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List of Spells

Arcane Spells

Level 1

Entangle: area spell to slow the enemy down and reduce their attack roll and dexterity.

Mage Armor: increases the mage's armor class (AC) by 4.

True Strike: next attack by the mage gains +20 bonus and ignores concealment.

Sleep: circle spell that puts low-level enemies to sleep.

Burning Hands: cone spell that deals fire damage (more if targets are stuck in a web).

Magic Missile: force attack deals damage to a target from a distance. Never misses.

Shocking Grasp: deals electricity damage to adjacent target. Requires melee touch.

Ray of Enfeeblement: ranged touch attack reduces the target's strength.

Cause Shakes: single target takes -2 attack and saving throw penalties.

Enlarge Person: single target deals higher-than-normal damage.

Reduce Person: single target deals lower-than-normal damage.

Ray of Frost: cold damage to a single target. Needs ranged touch.

Enlarge Weapon: not for combat, increases size of a small weapon so you can wield it.

Reduce Weapon: not for combat, decreases size of a large weapon so you can wield it.

Level 2

Acid Ray: ranged touch attack deals 2D4 acid damage, makes it hard to cast spells.

Web: area spell, creatures stuck in the web cannot move.

Daze Monster: target creature takes no action in the next round.

Glitterdust: circle spell, blinds creatures (Willpower save) and removes their invisibility.

Scorching Ray: ranged touch attack deals 4D6 fire damage.

Invisibility: target becomes invisible until it attacks.

Mute: target cannot cast spells unless it uses the silent spell metamagic.

Blindness: target becomes blind (Fortitude saving throw).

Deafness: target becomes deaf (Fortitude saving throw).

False Life: caster gains 1D10 temporary hit points + 1 per caster level.

Ghoul Touch: melee touch paralyses the target.

Bull's Strength: target gains +4 Strength bonus.

Blur: target gains 20% concealment.

Level 3

Dispel Magic: removes magic effects, dismisses summoned creatures.

Deep Slumber: circle spell puts creatures below 10 hit dice to sleep.

Heroism: target gains +2 to attack rolls and willpower saving throws.

Hold Person: humanoid target is paralyzed (Willpower saving throw).

Fireball: circle spell deals 1D6 per level of fire dmg, more if targets are stuck in a web.

Lightning Bolt: line spell deals 1D6 per level of shock damage.

Displacement: target gains 50% concealment.

Ray of Exhaustion: ranged touch attack cuts target's strength and dexterity by 6.

Vampiric Ray: ranged touch deals 1D6 per two caster levels, gives as many HP to caster.

Haste: circle spell gives extra attack to targets, plus bonus to speed, attack and AC.

Slow: circle spell cuts enemy speed, number of attacks, AC (Willpower saving throw).

Reduce Monster: target shrinks, its damage potential declines.

Stinking Burst: circle spell, nauseated creatures can't attack or cast spells (Fort. save).

Level 4

Bestow Curse: each round, target has a 50% chance to lose its turn.

Stoneskin: target gains damage reduction 10 (excepted adamantine weapons).

Control Person: one hostile humanoid now fights for the caster, with an attack penalty.

Confusion: circle spell makes targets confused, they may skip turns or attack friends.

Crushing Despair: cone spell, creatures take -2 penalty to attack, willpower saves.

Fire Shield: creatures who attack the target take fire damage. Also grants cold resistance.

Ice Shield: creatures who attack the target take cold damage. Also grants fire resistance.

Ice Storm: circle spell deals 3D6 cold damage + 3D6 bludgeoning damage.

Shout: cone spell deals 5D6 sonic damage, targets may become deaf.

Wall of Fire: area spell, creatures entering the wall take fire dmg (1D8+1 per 2 levels).

Greater Invisibility: target becomes invisible, stays invisible even when attacking.

Enervation Ray: ranged touch attack inflicts 1D4 negative levels.

Polymorph Spider: caster turns into a giant spider (and cannot cast spells).

Polymorph Bear: caster turns into a bear (and cannot cast spells).

Level 5

Poison Gas: circle spell kills low-level creatures or reduces constitution by 1D6.

Teleport: bring up the world map screen, unless the area you are in is warded.

Wall of Stone: area spell creates a magical wall at the location you specify.

Dominate Person: one hostile humanoid now fights for the caster.

Feeblemind: target cannot cast spells any longer (Willpower saving throw).

Hold Monster: target is paralyzed (Willpower saving throw).

