circle. Long Range. Reflex half. The spell creates an explosion of flame which deals 1d6 points of fire damage to all creatures in the area of effect. Creatures standing amidst a burning Web take 2d4 points of extra damage. Creatures standing on a greased area take 1d4 points of extra damage. The entire grease and web effects are destroyed when a fire effect is applied onto one of the grease or web squares.)

Prismatic Spray (Evocation. 60' radius cone. Multicoloured beams of light spray from your hand. All creatures in the area of effect are blinded for one round (no save). Further, each creature is struck randomly by one or two beams. The exact effect depends on the result of 1d8:
Red beam: Deals 60 points of fire damage (Reflex half).
Orange beam: Deals 80 points of acid damage (Reflex half).
Yellow beam: Deals 100 points of electricity damage (Reflex half).
Green beam: The creature takes 2d10 constitution damage (Fortitude half).
Blue beam: The creature is turned to stone (Fortitude negates).
Indigo beam: The creature is confused permanently (Willpower negates).
Violet beam: Deals 10,000 points of damage from dematerialisation (Willpower negates).
Twin beams: The creature is struck by two rays randomly selected from the other seven effects.)

Finger of Death (Necromancy. Slays a living creature in close range. Fortitude negates. A creature who successfully saves is dealt 3d6 + 1/level points of damage.)

Waves of Exhaustion (Necromancy. 60' radius cone. All living creatures within the area of effect become exhausted. The effect continues until rest. No save.)

Power Word Chaos (Enchantment. Close range. No save. You utter a word of power which causes a single creature to become confused. Duration 1d6+1 rounds. Creatures with more than 200 current hit points are unaffected. Creatures with 100 current hit points or less gain the berserk condition, instead.)

Foresight (Alteration. Personal. Duration Until Rest. Using this spell, you get warnings of impending danger. You receive a +4 insight bonus to Armour Class and Reflex saving throws. These bonuses are lost in situations where you would lose your Dexterity bonus to Armour Class. You also cannot be Flat Footed for the duration of the spell. Gold Cost 250.)

Vampiric Blast (Necromancy. 15' radius circle. Reflex half. All living targets in the area of effect take 3d6 points of damage. You gain temporary hit points equal to the damage you deal. From each target, you may not gain more than their current hit points. The damage increases to 4d6 at level 15 and 5d6 at level 17.)

Discharge (Evocation. Long Range. No save. Ranged touch. You release a powerful ray of electrical energy which deals 10d6 points of electricity damage plus 1 point per caster level. The target must also succeed on a Fortitude save or become stunned for 1d4 rounds.)

Mind Blast (Enchantment. Long Range. Mind affecting. Willpower negates. Single target loses 80% of its HP on a failed Will save.)

Mass Greater Enhance Weapon (Alteration. 10' radius circle. Duration Until End of Combat. The manufactured and natural weapons of all allies in the area of effect gain a +1 enhancement bonus for every four caster levels, up to +5, to attack roll and damage roll.)

Mass Mirror Image (Enchantment. 10' radius circle. Close Range. As the spell Mirror Image, but all allies in the area of effect are affected. Duration Until End of Combat.)

Mass Heroism (Enchantment. Move Action casting time. 15' radius circle. Close Range. Duration Until End of Combat. Living allies behave bravely in battle. The targets gain a morale bonus of +2 affecting Attack Rolls, Saving Throws and Ability Checks.)

LEVEL 8: 24 spells
(With saves: Alteration 4, Enchantment 1, Evocation 4, Necromancy 3, Conjuration 1)

Mass Fly (Alteration. Close Range. All allies in a 10' radius gain the ability to fly for one round per level. You can fly to areas of different altitude as well as ignore ground-based terrain effects.)

Summon Iron Golem (Conjuration. With this spell, you summon an Iron Golem (CR 13) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 2x2 squares. For every caster level beyond 15, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die. Gold cost 400, XP cost 100.)

Summon Huge Elemental (Conjuration. Select earth, fire, water or air. A huge elemental of that type is summoned for 4 rounds + 1 per two levels, or until dismissed. Casting time Full-round action. Space 3x3 square. For every caster level beyond 13, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)

Mass Suppress Sword (Alteration. Medium Range, 15' radius. All enemies in the area of effect receive the Suppressed Sword condition if they fail on a Willpower save. Duration one round per two levels. With this condition, any manufactured weapon held by a target and any manufactured armour worn by a target lose their enhancement bonus and magical properties. The spell does not affect magical belts, gloves, bracers, boots, helmets, cloaks, amulets or rings.)