Cone of Cold: cone spell deals 1D6 cold damage per level.

Waves of Fatigue: cone spell reduces strength and dexterity by 2.

Baleful Polymorph: humanoid target is changed into a giant rat.

Rusting Grasp: damages target's nonmagic armor, deals damage to metallic monsters.

Mass Bull's Strength: circle spell increases strength by 4.

Mass Mute: circle spell makes creatures mute (Fortitude saving throw).

Level 6

Polymorph Frost Giant: caster turns into a frost giant (and cannot cast spells).

Polymorph Fire Giant: caster turns into a fire giant (and cannot cast spells).

Greater Heroism: target gains +4 bonus to attack rolls & willpower saves.

Freezing Sphere: circle spell deals 1D6 cold damage per level.

Circle of Death: circle spell kills creatures below 9 hit dice.

Undeath to Death: circle spell destroys undead below 9 hit dice.

Disintegrate: ranged touch attack deals 2D6 damage per level (Fortitude saving throw).

Flesh to Stone: melee touch attack petrifies target (Fortitude saving throw).

Stone to Flesh: restores a petrified character to his normal state.

Transformation: caster gains combat bonuses (and cannot cast spells).

Power Word Sickness: cuts attack roll and saves of a creature with less than 201 HP.

Level 7

Mass Hold Person: circle spell paralyzes humanoids (Willpower saving throw).

Insanity: target creature is permanently confused (Willpower saving throw).

Power Word Blind: makes a creature with less than 201 HP blind.

Dominate Undead: circle spell makes undead creatures fight for you.

Finger of Death: slays a living creature (Fortitude saving throw).

Discharge: ranged touch attack deals 5D12 shock damage +1/level and may stun target.

Waves of Exhaustion: cone spell cuts strength and dexterity of targets by 6.

Vampiric Blast: circle spell deals 2D6 damage to targets, gives as many HP to caster.

Foresight: caster gains +4 bonus to armor class and immunity to critical hits.

Level 8

Mind Blank: target becomes immune to mind effects.

Mind Blast: cuts target HP by 80% (Willpower saving throw).

Irresistible Dance: melee touch attack forces target to dance each round & lowers AC.

Power Word Stun: stuns a creature with less than 151 HP.

Polar Ray: ranged touch attack deals 1D6 cold damage per level.

Greater Shout: cone spell deals 12D6 sonic damage, targets may become deaf.

Dehydrate: circle spell deals 1D6 damage per level (Fortitude saving throw).

Iron Body: caster gains damage reduction and many immunities.

Control Monster: one hostile creature now fights for the caster, with an attack penalty.

Level 9

Greater Disintegrate: ranged touch attack turns target to ashes, or deals 8D8+1/level.

Freedom: removes conditions such as petrified, paralyzed, slowed and stunned.

Dominate Monster: three hostile creatures now fight for the caster (Willpower save).

Mass Hold Monster: circle spell paralyzes living creatures (Willpower saving throw).

Energy Drain: ranged touch attack inflicts 2D6 permanent negative levels.

Power Word Sleep: puts a creature of less than 251 HP to sleep.

Acid Blast: circle spell deals 1D6 acid damage per level.

Divine Spells

Level 1

Light: increases underground line-of-sight, removes magical darkness.

Darkness: area spell creates magical darkness, creatures gain 50% concealment.

Bane: caster-centered circle spell decreases attack roll & willpower saves of enemies.

Bless: caster-centered circle spell increases attack roll & willpower saves of allies.

Magic Stone: throws three magical stones each dealing 1D6 (or 2D6 to undead).

Cure Light Wounds: touch spell cures 1D8 +1 per level up to 5. Hurts undead.

Divine Favor: caster gains bonuses to attack roll, damage roll and saving throws.

Inflict Light Wounds: melee touch attack deals 1D8 +1 per level up to 5. Heals undead.

Protection from Evil: +2 AC bonus versus evil enemies & mind-control immunity.

Remove Shakes: removes the shaken condition.

Remove Fatigue: removes the fatigued condition. Also improves exhausted condition.

Shield of Faith: touch spell gives a deflection bonus to armor class.

Summon Fire Elemental: a fire elemental of level equal to caster level fights for you.

Summon Water Elemental: a water elemental of level equal to caster level fights for you.

Summon Earth Elemental: an earth elemental of level equal to caster level fights for you.

Summon Air Elemental: an air elemental of level equal to caster level fights for you.