Mass Disrupt Armour (Alteration. Close Range, 10' radius. Reflex negates. All enemies in the area of effect receive the Disrupted Armour condition for 1d4+2 rounds. Any manufactured armour and shield used by the target is now treated as having a base Armour Class bonus of zero. All other properties, magical and non-magical, are unaffected.)

Accelerated Spell and Power (Alteration. Casting time Free action. For four rounds, every standard-action spell cast (or power activated) by the character now requires only a move action. A full-round-action spell now requires a standard action. A move-action spell now requires a free action. You cannot cast more than one free-action spell in a round. If you cast a second free-action spell, it requires a move action instead.)

Antimagic Cloud (Conjuration. Long Range. 1 round per two levels, 40' radius, creates a cloud of transparent vapour. Anyone trying to cast a spell or use a psionic power from inside the cloud must succeed on a concentration check of DC 25 + spell level of the attempted spell.)

Prismatic Wall (Evocation. Medium Range. 2d6 rounds. 25'x5' rectangle. Creatures inside the wall are blinded for one round (no save) and they randomly suffer one of the following effects, according to the result of 1d7:
Fire: 60 points of fire damage (Reflex half)
Acid: 80 points of acid damage (Reflex half)
Electricity: 100 points of electricity damage (Reflex half)
Poison: 2d10 constitution damage (Fortitude half)
Petrify: turned to stone (Fortitude negates)
Insanity: confused permanently (Willpower negates)
Banishment: 10,000 damage from dematerialisation (Willpower negates).
The random effect is applied upon the casting of this spell and every round just before the caster acts. Creatures also receive the effect when entering the wall, but if several wall squares are crossed, only the first one triggers the effect.)

Mind Blank (Conjuration. Personal. Duration Until Rest. The spell creates an invisible barrier. You gain immunity to hostile mind effects, such as the effect of Colour Spray, Hideous Laughter, Fear, Bane, Confusion, Crushing Despair, Hold Person, Feeblemind, Rainbow Pattern, Deep Slumber, Dominate Person, Irresistible Dance. The spell doesn't protect against True Strike or True Seeing. Gold cost 250.)

Mass Protection (Conjuration. 10' radius circle. Duration Until End of Combat. A protective aura appears around all allies in the area of effect. The subjects gain a +8 resistance bonus to all saving throws. This bonus does not stack with the bonus from cloaks of resistance.)

Incendiary Cloud (Conjuration. Medium Range. 20' radius circle. Remains 4 rounds + 1 per two levels. The cloud has the same properties as a Fog Cloud, but in addition all creatures in the cloud take 6d6 + 1 per level points of fire damage. The damage is applied upon the casting of this spell and every round thereafter, just before the caster acts. Entering the cloud also triggers the damage, but if several squares are crossed, only the first one deals damage. Reflex half. No spell resistance.)

Power Word Stun (Enchantment. Close range. No save. You utter a word of power which causes a single creature to become stunned. Creatures with more than 150 current hit points are unaffected. Duration 1d4 rounds.)

Irresistible Dance (Enchantment. Mind Affecting. Melee Touch. No save. This spell forces a living subject to dance in place. The victim takes a -4 penalty to AC and -10 penalty on Reflex saving throws. The subject also loses any AC bonus obtained from holding a shield. Lastly, he triggers attacks of opportunity every round on his turn. Duration: 1d4+1 rounds.)

Polar Ray (Evocation. Ranged Touch. Medium Range. Creatures struck by this blue-white ray instantly take 1d8 points of cold damage for every caster level (no save). The target must also succeed on a Willpower saving throw or become slowed for 1d2 rounds.)

Greater Shout (Evocation. 60' radius cone. You emit a powerful yell which damages and sickens creatures in its path. Creatures within the area of effect take 12d6 points of sonic damage. They are sickened for 2d6 rounds and stunned for one round. A successful Fortitude saving throw cuts the damage by 50% and negates the stunned and sickened effect. Greater Shout has no effect on creatures standing within a Silence area.)

Sunburst (Evocation. 35' radius, Long Range, all creatures are blinded permanently and take 6d6 damage, unless they succeed on a reflex save, then they take half damage and are not blinded. Undead creatures take 1d6 per level points of damage instead, reflex half.)

Horrid Wilting (Necromancy. 35' radius circle. Long Range. Fortitude half. Living creatures in the area of effect suffer from the evaporation of body moisture. Each target takes 1d6 points of damage for every caster level. Water elementals and plant creatures instead take 1d8 damage points for every caster level.)

Iron Body (Alteration. Personal. Casting Time Move Action. Duration 10 rounds. You gain DR 15 / adamantine. You are immune to blindness, critical hits, ability score damage, ability drain and stunning. You gain 50% resistance to fire. You still suffer drowning damage when exploring underwater areas.)

Mass True Seeing (Alteration. 10' radius circle, Duration Until End of Combat, all allies in the area of effect gain the true seeing ability.)

Control Monster (Enchantment. Close Range. Casting time Full-round action. Using this spell, the caster takes control of the body of a living creature. The creature immediately attacks the caster's enemies. The subject resists this control, resulting in a penalty of 6 to its attack rolls and preventing the use of spells and special abilities. Duration eight rounds. Willpower negates.)

Mass Baleful Polymorph (Alteration. Medium Range. Fortitude save. 10' radius circle. All living hostile creatures in the area of effect who fail their save are turned into a toad, as with the spell Baleful Polymorph.)

Malison (Necromancy. Close Range, 10' radius circle. For 10 rounds, all living enemies in the area of effect take a penalty of four points to attack rolls, saving throws, spell resistance and ability checks. Willpower save to reduce the penalty to two points.)

Greater Break Enchantment (Alteration. This spell affects all allies in a 25' radius circle. For each effect make a Caster Level check (1d20 + level + Spell Focus bonus) versus DC 11 + effect's Caster Level. The spell can remove many conditions, including Controlled, Dominated, Blinded, Confused, Held. Note: This spell cannot be used to restore a petrified character. To remove petrification, use the Cleric spell Greater Restoration or the Wizard spell Stone to Flesh.)

Mass Frailty (Necromancy. Medium range. 15' radius. For 10 rounds, living targets cannot be healed or regenerate. The regeneration ability stops working and Healing spells like Cure Light Wounds and Heal have no effect on the creature. Reflex negates.)

LEVEL 9: 22 spells
(With saves: Alteration 3, Enchantment 4, Evocation 1, Necromancy 2, Conjuration 3)

Wail of the Banshee (Necromancy. Verbal component only. Close Range. 25' radius circle. You produce a terrible scream powerful enough to kill creatures that hear it. All living enemies in the area of effect instantly take 8 points of damage per level. A Fortitude saving throw negates the effect. If you have the feat Black Wizard Advanced Specialisation, the damage increases from 8 points per level to 10 points per level. Wail of the Banshee has no effect on creatures standing within a Silence area.)

Summon Marilith (Conjuration. With this spell, you summon a Marilith (CR 17) to help in combat. Duration 7 rounds, or until dismissed. Space 2x2 squares. For every caster level beyond 17, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die. Gold cost 500, XP cost 200.)

Summon Gargantuan Elemental (Conjuration. Select earth, fire, water or air. A huge elemental of that type is summoned for 4 rounds + 1 per two levels, or until dismissed. Casting time Full-round action. Space 4x4 square. For every caster level beyond 17, the summoned creature will gain one additional Hit Die.)

Mass Mind Blast (Enchantment. Long Range. 10' radius. Mind affecting. Willpower negates. Hostile creatures in the area of effect lose 80% of their HP on a failed Will save.)

Greater Disintegrate (Alteration. Medium Range. Creatures struck by this green ray are immediately turned to ashes. The spell requires a successful ranged touch attack. Subjects who are successful on a Fortitude saving throw instead take 8d8 points of damage plus one point for every caster level.)

Power Word Kill (Enchantment. Close range. No save. You utter a word of power which causes a single creature to die. Creatures with more than 100 current hit points are unaffected.)

Shadow Storm (Necromancy. Medium Range. 15-foot radius circle spell, all living targets take 1d4 negative levels. A successful Reflex saving throw reduces the number of negative levels to 1. The negative levels disappear upon resting.)