Lend Life: touch spell transfers HP from caster to the target.

Level 2

Cure Moderate Wounds: touch spell cures 2D8 +1 per level up to 10. Hurts undead.

Inflict Moderate Wounds: melee touch attack deals 2D8 +1 per level up to 10.

Remove Paralysis: removes the paralyzed condition.

Protection from Arrows: target gains damage reduction 10 against ranged weapons.

Protection from Fire: touch spell gives fire resistance 15.

Protection from Cold: touch spell gives cold resistance 15.

Protection from Acid: touch spell gives acid resistance 15.

Protection from Electricity: touch spell gives shock resistance 15.

Protection from Sonic Energy: touch spell gives sonic resistance 15.

Lesser Restoration: cures all ability damage (but not ability drain or negative levels).

Silence: area spell prevents casting of verbal spells and protects against sonic damage.

Sound Burst: circle spell deals 1D8 damage and may stun targets for one round.

Level 3

Remove Curse: touch spell removes the mute and cursed conditions.

Remove Blindness: touch spell removes the blind and deaf conditions.

Cure Serious Wounds: touch spell cures 3D8 +1 per level up to 15. Hurts undead.

Inflict Serious Wounds: melee touch attack deals 3D8 +1 per level up to 15.

Invisibility Purge: caster-centered circle spell removes invisibility effects.

Mass Protection from Evil: circle spell gives AC bonus versus evil & mind-control immu.

Prayer: caster-centered circle spell gives attack bonus to friends, penalty to enemies.

Searing Light: ranged touch attack deals 1D8 per two caster levels, more to undead.

Greater Protection from Fire: touch spell gives fire resistance 30.

Greater Protection from Cold: touch spell gives cold resistance 30.

Greater Protection from Acid: touch spell gives acid resistance 30.

Greater Protection from Electricity: touch spell gives shock resistance 30.

Greater Protection from Sonic Energy: touch spell gives sonic resistance 30.

Level 4

Cure Critical Wounds: touch spell cures 4D8 +1 per level. Hurts undead.

Inflict Critical Wounds: melee touch attack deals 4D8 +1 per level. Heals undead.

Insect Plague: area spell makes spellcasting and ranged attacks difficult.

Protection from Poison: touch spell gives immunity to ability damage.

Poison: melee touch attack cuts constitution by 2D10 (Fortitude saving throw).

Restoration: cures all ability damage and ability drain, but not negative levels.

Divine Power: caster gains combat and HP bonuses.

Freedom of Movement: touch spell gives immunity to entangle, web, grapple, paralysis.

Death Ward: touch spell gives immunity to death effects & negative levels.

Level 5

Mass Cure Light Wounds: circle spell cures 1D8+1/level, affects only allies.

Mass Inflict Light Wounds: circle spell inflicts 1D8+1/level, affects only enemies.

Greater Protection from Evil: touch spell gives +4 AC bonus versus evil creatures.

Raise Dead: dead player character is brought back to life, loses excess XP for his level.

Righteous Might: caster gains combat bonuses and increases in size.

Slay Living: melee touch attack kills a living creature (Fortitude saving throw).

Spell Resistance: touch spell gives Spell Resistance 12 + caster level.

True Seeing: target can see through invisibility, concealment and magical darkness.

Level 6

Harm: melee touch attack deals 10 per level up to 150. Heals undead.

Heal: touch spell heals 10 per level up to 150 and removes many adverse conditions.

Mass Cure Moderate Wounds: circle spell cures 2D8+1/level, affects only allies.

Mass Inflict Moderate Wounds: circle spell inflicts 2D8+1/level, affects only enemies.

Level 7

Mass Cure Serious Wounds: circle spell cures 3D8+1/level, affects only allies.

Mass Inflict Serious Wounds: circle spell inflicts 3D8+1/level, affects only enemies.

Remove Negative Levels: touch spell removes negative levels.

Mass Death Ward: circle spell gives immunity to death effects and negative levels.

Level 8

Mass Cure Critical Wounds: circle spell cures 4D8+1/level, affects only allies.

Mass Inflict Critical Wounds: circle spell inflicts 4D8+1/level, affects only enemies.

Fire Storm: rectangle spell deals 1D6 fire damage per caster level.

Level 9

Mass Heal: circle spell heals 10 per level and removes many adverse conditions.

Mass Harm: circle spell inflicts 10 per level up to 200. Heals undead enemies.

True Resurrection: dead player character is brought back to life with his full HP and XP.

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