Freedom (Alteration. Long Range. With this spell, you can remove from up to three allied targets the following conditions: Forcecage, Swallowed Whole, Grappling, Pinned, Petrified, Dominated, Controlled, Mazed, Stuck, Paralysed, Held, Halted, Dancing, Dazed, Hideous Laughter, Sleeping, Fascinated, Command, Cowering, Decerebrated, Encased, Quicksand, Slowed and Stunned.)

Dominate Monster (Enchantment. Medium Range. Casting time Full-round action. Using this spell, the caster takes control of up to three living creatures through a telepathic link. The same target cannot be selected more than once. The creatures immediately attack the caster's enemies. They may use spells and attack without penalty. Duration eight rounds. Willpower negates.)

Mass Hold Monster (Enchantment. 25' radius circle. Willpower negates. All hostile living subjects in the area of effect become paralysed. Each round, victims are allowed a Willpower saving throw to end the effect, using the break free action. Duration 10 rounds.)

Weird (Conjuration. 20' radius circle. Medium Range. Willpower negates. Similar to Phantasmal Killer. Hostile creatures who failed on the Willpower save are killed if they also fail on a Fortitude save, or they are stunned for one round and they take 3d6 + 1 per caster level points of damage.)

Energy Drain (Necromancy. Close Range. Ranged Touch. No save. Living creatures hit by this black ray of negative energy gain 2d6 permanent negative levels. Subjects who gain a number of negative levels equal to or higher than their hit dice instantly die. Spellcasters cannot cast spells of a given level if they don't have the required effective caster level. For example, casting Fireball requires an effective caster level of 5 at least.)

Meteor Shower (Conjuration. Long Range. 20' circle radius. The spell calls down four exploding meteors. Each meteor is targeted separately and deals 6d8 points of fire damage to all targets in a 20' radius circle. Reflex half. No Spell Resistance.)

Acid Blast (Evocation. Long Range. 15' radius. This spell creates an explosion of deadly acid. Creatures in the area of effect take (1d6 + 1) points of acid damage per caster level. Reflex half. Creatures who failed their save are sickened for one round.)

Prismatic Void (Evocation. Long Range. 30' radius. You create a short-lived multicoloured phenomenon. All creatures in the area of effect are blinded for one round (no save). Further, each creature receives a random effect. The exact effect depends on the result of 1d8:
Red beam: Deals 100 points of fire damage (Reflex half).
Orange beam: Deals 120 points of acid damage (Reflex half).
Yellow beam: Deals 140 points of electricity damage (Reflex half).
Green beam: Deals 200 points of acid damage (Fortitude half).
Blue beam: The creature is turned to stone (Fortitude negates).
Indigo beam: The creature gains the berserk condition permanently (Willpower negates).
Violet beam: Deals 10,000 points of damage from dematerialisation (Willpower negates).
Twin beams: The creature is struck by two rays randomly selected from the other seven effects.)

Mass Mind Blank (Conjuration. 10' radius circle. 1 round per level. All allies in the area of effect gain immunity to hostile mind effects, such as the effect of Colour Spray, Hideous Laughter, Fear, Bane, Confusion, Crushing Despair, Hold Person, Feeblemind, Rainbow Pattern, Deep Slumber, Dominate Person, Irresistible Dance. The spell doesn't protect against True Strike or True Seeing.)

Spell and Power Surge (Evocation. Casting time Free Action. You gain a DC bonus of +4 on your next spell or power.)

Contingent Greater Break Enchantment (Alteration. Duration Until Rest or until discharged. Personal spell. This personal version of Greater Break Enchantment is activated automatically when the caster receives one of the following conditions: Baleful Polymorph, Berserk, Command, Confused, Containment, Controlled, Cowering, Cursed, Dancing, Dazed, Decerebrated, Dominated, Fascinated, Feebleminded, Halted, Held, Hideous Laughter, Muted, Sleeping, Stunned.)

Mass Greater Heroism (Enchantment. 15' radius. Close Range. Duration Until End of Combat. Living allies in the area of effect behave bravely in battle. The targets gain a morale bonus of +4 affecting Attack Rolls, Saving Throws and Ability Checks. Further, they gain immunity to Fear effects and temporary Hit Points equal to the caster level. Gold cost 500.)

Mass Irresistible Dance (Enchantment. Mind Affecting. 15' radius. Medium Range. Willpower save to reduce the duration to one round. This spell forces living enemies in the area of effect to dance in place. Victims take a -4 penalty to AC and -10 penalty on Reflex saving throws. Subjects also lose any AC bonus obtained from holding a shield. Lastly, they trigger attacks of opportunity every round on their turn. Duration: 1d4+1 rounds.)

Mass Forcecage (Conjuration. Medium range. 10' radius. 10 rounds. The spell creates bars of force around creatures of size large, medium or small, effectively paralysing them. They cannot move or attack. The creatures can activate psionics and cast stilled spells. They are not helpless and they retain their Dexterity scores. As a full-round action, they can attempt to break free by succeeding on a Strength check of DC 22. The cage can be removed with the spells Freedom, Dispel and Greater Dispel. Reflex negates. No Spell resistance.)

Mass Transformation (Alteration. Duration 10 rounds. All allies in a 15' radius gain combat bonuses. The base attack bonus of each creature becomes equal to the level of each creature and each creature gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength, Constitution and Dexterity. Gold cost 500.)

Solann Conjuration Feats for White Wizards

White Wizard Improved Widen: You can cast a Widened version of Grease, Fog Cloud, Flaming Oil, Glitterdust, Web, Stinking Cloud and Resilient Grease at a +1 spell-level cost, rather than the normal +2 spell-level cost. Requires: Wizard level 1, Solann attunement.

White Wizard Improved Summon: Your Summon Elemental spells are treated as standard-action long-range spells, rather than full-round-action medium-range spells. Requires: Wizard level 1, Solann attunement.

White Wizard Improved Glitterdust: Your Glitterdust spells are treated as long-range spells, rather than medium-range spells, and they no longer affect allied creatures in the area of effect. Requires: Wizard level 1, Solann attunement.

White Wizard Advanced Specialisation: You cast Forcecage as a level-6 spell and Meteor Shower as a level-8 spell. Requires: Wizard level 1, Solann attunement.

White Wizard Quick Globe: You cast the spell Globe of Invulnerability as a move-action spell, rather than a standard-action spell. Requires: Wizard level 1, Solann attunement.

Phoenix Evocation Feats for Red Wizards

Red Wizard Improved Empower: You can cast an Empowered version of Burning Hands, Magic Missile, Shocking Grasp, Ray of Frost, Flaming Sphere, Scorching Ray, Scorch, Acid Splash, Ice Blast, Fireball, Electric Sphere, Lightning Bolt and Sound Lance at a +1 spell-level cost, rather than the normal +2 spell-level cost. Requires: Wizard level 1, Phoenix attunement.

Red Wizard Improved Maximise: You can cast a Maximised version of Burning Hands, Magic Missile, Shocking Grasp, Ray of Frost, Flaming Sphere, Scorching Ray, Scorch, Acid Splash, Ice Blast, Fireball, Electric Sphere, Lightning Bolt and Sound Lance at a +2 spell-level cost, rather than the normal +3 spell-level cost. Requires: Wizard level 1, Phoenix attunement.

Red Wizard Improved Burning Hands: Your Burning Hands spells no longer affect allied creatures in the area of effect. In addition, the radius increases by five feet and the damage increases from 1d4 per level to 1d6 per level. Requires: Wizard level 1, Phoenix attunement.

Red Wizard Advanced Specialisation: You cast Power Fireball as a level-6 spell and Acid Blast as a level-8 spell. Requires: Wizard level 1, Phoenix attunement.

Red Wizard Improved Reach: You cast the spells Shocking Grasp and Greater Shocking Grasp as close-range spells, rather than touch spells. These spells now require a ranged touch attack. In addition, your Scorching Ray, Flaming Sphere and Acid Splash spells are treated as long-range spells, rather than medium-range spells. Your Ice Blast spells are treated as medium-range spells, rather than close-range spells. Requires: Wizard level 1, Phoenix attunement.

Juron Alteration Feats for Green Wizards

Green Wizard Improved Widen: You can cast a Widened version of Dispel Magic, Haste and Slow at a +1 spell-level cost, rather than the normal +2 spell-level cost. Requires: Wizard level 1, Juron attunement.

Green Wizard Quick Casting: You can cast Protection from Arrows, Enlarge, Enhance Weapon, Protection from Energy, Enhance Ability, Darkvision, Greater Enhance Weapon and Haste as move-action spells, rather than standard-action or full-round action spells. Requires: Wizard level 1, Juron attunement.

Green Wizard Improved Alteration: The enhancement bonus from your spells Enhance Weapon and Greater Enhance Weapon increases by +1. The enhancement bonus from your spell Enhance Ability increases by +2. Requires: Wizard level 1, Juron attunement.

Green Wizard Advanced Specialisation: You cast Disintegrate as a level-5 spell and Greater Disintegrate as a level-8 spell. In addition, you cast Mass Fly as a level-7 spell. Requires: Wizard level 1, Juron attunement.

Green Wizard Improved Reach: You cast the spells Enhance Weapon, Protection from Energy, Enhance Ability, Darkvision, Greater Enhance Weapon, True Seeing and Greater Protection from Energy as close-range spells, rather than touch spells. Requires: Wizard level 1, Juron attunement.

Meril Enchantment Feats for Blue Wizards

Blue Wizard Improved Widen: You can cast a Widened version of Sleep, Colour Spray, Mass Blur, Hypnotic Pattern, Mass Protection from Alignment, Deep Slumber and Mass Invisibility at a +1 spell-level cost, rather than the normal +2 spell-level cost. Requires: Wizard level 1, Meril attunement.

Blue Wizard Improved Sleep: Your Sleep and Deep Slumber spells are treated as standard-action long-range spells, rather than full-round-action medium-range spells, and they no longer affect allied creatures in the area of effect. Requires: Wizard level 1, Meril attunement.

Blue Wizard Improved Colour Spray: Your Colour Spray spells no longer affect allied creatures in the area of effect and the Difficulty Class increases by one point. Requires: Wizard level 1, Meril attunement.

Blue Wizard Advanced Specialisation: You cast Control Monster as a level-7 spell and Dominate Monster as a level-8 spell. Requires: Wizard level 1, Meril attunement.

Blue Wizard Improved Reach: You cast the spells Heroism, Greater Heroism and Irresistible Dance as close-range spells, rather than touch spells. Irresistible Dance now requires a ranged touch attack. Requires: Wizard level 1, Meril attunement.

Nocturnis Necromancy Feats for Black Wizards

Black Wizard Free Empower: Your spells Ray of Enfeeblement, False Life and Vampiric Ray are Empowered for free. Requires: Wizard level 1, Nocturnis attunement.

Black Wizard Improved Range: Your spells Ray of Enfeeblement and Vampiric Ray are treated as long-range spells, rather than close-range spells. Requires: Wizard level 1, Nocturnis attunement.

Black Wizard Improved Scare: Your Scare spells no longer affect allied creatures in the area of effect and the Difficulty Class increases by one point. Requires: Wizard level 1, Nocturnis attunement.

Black Wizard Advanced Specialisation: You cast Horrid Wilting as a level-7 spell and Shadow Storm as a level-8 spell. In addition, the damage dealt by Wail of the Banshee increases from 8 points per level to 10 points per level. Requires: Wizard level 1, Nocturnis attunement.

Black Wizard Improved Reach: You cast the spells Cause Fear, Ghoul Touch and Bestow Curse as close-range spells, rather than touch spells. These spells now require a ranged touch attack. Requires: Wizard level 1, Nocturnis attunement.

Cosmic-Sphere Astral Feats for Generalist Wizards

Improved Astral Balance: You gain one extra spell slot of spell level 1 and one extra spell slot of spell level 2. Requires: Wizard level 1, no attunement.

Greater Astral Balance: You gain one extra spell slot of spell level 3 and one extra spell slot of spell level 4. Requires: Wizard level 1, no attunement, Improved Astral Balance.

Perfect Astral Balance: You gain one extra spell slot of spell level 5 and one extra spell slot of spell level 6. Requires: Wizard level 1, no attunement, Greater Astral Balance.

Other Wizard Feats

Orb Master: When you cast the spell Chromatic Orb, you can select one of the lower-level effects. For example, at level 7, you can select either confusion, reduction, slowness or sickness. The damage dealt remains the amount that applies normally for your level. Requires: Level 3.

Improved Firefly Familiar: Your Chromatic Orb spells are empowered for free and the difficulty class increases by one point. Requires: Level 1 and you must have a Firefly familiar.

Dispelling Magic Missile: Each missile from your spell Magic Missile has a 50% chance to destroy a single illusory duplicate created by the spell Mirror Image. Requires: Level 1.

Improved Magic Missile: You deal an extra point of damage with each missile from the spell Magic Missile, and you gain a sixth missile from caster level 11. Requires: Level 1.

Greater Magic Missile: You deal an extra point of damage with each missile from the spell Magic Missile, and you gain a seventh missile from caster level 13. Requires: Level 1, Improved Magic Missile.

Improved Range Magic Missile: Your Magic Missile spells are now long-range spells rather than medium-range spells.

Improved Range Chromatic Orb: Your Chromatic Orb spells are now long-range spells rather than medium-range spells.

Improved Range Grease: Your Grease and Resilient Grease spells are now long-range spells.

Widened Colour Spray: The radius of your Colour Spray spells increases from 15' to 25'.

Improved Finger Of Death: Your Finger of Death spells are improved from Close Range to Long Range.

Greater Finger Of Death: Your Finger of Death spells are improved from Standard Action Casting Time to Move Action Casting Time. In addition, the damage inflicted to your target increases by 1d6 points when the creature saves against the effect of the spell, to 4d6 + 1 per level. Under the effect of the spell Accelerated Spell and Power (Wizard), your Finger of Death spell is further improved to Free Action Casting Time. Requires: Improved Finger Of Death.

Spell Focus: Select a magic school: Conjuration, Evocation, Necromancy, Enchantment or Alteration. You gain a +1 bonus to the difficulty class of all spells in the chosen magic school.

Greater Spell Focus: Select a magic school: Conjuration, Evocation, Necromancy, Enchantment or Alteration. You gain another +1 bonus to the difficulty class of all spells in the chosen magic school. Requires: Spell Focus in the chosen school.

Spell Shaping: Select one of the following spells: Fireball, Electric Sphere, Cone of Cold, Ice Storm, Power Fireball, Prismatic Spray or Acid Blast. When you cast the selected spell (or a metamagic version of it), you manipulate the area of effect so that allies standing within the normal area of effect remain unaffected by the spell. Requires: Greater Spell Focus (Evocation), Level 5 Wizard, Sorcerer or Warlock.

Improved Minute Meteors: Damage from the spell Minute Meteors increases from 2d6 to 3d6.

Improved Range Minute Meteors: Meteors from the spell Minute Meteors are improved from medium range to long range.

Fire Magic: You cast spells with the [fire] descriptor as if your caster level was one level higher. You can exceed by one the normal limit for the number of damage dice. Requires: Spell Focus (Evocation).

Cold Magic: You cast spells with the [cold] descriptor as if your caster level was one level higher. You can exceed by one the normal limit for the number of damage dice. Requires: Spell Focus (Evocation).

Acid Magic: You cast spells with the [acid] descriptor as if your caster level was one level higher. You can exceed by one the normal limit for the number of damage dice. Requires: Spell Focus (Evocation).

Electricity Magic: You cast spells with the [electricity] descriptor as if your caster level was one level higher. You can exceed by one the normal limit for the number of damage dice. Requires: Spell Focus (Evocation).

Sleep and Hold Magic: You gain +1 on the Difficulty Class of all spells with the [sleep] and [paralysis] descriptors. Requires: Spell Focus (Enchantment).

Domination Magic: You gain +1 on the Difficulty Class of the spells Control Person, Dominate Person, Control Monster and Dominate Monster (but not Dominate Undead). Requires: Spell Focus (Enchantment).

Improved Domination: Your spells Control Person and Control Monster are improved from Close Range to Medium Range. Your spells Dominate Person and Dominate Monster (but not Dominate Undead) are improved from Medium Range to Long Range.

Greater Domination: Your spells Control Person, Control Monster, Dominate Person and Dominate Monster (but not Dominate Undead) are improved from Full Round Action Casting Time to Standard Action Casting Time. Requires: Improved Domination.

Dispel Magic: You gain +1 on the Dispel checks generated by the spells Dispel Magic, Greater Dispel Magic, Break Enchantment, Contingent Break Enchantment, Greater Break Enchantment and Contingent Greater Break Enchantment. Requires: Spell Focus (Alteration).

Banishment Magic: You gain +1 on the Difficulty Class of the spells Dismissal and Banishment. Requires: Spell Focus (Alteration).

Disintegration Magic: You gain +1 on the Difficulty Class of the spells Disintegrate and Greater Disintegrate. Requires: Spell Focus (Alteration).

Vampiric Magic: You deal an additional 1d6 points of damage with the spells Vampiric Ray and Vampiric Blast. Requires: Spell Focus (Necromancy).

Armoured Casting: You avoid the spell failure chance when casting spells with a somatic component while wearing armour of a category that you are proficient with. Requires: Light Armour Proficiency.

Improved Wizard Spell Resistance: Your Spell Resistance increases by two points.

Greater Wizard Spell Resistance: Your Spell Resistance increases by two more points. Requires: Improved Wizard Spell Resistance, Level 10.

Lists of spells requiring a saving throw

Alteration (22 spells):

L1 Reduce
L2 Mute
L3 Dispel Magic
L3 Slow
L3 Suppress Sword
L4 Mass Reduce
L5 Mass Mute
L5 Break Enchantment
L5 Dismissal
L5 Baleful Polymorph
L6 Contingent Break Enchantment
L6 Greater Dispel Magic
L6 Disintegrate
L6 Flesh to Stone
L7 Time Control
L7 Banishment
L8 Mass Baleful Polymorph
L8 Mass Suppress Sword
L8 Mass Disrupt Armour
L8 Greater Break Enchantment
L9 Greater Disintegrate
L9 Contingent Greater Break Enchantment

Enchantment (24 spells):

L1 Sleep
L1 Colour Spray
L2 Daze Monster
L2 Hideous Laughter
L2 Hypnotic Pattern
L3 Deep Slumber
L3 Hold Person
L4 Confusion
L4 Crushing Despair
L4 Rainbow Pattern
L4 Control Person
L5 Mass Hideous Laughter L5 Dominate Person
L5 Feeblemind
L5 Hold Monster
L5 Mind Breach
L6 Chaos
L7 Mass Hold Person
L7 Mind Blast
L8 Control Monster
L9 Dominate Monster
L9 Mass Hold Monster
L9 Mass Irresistible Dance
L9 Mass Mind Blast

Evocation (27 spells):

L1 Burning Hands
L1 Gust of Wind
L1 Ray of Frost
L2 Flaming Sphere
L2 Scorch
L2 Acid Splash
L2 Ice Blast
L3 Fireball
L3 Electric Sphere
L3 Lightning Bolt
L3 Sound Lance
L4 Shout
L4 Energy Orb
L5 Cone of Cold
L5 Greater Shocking Grasp
L5 Blast of Force
L5 Greater Gust of Wind
L6 Chain Lightning
L6 Freezing Sphere
L7 Power Fireball
L7 Prismatic Spray
L7 Discharge
L8 Prismatic Wall
L8 Polar Ray
L8 Greater Shout
L8 Sunburst
L9 Acid Blast

Necromancy (21 spells):

L1 Cause Fear
L2 Blindness
L2 Ghoul Touch
L2 Scare
L3 Halt Undead
L3 Ray of Exhaustion
L4 Bestow Curse
L4 Fear
L5 Lesser Malison (Wizard) L5 Psychic Turmoil
L6 Mass Blindness
L6 Undeath to Death
L6 Circle of Death
L7 Circle of Pain L7 Dominate Undead
L7 Finger of Death
L7 Vampiric Blast
L8 Horrid Wilting
L8 Malison
L9 Wail of the Banshee
L9 Shadow Storm

Conjuration (19 spells):

L1 Grease
L1 Chromatic Orb
L1 Flaming Oil
L2 Acid Arrow
L2 Glitterdust
L2 Web
L3 Flame Arrow
L3 Ice Lance
L3 Stinking Cloud
L5 Phantasmal Killer
L5 Cloudkill
L6 Acid Fog
L7 Forcecage
L7 Vortex of Doom
L8 Incendiary Cloud
L9 Weird
L9 Meteor Shower
L9 Mass Forcecage

March 2011-2022. Last Update 27 November 2024. All rights reserved.